Metal music thread & IEM for it

:ok_hand: :metal:
If you want low pina, DUNU is very good - warm/neutral but warm sound prevails, with a great stage and good imaging and separation. It might be perfect for your preference for a warm sound without shouty. In the ideal version, it would be better for the guitars to have mids on the JQ and everything else on the DUNU FR and the technology. But it’s good.

Neon Pro

No I only ever heard the SA6 and SA6U. Ultra I owned for quite awhile. It’s ironically what my target came out to be when I averaged out my favorite IEMs in REW which did not include the Ultra. My target is more what I consider the base and where a reference tuning begins to my preference.

SA6U is exactly that. It’s more a reference tuning that adds a touch color to make music not come across dull. It’ll play well with nearly every genre/song you throw at it. It’s an easy volume blaster and all day fatigue free listening with the flat 2k-4.5k. That’s what I found its special sauce was however, many would probably call that’s its weakness. There’s not many songs where it really adds that extra fun factor. You want great all arounder though it easily gets my rec.

From the looks of it doesn’t seem the MK2 is far off from the SA6U. You’ll get the BA bass speed that metal benefits from. Unfortunately it probably won’t be as authoritive in the bass and lack energy in the guitars.

Edit: Just this morning I was checking out the Arete. Looks a lot like a SA6U but, has a DD pulling the bass duties. Would probably help the bass not come across as dry as on SA6U. The extension into the 4k-6k would also help to pull in a bit more upper energy in the guitars.


Damn good looking out. I will keep my eye on the arete.

Was looking around and saw this. I am not very good yet at reading graphs but…seems pretty similar to what you suggest.

Similar to the SA6U?

Nope, they are very different.

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For metal… hmmm…


Hahaha thanks brother


Haha agreed with @SoundEater


Any input on the aful explorer while I wait to see more on the arete.

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So aful explorer is a good/decent budget metal iem. :astonished:


I am happy to hear more reports of Aful Explorer being a solid pick.

I ordered it based on the tuning being a bit different, and leaning a bit dark.

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How about Softears Studio4 , i have them. Completely wrong set i think? Maybe i should EQ to them something else, but what would that be?

Yes. Wrong choice. The only solution is: selling and buying an adequate IEM for metal music. Or you can make an EQ, but if someone has them, let them say what kind.

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Thanks, i thought about IE600, but im worried of QC issues, how long have you had them? Sennheiser has them currently on Sale for 509€ :thinking:

I have had them for almost 2 years. They have a warranty and if there is a problem Senn will replace them with a new pair. What source will you be listening to them on? Must be a good source!
Note that the sound has nothing to do with Studio 4!

I have Ifi Zen Dac V2 on PC, i had S12 before the Studio4, but s12 treble was a bit too much and i wanted something neutral, but seems like it’s not working for metal.

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