Night Oblivion - discussions



:smile: Your will ship soon!

Jinny is shipping today to HK.

He is doing the double coating, and testing each single units with phase match, THD, impulse response, IMP curve, besides std dev measurement throughout whole batch to see if any of unit has deviations to fix.

After this, he will listen to each set by himself to assure any inconsistencies or distortions that’s not measurable by hardwares to be tailored.


I appreciate the effort going into each set. I hope for your success but also hope that Jinny can keep up with demand and isn’t worked to the bone.

The stock cable isn’t bad by the way. Enhances separation quite nicely. One question though: why does it say ‘Forget Night Audio’ on the plug? :smile:


Hello brother @ian91 and welcome home.

Took you a while :stuck_out_tongue: (please no DS posts to make me jealous)


Unfortunate mistranslation to the vendor😭


Birds of a feather as they say :loud_sound::musical_note::peace_symbol:


(cable off to left is Eros S, not included…!)

Tips included are some wide bore silicone double flange tips and some orange silicone tips. I’m not sure if these are the Penon orange tips or not… @AmericanSpirit_JP can you confirm?


Those are Penon’s. (and the color is not my choice…I don’t pair red or orange to Butastur, it’s a mismatched theme)

Butastur has been developed with H570 but we couldn’t make it as stock due to unstable sourcing, H570 is produced by an extremely small shop and we were not able to contact the manufacturer.

Anyway! Nice picture :kissing_heart:

If you have NiceHCK BlackSoul, or MoonGod try them on👍


Yeah that’s fine. I’ve been using them with H570 anyway.

I haven’t got either of those cables. Eros S pairs nicely in 0-0 but there’s too much energy for my liking in other switch positions with it.

I will look into BlackSoul. Is it an improvement over stock?

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I like Dunu S&S tips most. How would they pair with Butastur?

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I just received another pair of H570 tips so I’m good to go.
And I have a BlackSoul cable that is not being used right now, so I’m going to give it a try :grin:


I need performance :roll_eyes:, not looks Goku! lol :laughing:

To look good or to feel good, right about now I’d gladly take the latter.

Since I’ve no experience with cables, engage recommendations.

Is there a cable with a better overall build quality than what AmericanSpirit suggested at $20-$30 price point, (KBEAR Hazy and NiceHCK BlackSoul), that you recommend?

Plugs appear to be the weak point at this price range.

Oh no, you’re that Rikodou Goku, apologies, I’m not worthy :nerd_face: lol

NO PUNY HUMAN! HULK SMASH! :peace_symbol:

It really depends a lot on if you prefer thicker cables (which will be heavier) or thinner ones. Then there is the core count. Generally, sticking with 2 or 4 core cables at those prices will give you better quality for the individual core.

Honestly XINHS cables is what I would go with, they are all pretty much the best you can get at those prices.

There is this cable that is technically a collab with me (I gave them the idea for them and they put it up for sale).
which is meant to be copying this cable (that I have, dont ask me why…):


:dizzy_face: Damn, now there’s a price differential.
:pray: Thank you for the rec.

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Some pics I shared here:

(cable A1 and A25, in my database)

and comparison with the cema cable here.


I understand that whatever cable is better than no cable because it sells better with the cable either you keep it or trash it. My point was that I would love to see a situation where for expensive stuff you get premium option and base option. Base will be headphones only and premium will be like SeeAudio Bravery where is a feast of tips/cable/accessories so premium will be great as a first purchase or something for a gift and extra price will be justified.

Back to the cables - I own more than I need and appreciate Xinhs who is making whatever length and extras (mixing/colors/etc.) you need so this is a good way to go for custom.

Standard cable I really like Ikko CTU02 which comes in pretty box, multiplug and nice overall finish; sounds good and serves good. IMHO it is overpriced so it’s good to wait for some promo and grab it then.

Do it @ian91 make Papa sweat! :smiley: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :sob: :sob: :sob:


Just found this amazing item on AliExpress. Check it out! C$70.33 75%OFF | XINHS 2 strands of gold, silver and palladium graphene five element alloy cable wire


Looks like an amazing build, to rich for my blood, costs more than my most expensive IEM, Simgot EA500, (purchased during Prime sale).

Will be doing your mod, rolled alcohol pad, 3M tape, If I ever get to opening it. Still listening to 3 other purchases (KBear Rosefinch, KZ PR2 v1 and TRN ST5 and a gifted Tanya DSP).

Life is good, would be great if “BUDDAH STIR” was on its way :crazy_face: damn budget :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


It’s a vocal booster cable, not necessarily technically superior, all BlackSoul does is vocal boost, it will add a good taste😄 and BlackSoul is like $26.