šŸ”· Meze 99 Classic/Neo/Noir

I would definitely be open to another set of Meze headphones. If they could do something in the Elex price range, I would be Very interested. My 99ā€™s are currently my oldest 'phones. By a LONG shot. :grin:

Mine, that I got around Christmas, will be in sale this week. Once I got the TH-X00 I didnā€™t look back.

Got some Brainwavz Oval Velour pads on the 99c today, the comfort and isolation is improved, no longer losing seal.
They still touch my ears, but that wasnā€™t a problem anyway.

Sound isā€¦ definitely different. Less boom, cleaner, almost hurt at high volume.
Also got the Hybrid and PU pad versions but I donā€™t feel the need to swap more right now.

Gonna give them a week then try the stock pads again.

Happy so far. My main gripe was the bad seal.

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IMO they sound way better with the velour pads, but Iā€™m not a bass-head.

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Iā€™m inclined to agree, I like big fat bass but the stock pads are boomy to me.

Is it worth it to get this headphone for the budget range does it blow everything out of place iā€™ve come to settle with the shp-9500 as my gaming headset and want a strictly music headset

i listen to synth like daft punk,chromatics,kavinsky and older rock and such alot of different stuff not just one genre

Does it need to be closed back? Whatā€™s your budget and sound signature preference, and what will you be using to drive it?

I have the exact same pads and while I agree the sound is changed and less boomy, I keep the stock small pads on because itā€™s the exact reason I have these headphones: to give me stupid bass when I want it, lol.

how are the mids of the velour? whenever I tried different pads on my set the mids always seem to get sucked out.

They donā€™t seem to kill the mids, quite the opposite. Less boomy bass makes everything else cleaner.
I also tried the PU leather version and like it more. The pleather ones seem better with the bass, even more than the velour.

Still have the oval hybrids to try, maybe these days.

One note is that I donā€™t like the velour material on the BW pads at all, cat hair magnet and they have that ā€œstatic noiseā€ feeling to them. Maybe itā€™s just me.

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So here is confirmation of the latest Meze close-back still in development.

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I just bought the 99 Noir today and Iā€™m blown away! They sound fantastic, exactly the type of sound I was looking for. Thatā€™s with the small pads, with the large ones the bass becomes muddy. Iā€™ve tried the DT 770 PRO 250 before, but they just didnā€™t click for me - although I can definitely see why people like them.

Unfortunately, Iā€™m struggling with the pads. Both pairs are just not comfortable, at least on my ears. The ears touch the speakers and I get a pressuring feeling over time that annoys the heck out of me. Iā€™m trying to get used to them, but they frustrate me.

I saw a few people have tried a few pads already. Did anyone manage to find a set of pads that sounds similar to the small pads while being deep enough so ears donā€™t touch the speakers? Or would I have to move to another headphone (recommendations? :p)? Thanks!

BTW, first post here, nice to meet ya all :slight_smile:


The larger Noir pads are just the stock pads on the 99 classics, right?
Yeah, they are muddy.

Theyā€™re fairly clampy regardless of pads, bigger pads just make them ok for longer wearing (more cushion, bigger surface area).

If you like the sound it wonā€™t hurt to try some aftermarket pads. I use the Brainwavz Oval PU Leather with the 99 Classics. I donā€™t know how the small factory pads sound however.

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Yeah, youā€™re right, theyā€™re clampy. I think Iā€™m fine with that. itā€™s my ears pushing against the pads that I donā€™t like. Still, the sound signature is great. Iā€™ll probably try a couple of different ear pads - hopefully they wonā€™t change the sound too much.

I thought the larger pads were theā€¦ v2? Iā€™m not sure, Iā€™ve lost count. Thereā€™s like what, 4 revisions now? The larger ones are slightly more comfortable, but the bass just goes haywire and veils everything. Itā€™s actually quite fascinating how such a small difference in the pad hole diameter makes such an obvious difference to the sound, I didnā€™t expect it.

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With the Brainwavz, I felt the pleather was pretty similar to the stock pads (muddy). The velours changed the sound a lot to my preference, but it doesnā€™t sound like that would match your preferences. Maybe try the ones with holes in them or the hybrids?

Just a warning if your order direct Brainwavz: shipping is going to take awhile. It was maybe 3-4 weeks for my new K7XX pads.

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Got 99 noirs last weekā€¦running them on Schiit stack and really digging the sound.
This Land - Gary Clark Jr bumps!
Only running on the smaller pads. Comfortable enough for all day use in fit and sound. Added bonus they look fucking classy. Very Happy guy here. Thank @Davidibiza

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My pleasure.

Thanks for the info! It matches what I read on various forums yesterday. Most pads seem to change the warm character that I like w/ these cans.

I ended up ordering the Shure 1540 Alcantara Ear Pads. Theyā€™ll arrive tomorrow. Iā€™m hopeful. Otherwise I might return these, weā€™ll see!

Itā€™s amazing how much the 6XX has spoiled me. Ever since I bent the headband, theyā€™ve become the most amazing headphones Iā€™ve ever worn comfort-wise. They also sound great. Different, but still very enjoyable - although I admit I sometimes EQ their low end a bit. Unfortunately, sometimes open headphones are just not a viable option.

I suspect the 177x would match what I really want + comfort, but I canā€™t convince myself to spend $450 for them. Drop is out of stock anyway, although Amazon does sell them for $470 :slight_smile:

If you check the deals thread, I did post that someone on Facebook was selling the 177x for $200. FYI.

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