Moondrop KATO, KXXS successor IEMs

I guess there will be reviews ranging from “There is virtually no difference to the KXXS” and “It is sooo much better”. The truth is likely somewhere in between and heavily impacted by subjective factors.

I always try not to get influenced by the most positive reviews, but try to triangulate a more realistic opinion, which is why I didn’t get the 7hz timeless (yet… there are many more positive impressions incoming it seems)


To combat this it is sometimes better to wait and see what the opinion of a product is after a period of time. There will be more reviews then and you get a feel for what the community thinks of it rather than having a small sample size of reviews and those reviews fluctuating wildly.

He is one of my top favorite reviewers.


Exactly, sometimes it is best to hear it for yourself rather than being influenced by reviewers that determines your action of buying it or not, so far I am leaning towards “It is sooo much better.” given the fact if it does have the same sound-signature as the Starfields but improved? Then that is no brainer for me.

Then again, if I did buy the KATOs first, some from the Tea Cult might spread their gospel on me nonstop and relentlessly lol.


Good but not exceptional? Hana 2021 recced over it. Probably because of staging width and imaging.


More and more coming… what do you think of this guy? I got irritated by how he opened the box (I assume it was him)

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Cheapaudio man can be funny. I don’t agree with everything he says but he does have a sense of humour.

In his recent DAC tier list, his opening line mentioned something about DMS being a retired professional MMA fighter and Josh Valour being a sea lion trainer (or something along those lines)…

He also proved his sense of humor rating Modi as S tier and iFi Neo as F tier :smile:

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This review just dropped. I trust this reviewers’ impressions.


I’m going to skip this “review” purely because of how the box looks and what You wrote… :smiley:

Where I live it’s impossible to hear iems they are all blind buys. I love to be able go and listen to iems.


Lol bout Teas

Special delivery for you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Cable looks nice

Yeah same, I have to order it as well and hear it after getting it. It can be a 50/50 sometimes but hey you got to do what it takes to get an item in your hands if it’s available elsewhere.

I want to see more Kato to oxygen or Hana comparisons. There have been a lot already but I’m wondering which one will be easier to listen to for long sessions and which one has a less thin sound, because I tend to lean towards “thicker” sounding iems.


Yeah the Hana and Oxygen from what I have been hearing about them are up there in echelons of high praises, and I agree that it can be a good idea if those 3 IEMs you mentioned have a detailed comparison to one another.

I think I am still leaning towards the KATOs and I know I am a bit bias but I had experienced with Moondrop products and overall they are great, not sure about Tanchjim but I do hope it can be same result as Moondrop, once I have the chance again to get some IEMs.


My KATO is a few days away from arriving.

It’s in the US right now with DHL, hopeful reaches here in Canada soon

Let us know your thoughts about it once it’s there in your hands, it would be a huge help for people who are planning to get a purchase of it.