Night Oblivion - discussions

Hi AS.

I bought it on Aug 15th and Penon said me it will be shipped before Aug 20th.

You say that batch is shipped out, but mine is not.

Does it mean I am not getting mine shipped in August?

Mmmmm. I ordered on August 7th and still no ship notice… :worried:

I think they have not shipped yet. Maybe Monday or Tuesday?

Unfortunately I’m not informed about Penon’s shipping management process, so I can’t speak on behalf of them.

Please directly contacting them.

It should be in that 10 units shipped.

That website is not super automated one, I can see it’s all manual scripted.

They probably updated website on Friday and going to ship the units on Monday or Tuesday. Or it’s already shipped and they are preparing the email with shipping info.

As I mentioned here:

please give Jinny some time to breathe. Hurrying him up will not get a good result, rushing through the crafting process will leave both sound and manufacturing quality at risk.


Those things are the most important things. :+1:t2:
Nobody wants his IEM two days early but to have to return it to Penon.


Do the DTE900 have the same Sonion ESTs as DTE500? A great thing about DTE900 are the venting holes.


They do.

Still burning in DTE900 though.

Compared to DTE500, the EST resolution us more subtle, so I had to ask Penon if DTE900 actually uses same Empire Ears developed EIVEC voltage amplifier. And it was using the EIVEC.

DTE900’s treble is more elegant, you can certainly feel there are 4EST from the layering, the perceived resolving capabilities are higher on DTE500 for upper end.

For mid and lower, yes, DTE900 is a more detailed / textured.


Can I ask which switch setting you are using them in? Heard the bass is quite good/hefty on them in 1-1 setting. Waiting for my custom DTE900 being made, as the first one they made didn’t quite hit the nail on the head :smile:

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In regard HBB’s unit has got a defective faceplate:

Jinny apologizes and is offering a replacement.

Also the units for late batch of 8/20 and later shall be in perfect condition.

Changing the 10 units for 3-4 weeks was a right decision it seems.

Depending on the situation we probably would push more lead time to ensure the perfectionism. AuR is doing 3weeks to 2 month lead time, maybe that’s an ideal for one-man skunk works.

Here is the visual inspection video of 21 units to be shipped soon (please disregard his wife/kids voice, he took it after I complained about the faceplate finish of HBB’s unit)


0-0. DTE900’s 0-1 is a but fatiguing to me.


I’ve had the dte900 for 2 days now. I think it really shines in its default 1-1 configuration. Sounds fantastic. Already sold my 10th anniversary iem as it’s basically redundant now. The dte900 is superior in technicalities.

I did try the 0-0 but I felt it really tamed the dte900. It was enjoyable still but I have the aurora for the kind of relaxed tuning - which surpasses it for me for a relaxed smooth listen. In the 1-1 config though it’s just another beast entirely, but still keeps the treble smooth and below what I find fatiguing.

The bass is also nice and heftier than the 10th and slightly faster to my ears.

1-0 is nice but you lose some of that detail up top.

I’m very impressed with it so far.


To be honest I think you’ve done really well considering it’s a 1 man operation and it’s your first iem release. There’s always going to be the odd quality control issue, every company in every industry faces them - especially at launch.

1 unit out of all of the sets that’ve been made and sold so far for me is really good and a job well done - in my opinion anyway.


The QA/QC service is better than much more pricey sets. Congrats on that and thanks.
The set sounds excelent :call_me_hand:


Those sets from the video are those to be shipped today/tomorrow (8/20th) ?

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Assumingely, there are a total of 21 units, so I assume it’s a combined batch of 8/20.

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Sorry to see that faceplate😭

Glad to hear that at least the sound is thorough👌

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Just had a quick demo of @ian91 Butastur at the London CanJam. Stock cable looks great but inhibits the Butastur ability, range and expression significantly. Even with a cheap XINHS 4 core graphene SPC cable they become full, sweet, musical, spacious. I could have listened for longer but had ear fatigue in general from the show. Makes the U12t sounds leaden and pedestrian. Well done @AmericanSpirit_JP (and thanks Ian)!


Thank you for letting me listen to your SR5, it’s a super set! :slight_smile:

Lovely to meet you and glad you enjoyed.


Butastur and SR5, probably only because of the efforts of the @AmericanSpirit_JP :grin:.
BTW my SR5 don’t have any listening time for weeks now :pensive:
Need to do some rotation