I was listening to the new album now. I had missed it , but it’s very good
In fact, in the 19th century, this is how they treated headaches…
I cure my headache by listening to this:
Not as technical as most of the shared music above in this thread, but still pure, raw metal
Defacing God - The Resurrection
Listening on the Pula PA02. I was lucky and got them on sale, but they are back to $189 US again.
The nozzle size is huge and I almost returned them as I was having difficulty finding a tip that was comfortable, but didn’t affect the music negatively. Wider bore tips, which I generally prefer, allowed too much brightness through to my ears. Once I got the SpinFit W1 fitted, everything fell into place. One of the best audio experiences for Metal in almost 40 years of headbanging.
Funny, i got the spinfit w’s the other day and they ended up on the pula02’s as well.
SuperMix 4 is making my head bop at the moment