šŸ”¶ Mangird XENNS UP


Somehow the Lagavulin 16 felt right sitting beside it.


Beautiful photos! Couldnā€™t agree more about the Lagavulin 16. Iā€™m doing some Merlot right now.

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Ohh a single malt. I prefer a blended Canadian whiskey personally, but that is a nice choice.


First impressions are utterly fantastic. They definitely give a strong first impression. Thatā€¦bobbing head up and down and getting up on your feet celebrating, kind of new hot sound. Thanks BGGAR for the stellar rec!

Maybe as I hear them more, that novelty could dampen, as these things do, but right now Iā€™m loving whatā€™s in my ears.

More to come!!


Such bad luck! Was it really the cable or did you get a bad set?

Set is fine. Cable is bad. Iā€™ve been talking to Linsoul tonight about it. Not the best handiwork under that sheath.

This cable is not at all what you would expect out of a $700 set, right? Even if it was working fine, it is just not premiumā€¦

Btw, when you get a chance would you please compare the bass slam on these with the Zens? So far i like the set a lot but the tonality, mids and highs are the things impressing me other than the dynamic slam!

Iā€™m using a THIEAUDIO EST cable on it at the moment. I have a lot of these. Theyā€™ve always been perfect. I highly recommend!

I posted my impression above concerning the dynamic slamā€¦

I would say the Zen slams harder.


Oh sorry i missed that, so far our impressions match.

I do like the set, like them better than the Teas already and i bet some brain burn-in will make it even better, but yeah the highs are really relaxed and the bass does not slam as much as i expected, that is the problem with being hyped about something, right? Most of the time even if that something is really great reality never measures up to expectations, lol

The reality is that the Fostex Ebony ruined bass for me, that thing is in a whole different level from just everything elseā€¦

EDIT: Btw, i was hoping the shells would be exactly the same as the Teas because they fit me very comfortably, but even though the UPs are bigger the fit is perfect, no complaints from my side either

Glad youā€™re enjoying them as much as you are.

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I only could listen to a couple tracks tonight. Such is life.

But I so far got the impression that you have, that the bass isnā€™t necessarily what I thought it would be with the notes about it. However, the bass is present in a kind of abundant way still, even if not booming. Itā€™s very satisfying yea?

The clarity of the treble is also wonderful when it comes to the harmonics around higher notes, string slides and plucksā€¦

Itā€™s somehow a laid back set while still feeling full, beautifully crisp in just the right places, and never sibilant. Well, this is all true for just my ears so far anyway. Gotta head to head-fi now and reiterate these impressions haha.


Iā€™m struggling to hear hi hats at all in busy passages where I normally can.

Yep i agree, i would never imagine the tonality would be the aspect of the UPs i would like the most.

From what i heard so far the magic comes from the overall tuning and how everything plays together, not specifically about a super crispy highs or a hard hitting bass. It is overall a super pleasant sound, the bass is great and all, but to my ears it does not steal the show.

Heh, I guess thatā€™s something I need to explore more. Iā€™m dying to try more tracks than the couple I did briefly.

removed enjoy the gear

I am listening to this song right nowā€¦ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVaBnE1clsQ Hi hats are buried in this song vs all my other tribrids.

Itā€™s all good. You have nothing to prove. We all get burned once and a while. Live and learn.

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removed enjoy the gear

I saidā€¦

They are there, but theyā€™re buried vs Variations, Oracle & Monarch which Iā€™ve been comparing to tonight.

I guess my ears suck. Sorry.

removed enjoy the gear

I was high on Wagyu and never posted :man_facepalming: