đŸ”· Meze 99 Classic/Neo/Noir

Oh sorry, that was a reply to @MrAyrit in regards to the pads fitting lol - was trying to get a 2-for-1 post in there.

That’s how mine are on.

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Oh boy
 Led Zeppelin on these cans is amazing. They kill all the bad sounds and just spin your mind with the imaging.

Just got a link from Jazziz magazine. It is a youtube featuring Antonio Meze. Some interesting stuff if you are a fan:

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It’s worth a listen in the background, heard it when it came out.

What stuck out is their remark about how the 99s are not big profit makers, but it got them known in the audio market.
They say it’s priced too low because they didn’t know much about doing business, but I think they knew very well what they were doing.

So I guess we should expect future mid-tier models to be more expensive?

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Wonder what they could do for a $1,000.00 headphone price point? I love my 99’s, especially with my tube amp.

Same here! :smile: My dream headphones are emperyans but their just too much for my wallet right now. I wish meze would make that middle ground $1000 headphone.

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Im sure it will happen eventually they are a rather new company who isnt too busy with marketing or anything so they arent especially popular but give it a few years we will probably see more from them

I heard rumours they were making a new planar model.

That would be interesting, perhaps a planar model that’s more affordable to the general population who doesn’t want to spend 3 grand lmao

I also heard rumors of some of their Empyrean technology trickling down into more consumer friendly models.

They are a very small company. Their middle ground for 1000$ are IEM’s

Schiit audio was once a very small company too
just saying

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Sure. Not saying they will not eventually. Just takes longer when you are small.

I mean, considering how good the empyrean is considered, I would buy a cheaper consumer based planar from Meze.

There is this thing on head-fi in the 99c thread, note that it could very possibly be fake:

Any Spaniards around? How reputable is this store?

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The Penta and solo were legit so that’s promising

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I know the store, can’t access the link
 Normal store I guess.

i’d be very interested in the 105 classic :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ve had the 99 Noirs for several weeks now and I keep reaching for them. Been listening to them long enough to say man, I’m really enjoying these. The bass/mid-bass is so crunchy and great for listening to hard rock and metal. Tool sounds so good.