Night Oblivion - discussions

Here is the link if you wanna read up on it.

And yeah HRTF changes are not too drastic at 1.5k in particular mainly 4k+.

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Yep, I did a hearing test and my sensitivity is about flat until 4k where it shoots up about 10db. IEMs that peak around 3-4k are too intense for me


It’s directionality - those are the degrees used for the measurement.

Yeah pinna only has influence above 4khz

But more surprising is that the raw differences between a single person’s ears is larger than the average differences between 2 people

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With what you’ve presented and the fact that we all have our own tastes, if there’s one thing I quickly realized in the audio, it’s that we don’t all hear the same thing, in the same way.
That’s why people (or audio influencers) have to be a little careful about what they say, because one person’s flaw can be another’s quality.

Overall, they had very few problems with this iems, many are satisfied, others less so, but that’s the game.

Just as with audio, you always have to be a little careful about the context you give when imagining what happened.
You can have other projects in life.
I’m going to be disgusting, but I can even make the comparison with you who had announced that you were leaving everything (or almost), and then finally you came back. Maybe it’s passion, maybe it’s easy money, I don’t really care. At least I don’t make assumptions about what I don’t know.


I admitted nothing…yet I think you understand the hypocrisy here. But just in case…the meaning of those quotes presented is to show that the lynch mob sleeps until someone pokes em awake. Ya’ll hammering on AS or anyone else yer fav influencer has a gripe with, but do you call out these horrendous offences every time you see one? …yeah didn’t think so.
The only problem I have with any of this, is that if AS said he would rectify a defective set then didn’t.
It is highly possible he forgot to follow up, then it would take a simple apology and everyone moves on.
The implications in some of the posts surrounding that issue is AS went to hide , or run away out being caught in some act of malice…complete BS.
However, my point stands that he was not the person to go to for that issue. Period.

Lastly, you put a few carefully selected quoted posts in there to bolster your position, good for you, however there is more to it, and you know it but it really doesn’t matter does it? :wink:


Dammit Riku clicked on your notification out of habit and took me right back here :joy:

I agree with ya’ll peaks are for sure different for everyone, but imho masking is a bit different no? For example, if there’s too much mid-bass then it’s going to mask the lowermids and the rest of the FR, and similarly the 1.5K peak is going to mask parts of the vocal gain. I understand people can lose some of their hearing in the upper frequencies as we age, but I dunno if I have read anything regarding affecting the 1.5K part, I might be wrong though, open to discussing this over at my thread.

And since Riku has summoned me back I’ll quickly address this before muting:

You can choose to not admit anything, but the fact is that you compared that marketing hype and linked it to what we were talking about, subconsciously exposing your own intend because you believed they were similar otherwise why bring it up? So, it’s funny you bring up hypocrisy when it was you who was doing it lol.

And yes, to answer your question, I do call out all the bs things company do if it’s within my knowledge because that’s part of my duty as a reviewer. I do this in every review like my DIVA review (and many more), so ya, that cheeky little remark didn’t age well for you did it now?

If the TS-316 also had a thread on here, and posted those same words here people would be roasting the shit out of it like they are with Mr.ASs here (lol sorry couldn’t help it). Maybe you didn’t know this, but people here do their best to expose bad practices. Many of us gave him the benefit of the doubt because we all were hoping for a genuine project until Chris, who is creditable in the community, exposed him, like he does with MANY companies. So again, please read up before you say stuff like this - just go take a look at Chris’ thread man’s got Hidizs in a headlock right now :joy:

MY GUY. AGAIN, PLEASE READ UP BEFORE YOU SAY SHIT LIKE THIS :joy: THIS WAS ALL IN HIS VERY FIRST POST. IT’S HIS OWN PRODUCT STATEMENT. I DIDN’T MANIPULATE ANYTHING OUT OF CONTEXT. IT CANNOT BE ANYMORE MORE CLEARER, OR do you prefer me to repost the entire thing for you so you can take a read yourself? Can you not take 5 minutes to scroll up and read?? :man_facepalming:

It’s also HILARIOUS you say I “carefully select quotes” when you literally completely IGNORED all my other points addressing it. Why are you riding Mr.ASs so hard? (Sorry can’t help it lol). So let’s run it back one more time in case you forgot, or didn’t want to read again:

  1. Promised TOTL, not TOTL
  2. Claims it’s from scratch, not from scratch - reusing components
  3. Says it’s not a retune, is a retune
  4. Bad QC and CS :joy:

If I really wanted to “carefully select quotes” I can just go back and paste all the source and cable pushing he did, as well as flip-flopping back and forth on his stance when people didn’t vibe with the iem, but that wouldn’t even be “carefully selecting quotes” to begin with since I’m literally just reposting what he said like his OG post. So in your own words, “there is more to it, and you know it but it really doesn’t matter does it? :wink:”… Anyhow,



Have you compared the W10 and NOB, including the internals, and found out they are identical in everything else except the tuning?

I believe there are literally 1 or 2 defects found among the total sold quantity. That is not exactly bad QC. AS introduced this product, tuned it, but was not the seller. CS should be provided by Penon. But yeah, I get it that AS promised to talk with Jinny to sort out the issue, so some responsibility does lie with him.

But seriously, the way he is being targeted looks kind of personal. TOTL or not, it is still an outstanding IEM with a brilliant tuning, and very good comfort. I really fail to understand why you are on a crusade against him because you did not like the tuning.

Why so much negativity? There were others who did not like the tuning and sold it off. Why are you making this a personal vendetta and getting hell-bent on spreading as much mud on him? The fact holds that for the price of $599, it is an outstandingly tuned IEM. Much better than the RSV, SA6 Ultra, Neko, and the likes. Should we go off denouncing them as well, then? AS did not run away with someone else’s money, did not force anyone to buy it. Everyone was free to make their own decisions. What exactly is the reason for this hate campaign on him?

  1. It’s your opinion
  2. Most products aren’t ‘from scratch’ but built upon previous works
  3. Other than the shell, seems like the entire BAs have been changed (yes, I saw the W10 listing)
  4. QC and CS, I have no comment since I don’t have issues with mine

It’s easy to jump into the hypetrain, but the opposite is also true: it’s very easy to jump into drama/hate bandwagon.

I actually found about W10 even before buying Butastur, and I did compare the list of BAs used. I asked a few knowledgeable people (including some IEM makers) and found the price to be justifiable. After getting it, while to me it is also not a TOTL-killer level, but given the price, it is a pretty good value for money. I certainly won’t fault someone trying to hype their products to be “TOTL killer”, everyone does that.


Oh shit, do you think your the influencer? Your still a baby with just a handful of subscribers … and sunglasses…seriously?
I respect the hell outta what HBB does in the community. You shouldn’t try to align yourself there, he is the pioneer, you are the parrot.
As far as Hidizs in a headlock, nah, not even anywhere close. You did see the sales from that Kickstarter right? They are all over the place selling many products to all sorts of folks. They have been rock solid to me in the past with any of my issues. They still make good products, including the MP145.

However, that campaign was misleading as hell and I talked with Hidizs in several email exchanges likely before it was on your parrot radar. What did you do? We know what HBB is doing, it’s good that his pull might have some influence there.

As for the NOB I received a good product, after a defective one got sorted…I’m good and I’m out.

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I apologise to the community, for that last post. It got a touch aggressive, it won’t happen again

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I get up in the morning, turn on the computer, play Korn with TOTL bass killer (guess who it is?), open HFGF and…


Popcorn for breakfast? Yuck!


I am not an owner of Butasturs, but I have them on demo for 3rd week or so and I would like to add my perspective. Especially since it looks like it was my original impressions that put the fuel back to the fire that was almost extinguished in this whole story.

1st thing - I think taht if most people are comparing this set to the best ones in it’s price range is an achievement on its own.
To me it is a clear step up in most regards than past benchmark of 500$+ Dunu SA6.
To me if someone would tell me it costs 930$ and Twilight costs NOB’s MSRP I would also not be surprised and would take it as justified in both ways.
It is a set that holds it’s ground for the price in my experience with couple of very expensive sets. It is probably more of a matter of a personal taste if you can justify not so small price, than objective truth that “it is totally worse” than Aur Audio NP or DTE900 and because of that there would be dissonance in reviews. And I can definitely see some people would have NOB as their TOTL - it is a purely subjective hobby and everyone here knows that.

  • Were there overblown marketing claims on the release? Probably yes.
  • Were there some half truths or lack of transparency in the original marketing? Probably. Were those on a level unseen in the hobby? Hell no, far, far from that.
  • Were those even close to something disgusting and unacceptable? Well, it is all subjective, but I think that not really.
  • The QC and communication problems are real problems to tackle and I feel sorry if someone’s case was not addressed properly by either Penon or American Spirit where relevant

There is some stuff to put a shade on AS probably as certain things could have been done better.

But we as a better version of head-fi - drama and judgement-free community were first to throw stones without even a blink of a second thought. There was similar case with Ian Fann, where it was almost like a public execution, because of his things he did wrong.

@VIVIDICI_111 Childish wordplays like those definitely do not help the case (or our forum) either in my opinion.


I got no dog in this fight as I have never heard the Butastar and it never really intrigued me but I think the biggest difference in some of these comparisons between @AmericanSpirit_JP and companies such as Timsok is that that @AmericanSpirit_JP isn’t an employee or works for Night Oblivion afaik (that was one of the big reasons why his treatment of Head-Fi was so wack). While it’s true that the claims AS made aren’t nearly as outlandish as some of these companies, everyone understands those company statements as pure BS.

Maybe this is a fault of what we expect from community members and reviewers but we are in a hobby where its damn near impossible to try a lot of these sets so we lean on members/reviewers to give it to us “straight”. IMO We as members should be held to a higher standard and should be looking out for each other. When you see some members/reviewers taking advantage of that expectation to seemingly be an agent for a company it breaks that trust and hurts the community much more than a random marketer writing up garbage for some product page.

I want to end by saying that while don’t think AS is trying to scam people here, It’s my opinion, based on the info shared here, that he has leveraged the trust he has built in the community to act as a marketer for Night Oblivion and make broad claims in an effort to bolster sales and I think that deserves calling out (which is has been over and over again). At this point though I think we are getting into personal attack/witchhunt territory which is not helpful or necessary imo.


Well, you are right in a sense when we look at AS as pure average forum member. For me there is too much of a conflict of an interest in him talking about a thing he participated in creation to consider anything that he said as something much more than some kind of marketing material. And I don’t even think it was cynical act of manipulation or greed, but more subconscious, inherent thing that we humans have in common rooted in our brain. At least this is how I see that :slight_smile:

There is interesting, quite similar case when Crinacle is talking about his collabs by not reviewing them, but having a full marketing video on those sets driving the sales in a very smart way.
On the other end of the spectrum we have our local @hawaiibadboy who does not bother about perception and puts his own collabs high in his rankings (because I am sure he truly believes those are very good), but has integrity to immediately say if something is better and makes his sets irrelevant. And with both of those we kind of know what is to be expected.

And that is probably the biggest blame to put on AS, as he was coming as one of us (or from other forum), so trust load was on another level.


I had my set measured, if you are interested here is a link


I would understand if AS ditched this thread and whole hifiguides. Dude just wanted to give the community affordable BA IEMs and in return gets hate from a bunch of people. They just jump on the discredit bandwagon HBB started.


At the end of the day he didn’t want to pay anything to Head-Fi to launch and promote his product there so he chose the next largest Forum? ie HFG to do just that for nada, zilch, nowt…I’m pretty sure he didn’t ask Z first if that was ok? So if you take liberties, and don’t want to pay, your choices are going to be limited tbh.

There are plenty of good affordable BA sets already out there as for "gets hate”…I haven’t seen hate exactly but folks have called him out regarding some of his initial claims and the unfortunate HBB’s “Shellgate” incident.
Ultimately he’s had almost 1200 replies most not ‘hateful’ so he’s had exposure which is what he wanted all for FA I’d call that a result.


He already ditched this thread, which was what led to the “hate” (not hate, rightful criticisms) he got because he disappeared once problems popped up.

Then we’ve got glazers and fanboys like you constantly making excuses for him… :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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Let me be a fanboy, then you must be a hater. :rofl: Never heard the Oblivion but thanks to AS recommendations I found some other diamond.