Night Oblivion - discussions

My unit is out for delivery today! This makes them the quickest shipping from Penon ever :+1:!
I will try to listen to them at work :grin:

@AmericanSpirit_JP how many Butastur have been sold by know, and how much have been shipped?


Spit a little coffee when I saw that…too funny!


Never be afraid to


40 orders placed.

24 birds migrated to various overseas (some of them are ordered by IEM makers likely competitors as a possible benchmarking item; you wouldn’t expect any feedback outlet).

A group of 10 will be departing on 8/18 to HK, then to various overseas final home on 8/20.


Absolutely amazing!
Once again congratulations for putting all this together and to push the boundaries of hifi closer to the masses


Love to see Butastur and others with same scales🙌

Looking forward for Akros’s review👌

Sadly I can’t post anything with my account on head-fi ( they detained me using an excuse of Member of the Trade), please say thanks to audiences on head-fi🥲


Passed on in the nicest possible way :musical_note::loud_sound::peace_symbol:


I’m actually really liking Butastur with the tips they shipped with, the ones with the green core. I’m assuming those were chosen with at least some type of synergy in mind, even if they aren’t the ideal tips. I’ve also tried Spinfit W1 which works pretty well. The Coreir Brass tips work well too, but I need those for my Monarch MK2.


Thanks mate​:pleading_face::+1:


No thanks needed man …it’s been amazing and refreshing to see a full on run through of an audio dream, it’s many implementations, tweaks/testing etc and then the final product …hats off to you and the team :beers:


Look who just arrived?!


So I will leave my first impressions

This is a BA set so I don’t do any burn in process.

Construction is very good. They look like a small piece of artwork.

The included cable feels very sturdy and the colour and weaving transpires quality.

All of my listening was made with the stock cable, H570 tips my Fiio M11S and the Butastur in the default setting.

The first thing that I noticed was the timbre. It’s very natural. Saint Germain sounded lovely!

The second is the detail and separation capabilities of this IEM.

I listened to Offspring and Fear Factory and the ability to present the instruments individually in busy tracks is very very good.

Never owned a all BA set before, generally I never felt lack of bass, except in some Fear Factory songs… But I came from listening the Xenns Top so that’s that… In the rest of the songs that I listened I never felt that the bass was missing, and one of the things that impressed me was the amount of bass this set has… It’s goes deep it has power and it’s there when is called.

Finally the treble. There’s a lot of it. In a good way. Once again, with Fear Factory it never became harsh but I can see people that came from sets with underdeveloped treble, listening to this for the first time and think this is to analytical. Guys, it’s not, it’s just good!

With Offspring and Saint Germain, the treble completes the overall presentation beautifully.

The mids are layered, detail and natural.

I will refrain of saying much more because I listened them for about 2 hours max…

But I can see this becoming the benchmark for what a 500$/600$ IEM should sound.

Amazing set @AmericanSpirit_JP


I had my second listening session yesterday with bass switch on and guess that will be the way I use it from now on. Just the right amount of bass added for my taste.

Right now - still honeymoon phase - the Eagle seems to be as energetic as the Neon Pro being slightly, just a tad less forward / aggressive and airier at the same time. Very nice signature up my alley. I feel as if this could become my goto set for classical music, Jazz and other more acoustic stuff while the NP will be the one for Rock/Pop/Electronic

But take this impressions with a grain of salt, as I have not directly compared it to my NP yet which I will not do before I have settled on the right Butastur config for me…


I’ve put my pre-order today and looking forward to get this in first part of September.

BTW : 3702 yen for brass seems like a good deal :



BRAS with Pentaconn BRASS😆

I do hear some report Butastur with Coreir Brass does show great synergy👍

Mine will be arriving in couple of weeks.


Even though Butasrur being a full BA, I’ve discussed with Jinny and would like to suggest burn-in sessions.

The Balanced Armature itself (both diaphragm and sub components) are indeed not subject to show any changes due to burn in, however other hardwares, such as capacitors do reacts with amount of usage.

It’s subtle and not necessary, it’s just that down the road, Butastur will be more matured👍


You’re talking about the tiny capacitors in the IEMs and not the source right? Because those “burn-in” in a fraction of a fraction of a second. Perhaps someone with a huge source will have massive capacitors that can burn-in (but even then it’s not going to take long…) but it’s just not possible inside an IEM (within reason).

Edit: you can always suggest burn-in but please don’t say it’s because of an actual science that you don’t understand. Say it’s because of “ear/brain burn-in” or some other pseudoscience.


Very nice review as always and thank Tony for the great comparisons!

I hear the Eagle vs. NP just like he describes (much better than me)…