Night Oblivion - discussions

I’m watching Tony’s review about the half of the video, and I’m already shocked how well he captured the sound of Butastur subtext of tuning philosophy to unspoken sound design.

Amount of analysis is very precise and accurate, wow!


He pretty much only gave it praise. For what it’s tuned to be, it seems it’s a top tier IEM!

A summary for those who CBA watching:
Energetic tuning (rock, metal, EDM): AüR Neon Pro
Details and technical capabilities (jazz, pop, vocals): Butastur

Bravo, AS!



Hope to hear his H570 & Butastur impressions, I’m still regretting that we couldn’t source H570, there is no substitution for this ear tip.


@AmericanSpirit_JP my IEM journey as ended for the foreseeable future.
With both Xenns Top and the Butastur I don’t feel like I’m missing something anymore.
The Top with a more fun signature, but still with amazing detail retrieval and layering capabilities, and the Butastur, with a more HIFI signature, superb detail retrieval and natural timbre.

I will now be on the sideline enjoying my music.

Give my compliments to the craftsman that put this masterpiece together. And to you as well for your amazing tunning skills.


Appreciate that endgame compliment :pray:

Indeed we are having way too many newer fancy releases ( and generally the top-tier ones going over $1k).

Now as an old observer of the market, I see each brands are trying to differentiate themselves with a “house” sound and asking premiums on that intangible goodwills. The philosophy of “addition“.

The way Butastur is made is an opposite theme,

1: a instrumentally neutral platform

2: with finest ingredients

3: by a philosophy of subtraction

4: crafted by one gifted craftsman

5: for the people who purely seeking a long time partner to their music life

The “addition” are free of charge. You can color Butastur as to your liking with various source matching, cable roll, ear tips roll, and so on.

I do believe “coloration “ shall not be charged with premiums, and that is actually what makes this hobby interesting, to play with your gadget to find best fit to your personal preference.

I’ve set the best starting line with a philosophy of subtraction, rest of the steering is up to your hand👍


I definitely ordered one size too small for my H570 tips(I underestimated how small Butastur would be). No big deal though, I can use them with something else. Also, it seems like the Azla Crystals are a pretty good match for Butastur with their similar shape and bore size to the H570. Using them now and it’s pretty good!

Edit: btw, @ AmericanSpirit_JP, I figured you might like this meme I made a couple days ago to show how I felt browsing Headfi with barely anyone to talk to about Butastur(and trying not to make huge statements).


It will take some time for a new brand to earn the citizenship, it’s all good👍

I was curious about the history of the Butastur. Could someone link me the story and a little bit about the brand Night Oblivion?

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It’s on the first post of this thread, if you scroll up.

The old thread , and “all” Butastur related comments I made were deleted on head-fi.

Penon pays the sponsor fee to head-fi so they can post a thread, while I’m not.

It’s funny that they used “Member Of Trade” excuse to mute, every single non Butastur related comments I made. That is worse than a N.K*rea.

Basically head-fi admin seemed having something personal against me.

Honestly head-fi admin is corruptted, and all I smell is “we want to earn money, using a monetized platform with audio hobby, we are not really interested in good sound, we are interested in Money”

Maybe not Jude, but people surrounding him.


Awesome, I’m kind of pre-writing my review a bit. I’ll be posting some impressions when mine comes in the next batch. Everything else is taking FOREVER damn supernova and Monrach… XD


I feel you. There are way too many retarded moderators on forums.


By the way I’m going to review retuned DTE900 and Turbo.

Currently burning in DTE900 and so far DTE900 is fairly impressive.

For Turbo, actually this surprised me more than DTE900 —a 4EST performance well expected. I thought SA6 reached what a 6BA should achieve, but Turbo currently impressed me over than SA6 from its agility.

Anyway, I saw on head-fi Butastur thread that someone was desperately looking Butastur vs DTE900 vs SR8, so I may have some input to the extent I can do.

For Butastur vs SR8, there are more than enough feedbacks, and I agree to most of the feedbacks, so I’d keep it short.

They are very different sounding IEMs;

SR8 = Bugatti Chiron
Powerful, Massive, full bodied. Top end may lack some details but lower-end torque is astonishing.

Butastur = Lamborghini Sesto Elemento

No Turbo, or fancy hybrid thingy, Naturally Aspirated. Taking the basics to its best state, no compromise at any levels.

While I’m still listening into Turbo and DTE900

Here are impressions I got from these two models

Turbo = Porsche 911 GT3 RS

Nimble, Tactile, Agile. Amazing Turbo switch.

DTE900 = Ferrari SF90

Smooth, Elegant, yet top notch performance


Just tried PW Audio Ignis with Butastur.

It adds weight to bass floor while retain top-end clarity👍


I just love me some car analogies :sunglasses:


These days are getting long. I made my order to Penon and they told me that it would be sent before the 20th (or the 20th itself). Hopefully so, and not take long to arrive.

I really want to try it and see how it is compared to my beloved Neon Pro.

By the way, the car analogies are fine… for those who have been able to try driving those cars :sweat_smile:


Finally I’m back from my family trip to the waiting arms (or talons) of Bustatur… And I find myself unable to break free. First impression is very satisfying. The Bustatur’s technicalities are definitely one of the top in class for sure, and the best part to me is the comfort. Hell, this is one of the most comfortable BA IEMs in my collection. The pressure relief system is working amazingly well.

I’ll have more sound impressions after my hot shower and relaxing on my desktop.


Welcome firesign🙌

Haha it’s just the image / icon, I never driven those hypercars myself😂

Looking forward to hear your impression :+1:

Oh please pair Butastur with H570 ear tips, bass performance / staging will be greatly impacted.


Welcome back from family trip😄

We aimed top notch technicalities that are at least on par, and at some points even to edge out best of the best frontline IEMs over there.

I’d say almost all high-end IEMs are “adding”’ some peaks / dips from —fake air or sound staging peak, fake resolutions peaks, vocal peaks, sound image dips, — with some trying to not to ending up on dark / overly hot, extremely wide staging / resolving but fatiguing.

As a reviewer myself, I do understand what they are trying to accomplish, but at the same time I always felt that’s not neutral. Too much additions.

What I wanted for casting music is an artesian mineral water, not a coke or alcohol.

For that I do believe we accomplished the goal, instrumental neutral at its best potential.

Hope you enjoy another trip with Butastur and please take care her well as your lifetime partner🌙


I’m glad Penon neatly updating production transparency

Here is current schedule

The first batch has been sold out,the pre-order will be shipped out on Aug 14th.(SHIPPED OUT)

Customers who ordered after August 8th will be shipped by August 20.****(SHIPPED OUT) 2 weeks lead time

Customers who ordered after August 15th will be shipped by Sep 1. 2weeks lead time


Customers who ordered after August 20th will be shipped by Sep 10. 3weeks lead time


I’m glad Butastur has met its original goal 50 units. There should be enough components for 100 units so no worry about out of stock.

But as you see, the lead time is increasing, the amount of order is slightly outpacing the Jinny’s crafting. He’s been working 12hour+ a day, so I told him not to overload himself as it may impact product quality, so we need to extend the lead time from 2 weeks to 3 weeks, setting back to at least 8 hours a day a healthy working hours.

Please expect 3-4weeks of lead time for Jinny’s sake or he’d burn out.


I went full audiofile and ordered the recommended tips and cable. Should be interesting. This is my next set incoming. :fire:

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