(MBA) Corner

@Erokh all are noted my friends. And have solid bases. Your assessments are valuable in my eyes. I wish they asked to the seasoned guys like us before the campaign.

Whales will get a free IEM in exchange for a positive review

In fairness to them though, they did agree this with the WDC and have an official partnership, they are listed on the WDC website as a corporate partner. I don’t get the impression that WDC is very picky about their partnerships but it’s legit:

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It’s basically free publicity for them at this point, so why not…

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Simgot EW200 is finally reviewed at MBA.

Just explored the Simgot EW200 in the ever-growing IEM market. It’s not about flashiness, it’s about genuine sound. The EW200 delivers clean, detailed audio, and while it has its quirks, its quality is undeniable. For true music enthusiasts, it offers a real, nuanced experience. Simply put: Simgot EW200 prioritizes substance over show. IEMs / Other In-Ear Monitors (IEM)

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Yanyin Canon II is reviewed at MBA, by Chris :arrow_down_small:

Yanyin Canon II
“The Worthy Successor”

1DD/4BA Hybrid

I have spent the better part of a year enchanted by one of the better iems within the $300 to $400 price point. That set is the “OG” Yanyin Canon. So, imagine my delight when Joseph Yeung contacted me about reviewing the latest Yanyin hybrid set and the follow-up to my beloved Canon, the “Yanyin Canon II”. Needless to say he didn’t have to ask twice. Thus, I must thank both Joseph Yueng and Linsoul Audio for providing the Canon II in exchange for a review and feature.

The Canon II is built exceptionally nice and is absolutely striking in appearance. It is accessorized in a way fitting of a +$350 iem as well. However, it’s the sound that captivates me. Truly a contender in the $300 to $400 price point. Just completely dynamically expressive with a lean-lush sound that leaves no area of the mix either forgotten or too over-saturated. The Canon II is very well tuned folks.

Comparisons: Xenns Mangird Tea / Yanyin Canon / Fiio FH9

Canon II Pros :fire::fire::fire:
-Build is a very nice all resin enclosure
-One of my most comfortable sets
-The look & design is absolutely stunning and creative
-Cable is very nice, shiny gloss white a perfect contrast to the Canon II
-Very full and expressive macro-dynamics
-The bass is robust and has great control per the quantity
-Vocals sound rich, melodious, and vivid
-Midrange in general is very well tuned
-Treble comes across non-offensive but well controlled
-Detail retrieval is very good for such a tuning
-Soundstage has great size
-Separation, Imaging, Layering

Canon II Cons :cold_face::cold_face:
-I wouldn’t call the switches a gimmick but they don’t do a lot
-Possibly too much low-end for some
-I could use a hint more treble punch and bite
-If I’m being picky, for $379 can we get more eartips?

Full written review of the Yanyin Canon II:

IEMs / Other In-Ear Monitors (IEM)


KZ ZAT 1DD/8BA is reviewed at MBA, by Chris :arrow_down_small:

“At the link below is my full review of the KZ ZAT, which happens to be KZ’s latest under $100 hybrid iem. The ZAT is built very well, looks dope too with that diamond plate faceplate. Honestly, the ZAT is another contending set within the price point. KZ did a good job on this one.

Now, the sound won’t be for everyone (what is?) but I’ve enjoyed my time listening and comparing the ZAT. Unlike the AS24, the ZAT has some pretty nice DD bass which operates in quality over quantity. This Def isn’t for bassheads. However, it is a clean bass that doesn’t muddy the rest of the mix. The mids are lean-lush in body and are very well presented in the mix leaning closer to the listener then further away. Details in the midrange are easy to discern. The treble is sprightly, vibrant, decently extended and there’s some bite. KZ did a good job of making a coherent sound between the many drivers with a musical sound while not skimping on details. At the end of the day, I think that the ZAT will either be loved or… Not. It’s certainly a good set but it isn’t some safe approach that we see all so often.

ZAT Pros​:fire::fire::fire:
-Build Quality is fantastic
-Price to performance
-The design is dope
-Actual working dip-switches
-Very musical sound for a technically adept tuning
-Warm/Neutral sound that comes across very resolute
-Bass quality
-Clean and energetic midrange
-Nice treble emphasis and detail
-Great Technicalities (details, separation, Imaging)
-Decent sized stage

ZAT Cons :cold_face::cold_face:
-Cable is the same KZ cable
-Accessories for a $80 iem
-Look may not be for everyone
-This set is enormous (same size as the AS24)
-I’m sure some folks would like more emphasis in the low-end (for the bass-bois)
-Vocals could use a bit more warmth and body
-There’s a bit of upper-mid glare at times and in certain switch settings
-Can come across slightly artificial at times”

In-Ear Monitors (IEM)

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BQEYZ Wind is reviewed, and compared with its recent relatives. Very good for its price. I will compare it with Softears Twilight in terms of naturalness and soundstage :pray:

In-Ear Monitors (IEM) IEMs / Other


I didn’t see a comparison to the amazing Twilight? Interested to see that. Cheers TDM

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Ofc man, I said I will. The result might be a seperate post here and Facebook group :wink:

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Here you go man

This is a Q&A about the soundstage width of Softears Twilight and BQEYZ Wind.

The source is dx320, H gain mode. And Driving of Hans Zimmer Live in Prague track

“Twilight” envelops me in a cocoon of sound, with the soundstage extending slightly beyond a semi-circular configuration. The sound seems to come from what appear to be wide-spread speakers in front of me, as well as on my left and right shoulders, creating a surround sound effect that immerses me in the song.

In contrast, “Wind” transports me to a more expansive yet distant soundstage. The music surrounds me, preserving the immersive quality but lacking the strong sensation of directional sound that I had in “Twilight.” The lack of noticeable speaker locations in “Wind” lends the music a mystical atmosphere, as if the melodies are materializing from the ether, painting a limitless sonic environment.

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Simgot EA1000 is reviewed at MBA :arrow_down_small:

This is a high-quality performer, with the sort of artistry, clarity, vitality, bass, and midrange that typically costs more than $300.

In-Ear Monitors (IEM) [Official] IEMs / Other

I ran a quick first sound impressions for ibasso dc04pro and Colorfly M1P. The source is V30 as usual for my first impressions writeups. But the headphone is different. Hifiman Sundara Closed Back! Impedance: 20Ω and Sensitivity: 98dB. can’t be driven easily. So here comes DC04pro and M1P to the rescue.

Colorfly M1P is supplying neutral power with Shio-like manner. Warm, smoky and smoothened edges in playback. M1P is mature, musky and only assisting the v30 from an analog point of view. It’s not surprising for a Colorfly dac to sound analog. Those who witnessed good old times will get what I mean.

On the other hand, ibasso dc04pro is with the same neutralness. But the timbre is neutral to bright now. I thought I was hearing a dx300 :face_with_hand_over_mouth: And it’s power is massive, only a quarter of gain slider and %100 of dc04 was quite enough for a loud, dynamic and fun listen. dc04pro have a gigantic power value, even at 3.5mm. It is handling all the driving process single handed! I truly wonder the 4.4mm performance.

The rest will continue in their own reviews. Stay tuned.

Portable DAC/AMPs & Dongles Headphones Headphone Amps


Hidizs S9Pro Plus Martha is reviewed at MBA, by Mahir Efe Falay :arrow_down_small:

The compact and powerful Hidizs S9pro got an update with the new Hidizs S9Pro Plus and the same chip, but because the implementation is above all, the result is a solid advance over the previous Hidizs dongle series. :+1:

Portable DAC/AMPs & Dongles DACs Headphone Amps

Letshuoer Audio opened his mouth and said S15. I thank LETSHUOER in the name of

Here are the first impressions with v30 and 3.5mm adapter. 4.4 and dx320’s will follow in its review:

The visual is simple and minimalistic. And the sealed envelope is touchy! It contains all of the paperwork. Also contain a poster of their design.

The appearance is simple and very convenient to navigate in. The drawer is giving it a premium feelings. And the sealed envelope is touchy! It contains all of the paperwork. Also included is a poster of their design.


The dimensions of sound projection is fairly broad. The presentation is forward and clear. Unburned, it’s playback is a little metallic, but quite transparent. The texture of the vocal adds weight to it. When the guitar and drumming music comes with full force, I feel a type of crush without being disturbed. The bass guitar or whatever is playing in the background is picked easily. Red Hot Chili Peppers’ tonality does not leave any detail out, and its overall musicality contributes to the laid back and taking easy environment of Californication. During the guitar solo, the guitar is right in front of me.


vs S12: You kidding? Not any other iem than S12 would be its contender. Note that I am not aware of the retail price.

The playback is impressive at weight, width of the soundstage, clarity and layering. The drum line at the intro of The Final Victory is showing signs of treble resolution with the cymbals accompanying the drum at s15, s12 is a couple of steps behind it… The brutal vocal have some weight, unlike S12. The violins are soaring up with vividnessı. However, S12 isn’t falling far behind.

vs Klanar

The track is the same. Planar driver sizes are same (14.8mm) The bass weight is remarkable, but resolution can’t compete with S15. Soundstage width is superior at S15, compared to Klanar. 3D imaging is behind S15 too. Violins appear to be low res and textureless at Klanar. They are flowing like banners lifted up in the air at S15.

Feel free to ask any questions!

In-Ear Monitors (IEM) IEMs / Other


Does it say anywhere if it’s just planar or if it has a PR?

These were posted on HF some time ago.

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AFUL MagicOne is reviewed at MBA, by Mahir Efe Falay

It is hard to attribute the sound to just one BA. But specs don’t lie. With the addition of SE-Math Electro-Acoustic Intermodulation, Nautilius Acoustic Maze, and Conch Structure cavity, the output is crazy for a BA.

Single BA traditionally meant Westone Um 1 for me in the past, a standard I had grown accustomed to. Approaching this new model, I carried the same set of expectations, anticipating a familiar experience. However, what I encountered was entirely unexpected – this new offering is an absolute jaw-dropper! The exceptional clarity, refined sound quality, and depth of the audio experience it delivers far surpass what I had come to associate with a single BA setup. It’s as if every nuance in the music is brought to life, offering a rich and immersive listening experience that redefines my understanding of audio performance in this category. This isn’t just an improvement; it’s a complete game-changer!

In-Ear Monitors (IEM)

Letshuoer S15 is reviewed at MBA, by Mahir Efe Falay

The Letshuoer S15 is a wonderful in-ear monitor that should be praised for its dynamic audio performance, superb technical details, and ergonomic craftsmanship. Its clarity is nothing short of impressive, and the vocals have a robust texture and an immersive sound quality that are particularly noticeable in the intense instrumental phases. The advanced 14.8mm planar driver and Pfiltering module of the S15 is responsible for its bass’ impactful and meticulously controlled range from a deep thump to a crisp punch. In sum, the Letshuoer S15 distinguishes itself with a well-rounded sound profile, positioning it as a formidable competitor in its class.



Successful Planar Magnetic Implementation: The S15 employs 14.8mm planar magnetic driver, helpful for the precise and quality sound reproduction.
Excellent Bass Quality: The S15 has very good bass quality, offering depth and punch without overwhelming the overall sound profile.
Versatility Across Genres: This IEM is versatile and performs well across a wide range of musical genres, making it suitable for diverse listening preferences.
Uber 3D Imaging: Every instrument can come alive, especially in high-quality recordings. Impressive Performance: S15 highlights its impressive performance, especially notable on first listen.
Comfort and Ergonomic Design: Improvements in comfort are easy to notice, suggesting that the S15 is designed with user ergonomics in mind.


Price: I know everything has a price, but it should be cheaper by 10 percent.
Balanced: Truly not for the bassheads or any kind of head.
Design: The shell design is disappointing after DZ4.
Venting: There would have been more venting.

In-Ear Monitors (IEM) IEMs / Other


iBasso DC-Elite is reviewed at MBA, by Mahir Efe Falay

The ROHS chipset featuring dongle we’ve been waiting for is reviewed with attention and honesty.


• Increase in bass, clarity, and mids

• Sound feels closer due to increased power

• Energetic and technical

• Slight warming of sound due to analog structure

• The volume knob normally found at desktop equipment

• Allowing filter settings and more to be enhanced via an android app


• Potential contact issues when turning the knob

• High power consumption

• Limited visibility and effect of extra features

• Size and Weight

• The iBasso UAC application is non-responsive at V30

• Lightning end of the appropriate cable gets hot

Portable DAC/AMPs & Dongles DACs Headphone Amps

ZiiGaat NUO is reviewed at MBA, by Mahir Efe Falay :arrow_down_small:

I dreamed of a budget iem which sounded this good both technically and musically! Now the dream became true :heart:

IEMs / Other In-Ear Monitors (IEM)