what is the cheapest W shape?
a grand! jesus christ! isnt there something a little cheaper?
arent those headphones?
There’s not many, and I am not experienced with some of the chifi, perhaps the fiio fh7 maybe? The FLC8S might actually fit the bill
Im going through measuremnts trying my best to find any W shaped IEMs . hard to find them TBH. but like I said harman neutral to me is pretty good in both all around bass mids and treble performanceso we could look into that direction
ok so whats the best neutral i can get for the price 100-300
true as long as you use the right filter and tips on the flc 8s you might come out with a good W shape
Yes that also fits in his budget if I recall correctly, I liked my flc iem when I had it, very enjoyable sound
absolute best is hard to say. but the neutral obsessed tend to go fro Etymotics
The cheapest W shaped iems I can think of are the BQEYZ Spring 1.
what type of neutral do we want? warm , bright, bassy, harman?
The Dunu DK-4001 are a mild W shape as well.
I have actually heard the spring1, it was alright, but nothing jumped out to me. I do think the treble was it’s weakest point but I can see that being w shaped in a way
For that price range, that may be as W-ish as you can get, lol.
That’s a pretty sweet iem, very nice (but out of budget I assume lol)
I forgot the DUNU even existed I was actually looking at those a while ago
I was actually wondering about some chifi with variable tuning dip switches if you could create a W that way?
Agreed. I’ve had success with Dunu as I’ve never had a build quality issue and they almost always have good soundstage for an iem.
these are 800$ did you mean the 3001’s?