▶ Micca RB42

Haha niceeeeeee, nice desk too! I’m sure the seperation is much nicer now


hehe. was it like 4 days to crack the spine. :wink:
that looks way better. Probably sounds better to with more of everything.


That’s nicer than many people will have lol. Looks great!

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I have a question about these. Reviews of these say that the bass is impressive for their size but it sounds a little anemic to me.

I have been listening to music through headphones mainly and a cheap Logitech 5.1 system using only two speakers and the sub. I had a Klipsch promedia 2.1 in the past. They all have more bass imo, granted, I’m comparing Rb42 with headphones and speakers with subs.

Are my impressions correct or are the speakers faulty or is it a placement issue? I remember being pretty impressed by their bass in Zeos’s review. Thanks!

What amp are you using? These are actually pretty power hungry

I don’t think any pair of small speakers is going to compete with a sub for bass reproduction.

Of course, but these do have fairly impressive bass output (not subbass)

Emotiva A-100. Maybe it’s the lack of subbass that I’m noticing?

But if your not really familiar with how small speakers sound, there will be some adjustment.
Most systems with cheap subs struggle to control the bass, even larger speakers can sound like they have less bass when really they just have better control.


That should be somewhat fine, but I do think more power could be helpful. But no amount of power will have those preform subbass well, you might just want to pick up a sub like the BIC f12 or something


Yeah that’s very true. I just think for the size they are pretty full sounding to me, but yeah

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Yea I’m wondering if that might be it. Would a headphone’s bass also seem more pronounced? (Feel like these questions are dumb…)

Yea I’ve been eyeing the F12 but probably will have to wait for more physical space. What would be the hypothetical amp upgrade, under $500 if possible?

Would you be looking at something smaller like an integrated or something a bit larger like a power amp and preamp?

I do like the size of the Emotiva. Let’s just say something similar for the time being.

Hmm that might be harder lol. Perhaps like the denon pma 800 ne (can be found around this price)?

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Ah got it, I’ll look into the Denon but I’m probably going have to step up in size in the future. In any case, seems like getting a sub is the better solution atm. Much thanks, as always!

Mine do alright with a pa3 considering how tiny they are

The pa3 packs alot of punch for it’s size lol

Seems to be a theme on my desk lol

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