Moondrop KATO, KXXS successor IEMs

Not worth it. Enjoy the music everyone



Well, seems I havent missed anything yet…

It appears Moondrop want to tailor their response to the individual and refuse to make any public statements regarding their social media in an attempt to appease everyone including those that appreciated the smut that was posted on their behalf.

You can’t have it both ways.

@MOONDROP Either make a public statement/explanation or apology or leave this forum. Your silence in the face of the obvious questions we have requested answers to is a very bad look for your company.

Just as I suspected. If you have nothing to share with the entire community and refuse to reply to the questions set in front of you, there is no reason for your existence in our community.


Super excited for these since I really wanted a starfield like upgrade that doesn’t cost as much as the blessing 2 Dusk.

@MOONDROP can you tell us about the line k upgrade cable that comes as a preorder bonus? I haven’t been able to find any information on it. No price, or what it even is.


It’s the silver-plating cable. :blush:

Damn… I just had to look up what was going on, cause I hadn’t heard about this until now… I mean…

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You got it? Nice photos


Looks beautiful. I never had a moondrop iem before, so this might be the one. I hope it does sounds good.


Nah I found them on their official FB post.


Looks really good, cannot wait for reviews to come in

Wow, that is some nice packaging right there for the KATOs, also I hope the paint job on those (if there is ever a paint job on them.) won’t chip like I had with the Starfields and lately the Arias, yes even my Arias’ coat of paint chipped off on some part, I guess it does not happen to everyone but it did happened to me. Kind of unfortunate for I like those two IEMs.

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It looks metallic like KXXS, so I don’t think they will do a paint job.


That’s good then, I have to wait for the reviews of it though since I have my eyes on the Mangird Teas at the moment.

I wonder which vendor will start shopping these first. I ended up ordering mine on Ali from moondrop w/ DHL so hopefully I’m one of the first, but I’ll be happy living vicariously through anyone who gets theirs before me.

KATO mean KXXS Advanced Technology Optimization . Im interested in this iem cz of the look and i didn’t try a moondrop iem before . I think they will sound like aria with a bit better details


So, what do they sound like? If you can describe it, maybe referencing some other IEM?

I think that comment was based on the picture, not that the have it.


I hate to create a new account but I don’t what they know who I am.
About the moondrop thing, it’s way more complex than a simple apology.
Since it obviously has nothing to do with earphones so you could just ignore this shitting post.

The picture they post are originated from a group named “水月雨闲聊福利群” (moondrop fan service small talk group), there many arkworks including NSFW in this group, it’s not an official group but some group admin are moondrop’s empolyee (the guy who post the picuture is one of them).
The picture has a text “酸奶泼到耳机上了”, means “yogurt spilled on the earphone”, yeah it’s yogurt not semen you think, the guy thought it’s fun and safe then he posted it publicly. The picture was deleted because someone report it on head-fi forum and the guy was punished and sent to other position after few days. When the group members knows the guy was punished they are angry because they think their fan service picture are censored by the “白左婊” (white left-wing bitch), they ask moondrop stand against the feminists in the offical wechat group but moondrop refused and say they won’t give any word about this thing again.
It may sound ridiculous but many of their customer think the picture is totally fine and censorship it is taking their freedom away (like CCP did), so if moondrop apologize publicly it may make them boycott moondrop’s products.

I’m surprised that hawaiibadboy from japan complaints about this because for what I know many japanese are more “conservative”, I remember years ago there was a mass protest ask the government do not censorship child sex arkworks (aka 非実在青少年), and they won. What’s even harder to believe is that a woman raped by prime minister’s reporter was called a prostitute by several famous people and there popular support for the rapist (which is free from jail). There many people in the world did not think woman, especially the non-realistic existence need the be “protected”, and they hate someone using political correctness and feminism to suppress them. This incident is just a tragedy, they should not have posted this picture from the beginning, then being caught up in the political maelstrom.

I think moondrop register an account to hifiguides because they want to show that they notice complaints here, but they keep slient because they can’t say anything, not because “don’t give a shit about it”.

I personally don’t blame them and believe they won’t post NSFW pictures publicly again, but it’s your freedom to boycott moondrop or do whatever you want. Like I said at the beginning this is a shitting post so please ignore if you feel offended.

No idea who this dude is but Moondrop sperm shots, apologies or non should go in here, not my thread :call_me_hand: