Did you try to contact them through that six month period? If so, did they ever respond?
I honestly don’t remember them stock very well. Had them for about 4 weeks before sending them in for conversion and then they were gone for another 15… lot of time to forget what they sounded like originally.
I’m sure some of my impression of the mids is just due to the fact that I’m comparing them to the glorious mids of the 6XX.
I’ll let you guys know if things change once I hook them up to the Emotiva and spend some time with that setup.
I reached out once at 12 weeks and didn’t hear back. Reached out again at 18 weeks and they said they were getting ready to ship them back.
Wow, that would be irritating.
It seems that communication is not their strong suit. I just tried to keep in mind that it’s only one guy and his wife and I’m pretty sure he’s got a full time job outside of headphone mods. Not totally an excuse, but it is what it is.
I did. They responded like… once? So yeah just forgetting about the headphone is much better than worrying over it.
It is ticking me off a little, but I have lots of other 'phones to keep me busy.
I sent my weekly email to Modhouse last night. Got a reply today. Should be about another week.
I SO badly want to believe that!
Fingers crossed for you
Well I finally had a chance to hook up the Emotiva and have been casually listening for a few hours while working today (this working from home thing does have a few perks haha). I definitely like these cans a lot more with the addition of more power. Lots of detail and still really nice bass. The mids are not as recessed as they were with the Mangi. These still probably won’t be my go-to for female vocals, but I am enjoying them much more now.
I got a used mk. 3 with what looks like Lambskin pads a couple of days ago. I haven’t felt like listening to music much, but I did play some games. The Halo remastered collection sure is a lot of fun with this set! Explosions and epic music really come alive. The modern rock/metal soundtrack of Wreckfest tells me that they should be a big hit with at least some of my library.
Are the pads meant to feel like the inner material isn’t in the right place? It doesn’t feel the same on both sides. Maybe I’ll have to replace them… just got to figure out what with.
I have the suede pads, but there is nothing that seems “out of place” with mine. They are quite soft, but very comfortable. Sounds like you might need some fresh pads.
I’ve wanted to pull the trigger on a pair of these for so long, but as a RNHP owner I feel like I would be left wanting in power until a second headphone amp gets added to the collection.
I’m assuming the T60 Argons don’t play nicely with tubes being a planar?
How did you modify your GL2000? How is Argon compared to GL2000?
Here’s the link to the GL2000 mod: GL2000 grill mod/tuning fix by Pokrog. I left the outer mesh in to keep out debris.
Comparing those two is hard because they are quite dissimilar. I have a bit of a bias against the GL2k mostly because I feel like they were oversold/underperform (for their price). They do have a massive soundstage.
The modified GL2K are more similar to the T60rp stock, which I found too bright and bass light. I have used them quite a bit lately and am finding them more to my liking than when I first modded them, but if you gave me the choice of only owning one of the two, its an absolute no-brainer to pick the Argons.
I know sound quality/reproduction is the primary concern but the comfort difference between the two biases me as well. I’m a big guy (6’4") with a big head and the GL2k feels massive to me. I had to add Dekoni nuggets to the headband and there isn’t enough clamp to keep the GL2k from shifting around on my head with moderate movement. The Argons on the other hand, feel like resting my head on the most comfortable pillow. I often sigh when i put them on ( i love the feel of the suede pads). lol
@ShaneD : Did you get yours?
Still no word. I was told they’d be ready in a week, two weeks ago. 13 weeks now.
Sorry to hear that. Mine took 17 weeks. I certainly understand the frustration. I just told myself when I sent mine in, to just try to forget about them and be happily surprised when they showed up. Usually I don’t have that kind of patience but somehow I managed to do just that.
Now I have a pair of T50s sitting here and bought the conversion a few weeks ago. I’ll probably mail them in a couple weeks.
I confirmed with both of them that it would be eight weeks. I understand if he can 't get parts for doing the mods, but I don’t buy the whole line about they got busy. My headphones should have gone into a " 8 weeks back" pile. If another hundred orders come in, they should be in line behind mine.
I can’t help but wonder, “Are people jumping the Queue?” Or does he “Prioritize selling converted headphones vs just modding headphones?”
I knew it would be a long wait, but I wish there was more communication.
I emailed last night and got a response today. Apparently my headphones are done and will leave in a day or two.
I was told that they are training new guys and that has resulted in the longer wait times.
Anxious to see/hear the new toys.