šŸ”¶ MoonDrop Variations

I am looking forward to the day my Mele arrives, my cable for it arrives today so I am all set.


Ma boy! weā€™ll need some spicy photos of that.

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Oh yea @nymz if you have the Spinfit CP155 tips try those out on your Variations. Would be curious if you enjoy them more with those tips like I do.

I only have 145. Liked it. Iā€™m using Final E atm since I was getting murdered by treble. Guess I spent too much time with teas. Iā€™ll do more spinning after work and give my first impressions!

(at changes from 155 to 145? I can order them)

The 155 is a different shape, I accidentally ordered it instead of the 145 (didnā€™t check my amazon cart carefully enough) and found I loved them on my Variations.


i have this graph up as well currently comparing all my picks lol.
yes im really pondering the IE900 right now instead of moving to a hybrid, i just really like this presentation im getting with the Mele, i have the ER2XR as well, thereā€™s just something about a single DD i like. ya its a no go for me with EQ, i have so many different listening scenarioā€™s i really need something that is great out of the box.

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Coherency is probably that thing you like. A single anything will carry the same characteristics throughout. Though the downsides sometimes is separation is negatively effected with 1 driver handling everything.

Also I completely agree on the no EQ if I can at all help it for much the same reason.


i agree, like i like how spacy the FH3ā€™s get, soundstagey stuff, but man just going through stuff with the Mele really makes me miss that sense of coherency, im sure the totl hybrids/tribrids achieve that more.

so you like Variations with techno huh, what other iems do you like with it?

Varies on my mood. Sometimes I like the really precise nature of the ER2XR for techno since it does a great job of having everything really precise. Sometimes I like the artificial tone of my only true BA set the KBEar Neon, the oddness of BA tone fits electronic and techno depending on the track.

I IEM hop a lot. That is why I collect and never sell.

Electronic music doesnā€™t really need a natural timbre since itā€™s all artificial to begin with. :smirk:


yes i like the Etyā€™s for that same reason, but damn that fit is terrible, are you using the triple flange siliconā€™s or foams?

Triple flange all the way. Darn things took me weeks to get used to. My Etys are probably one of my favorite IEMs that I will actively discourage others from getting due to all the issues with fit and their awful cable.


i can see what you mean by that but itā€™s still mixed in a way to work with other frequencies of other aspects of the track. And alot of the stuff i listen to is a mix of both, nature, etc. i would lean more toward the coherency aspect than natural timbre aspect for me.

yes, coherency is a lot more important for electronic music than timbre IMO.

Since having a slow bass and a fast treble for example, will just sound off on it.


i couldnā€™t agree more, i use them to sort of mix stuff on my ipad when im creating.

Hey would you guys mind doing one more for me @nymz and @TkSilver
not the best master but i like it on my streaming serviceā€¦

Better slam on Teas, sorry :man_shrugging:

Details and clarity to Var, ofc.


Yes 155 gives variations bass boost

i can honestly say i thnk the Mele has good depth and separation based on my limited experience, is there a cap on like separation and spatial qualities with single DDā€™s?

so do i put Teas in the left and Var in the right ear lol