Night Oblivion - discussions

Oh man, I would take metal shell 99 times outta 100…any other changes?

As far as I’m aware, Jinny told me that he improved the studiedness of the shell.

Here is the sample of metal shell model that jinny took the video of, so I’m attaching to this post

The tuning as far as I’m aware, should be the same.

The downside of this metal shell is that it’s not transparent so we cannot see what’s inside

There are still 19units (1 went for HBB’s replace out of 20), that are made of resin, so if anyone interested in getting 1st gen, there shall be enough stocks.


Where to buy ADV Amp and Muse02? Is it really an upgrade over single RU6 or iBasso DC04 Pro?

That shell will help satisfying metal genre. :smile:

Thank you.
I tried to pull the main board yesterday but had no success…
My main concern is to do to much force and to break something…
I will try again today :pray:

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You can buy it here

I have no idea if it is an improvement over those…

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FYI it is a bit cheaper on this store:

(and that store is legit I have ordered from them before.)


I would not: many metal shelled iem are prone to condensation issues. As much I a metal shell transmits me a sturdiness feel, my brain tells me to prefer resin shells.

I say this but my Olina and Mele work with no problem

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Just use some silica gel.

That’s what I do actually. But I would be as happy not having to bother with this kind of precaution.

I don’t want to be seen as someone who would want to steer anyone away from metal shell or anything: I don’t mind really.

So for my curiosity , what make people prefer metal shell from resin?

On my side, I like metal shell for the looks and the sturdy feel. I like resin shells for the lightness, custom-like shape and possibilities of see-through.

Yeah, I still have Mele plus some other metals, generally the fit and feel are better for me, thinking about my EJ07M, loved that fit, in fact it was originally a resin shell.
Also, and I cannot back it up for anyone else, but I tend to think that the metal shells sound better.
I’ve learned to manage any condensation, sweat and high humidity issues, through selective use and a stock of filter screens.

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Silica gel should also be useful to keep BA drivers and bio DDs dry. Someone on Head-Fi mentioned something about influence of humidity on BAs. I’m not sure if it’s real.

Do you have NOB as well? How do they compare?

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Also what is this w10 iem i keep hearing about?

W10 10BA IEM made by Jinny, different drivers and config, and tuning with Butastur, for Chinese domestic market.

Some people thought those are Butastur’s rebadged model, so it could be acquired at lower price.

The truth is, those are different IEMs. If you like bright tuning, W10 is very bright and maybe your choice for female vocal songs.

Jinny told me day before that he is no longer interested in making 10BA for his brand so those on sale on taobao will be the last of his own 10BA model.


have completely lost interest, I’m out

Oh nice, I never heard tube amp sound so I don’t really know the timbre, at least I am never that conscious about it until recently.

Ah, the volume imbalance can be a bit annoying. My Q11 has a bit of that issue at the beginning of the gain knob so about 7-9 o’clock.

Regarding the opAmp, I was going to hunt for it later down the line if I were to get it. Just was looking for it the past few days and found out that those Muse 02 chips have a few counterfeits roaming around so am not even sure if I manageed to put it together that what I am suppose to be hearing to know? Is it more the case of ‘you’ll know when you listen to it?’?

Anyhow, this is certainly a contender for an upgrade for more juice/power, but in near future have decided to pull the trigger on either RU6 or RU7 if I could get a hold off them at a good price. Most of my sets apart from the Tin P1 are generally have no issues with being driven very well with my current portable DAC/AMP combo. IEMs are now my favourite audio playback device. Simply gave me so much joy listen to each of them.

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I’m using RU6 to the amp. I found RU6 has a better timbre over RU7 when paired with Butastur for that set up

Drama aside, after taking some time to compare the Butastur to some other IEMs like the Supernova, SA6 Ultra, TOP, EJ07M KL, and AuR Neon Pro - with all due respect, the Butastur is a fine IEM, but I would not dare to claim it as a kilobucks contender like you made them out to be - that would be more the 7th Acoustic Supernova or AUR Neon Pro.

Some issues I ran into with the Butastur that I hope you can address in the future:

The 1.5K is too boosted, masking the vocals and making them not fully extended while being shouty at the same time. I ran into sharp vocals on 9/10 of the tracks I’ve tested, especially with consonants. Comparing dynamics, the Butastur also doesn’t touch the Supernovs in-terms of smoothness and treble quality, which leads to the second issue: lack of air. It’s by no means dark, but if you’re painting it out to be an endgame contender, then you need some treble extension for better staging. Likewise, the treble is also uneven with peaks and dips - that combined with the vocal shout makes the Butastur harsh to listen to.

Low-end is “fine”, you can find sets with better bass texture and slam around the same price like the EJ07M, TOP, or even Hype 2, and in-terms of resolution it’s respectable falling around the EJ07M level, but again not kilobuck performance.

I bring this up because you mentioned yourself in your introduction pitch claiming to bring “kilobucks level of performance” down to a more “affordable” price, although $600 is by no means affordable, but if the Butastur did succeed then the price would’ve been justified, however, it did not. At best it plays with the EJ07M, which again is respectable, but not kilobucks level of respectable.

As @hawaiibadboy and @Kenyon have pointed out the main issue people have with this release is that you heavily mislead others into thinking the Butastur was built from the ground up, which it was not, as you and Jinny admitted yourselves, which would’ve been fine because many IEMs get retuned using similar components, but the problem here is the false marketing as well as you overhyping it and playing the “Robinhood” role, pretending to bring kilobucks performance when really it was just a retune. Now, I understand you don’t want to pay the advertisement fees over at head-fi, but please don’t bring this type of behaviour here.

@OK4128 So with all this taken into consideration I wouldn’t recommend this IEM personally as there are many better ones at its price point - personally I really like the AuR Neon Pro. I personally find the design and packaging of the Butastur just very very mid.


Wow. I thought this Butastur drama was over, but I guess poor AS will have to publicly receive all the shitty subjective feedback on his IEM whenever someone gets a listen that doesn’t like it. I’ve no idea what’s true or not in this situation and I haven’t had a chance to listen to his IEM, but I’m starting to feel bad for the guy. Considering that there’s not much incentive for him to hang around here, to me, it says something that he’s actually still responding to others here after all the bashing that he’s received.

If your post was meant to be a review and only a review, it shouldn’t have mentioned anything outside of the product, but tossing in all that other junk about the drama shows bias in your review. Is this what you really think about the IEM or is your opinion swayed by the situation?

@AmericanSpirit_JP, I wouldn’t blame you if you disappeared from this forum. I wouldn’t want to be around for all this hate either.