Metal music thread & IEM for it

shit…missed Ronnie’s passing date…last week…would have been 81…wow





Donk Donk Donk Donk
Anytime I hear about St Anger, I immediately think of the Trainwreckords episode about it:

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New to this hobby but was hoping to get some help if possible. Has anyone tried the shanling me600 for metal?

Looking for a set that won’t be too sibilant. Hopefully under 300 and the shanling is currently on sale.

I’ve seen the review but just wanted to see if you guys had any extra input based on other info or if you guys tried them yourselves

No. I haven’t tried them. I guess not many people have tried them.

Appreciate you brother. Was just wondering if anyone had at least any input on the graph or what a graph should look like for metal items.

It depends on your preference, but here are some examples:

For example, I like the DTE900 and IE600, but some will not like it…
From the buds you can get Riku’s Saber 3 :fire:, they are perfect for metal!


Soundeater you def seem to know your stuff and are cool enough to help me out… Since I am relatively new to the hobby… What would this graph say to you?

It doesn’t look bad. With the red filter you can also listen to metal. I don’t know what kind of BAs were used and whether they would not have a bad timbre for the guitars. Upper mids are not bad, trebles too, but there is BA in the nozzle. FR is not everything, it depends on the quality of the drivers. Shanling are doing good things in general. Personally, in this price category, I would go for 1DD!

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Consider the ikko oh10 (needs some easy mods) for a cheaper alternative that is well known for its rock/metal capability.

Just need these 2 materials:
high density 4x3mm:

4.5mm 500 mesh:

Or like SoundEater said, my Rikubuds Saber 3. (or Berserker 3)


I appreciate all the help fellas. I have the s12 currently and was hoping to upgrade. Only have a budget of 300 dollars so I will take a look at the ikko as well.

I know some people also modified the s12 but thing is I don’t want to mess them up lol. I will try and find some videos on them.

Tone-deaf really likes the shanlings and I got pretty excited since it is currently at 270 from 330.

Since I am new to the hobby I can be a bit compulsive so I am trying to take a step back and get into from you guys so I def appreciate it.

My biggest concern is fatigue and I am a fan of warm fun sound with good bass. I def am sensitive to iems that are too bright.


It’s a hard hobby to pin down. We can all try our best to give you recs though. For me personally the OH10 had to much bite in guitars in the 3-4k region. Even after modding it. It was great when the bass was kicking in conjunction with guitars to help mask the energy. On solos though it just became to much.

For me that’s why I personally prefer a darker or more mellow approach in the 3-5k region for metal. The more drastic upward incline of the OH10 put to much emphasis in that region. On the examples I gave earlier there’s more of a fine balance from the 1k I’ll to 4k. Which for my ears tends to help deemphasis the bite on guitars. Also makes it so I can listen longer and louder without fatiguing. On the Meteor it’s drastic after 1k to 2.5k but then dips drastically. That dip really helps cut fatigue on guitar solos.

I’m not saying anyone is wrong with their opinions here. We all have our preferences. Realize the sets I mentioned anre out of your budget but some info to consider as you look around at charts.


Mag do you know of any iems to look at withing budget? Market is saturated so it’s a bit overwhelming and would not even know what to look for.

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Don’t know if you saw the graph I put up earlier from monk but maybe it’s not warm like you just explained

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Yeah I think that one would ultimately still suffer the same fate as described. At least for me it would.

Mag you know anything about the
DUNU SA6 MK2 6BA? They are on sale but above my budget but maybe in the future