Night Oblivion - discussions

As Akros mentioned he found perfect synergy of Butastur with RU7, he is right.

I used RU6 in development phase too. He is such a detective :face_holding_back_tears:

Anyway, Aliexpress summer sale pushed RU7 from $299 to $229 with US40 code.

No reason to deny that discount so I went for it.

I know this store very well.

It’s huogang or huo niu, and Yi Fan 4.4, all same person. I bought SR5 from this guy.


Received the Buzzard today. Man, I am extremely pleased!

  1. The Bass, while I still can pick up the slight BA tonality, is mind-blowingly similar to an extremely well-tuned DD! Goodness me were I flabbergasted! I used these tracks and I was simply smiling like stupid!

  1. Midrange is similarly outstanding! Vocals sound really really natural, Leonard Cohen, James Blunt, Neil Diamond, Sarah Bareilles, Yao Si Ting, Christina Aguilera - beautifully natural all of them! But yeah I could detect slight accentuated upper mid edges that add a slight digital touch to the otherwise analogue timbre. Frankly, this is the most organic BA mids I have ever heard - gets very close to DD. The instrument notes are really tactile.

  2. The treble is very well extended and energetic - ethereal is the right word. I love it. Not splashy, extremely detailed, and skillfully sculpted.

  3. Stage is well-proportioned, clean, and three dimensional. Pin point imaging. Holographic presentation but not super vast - because the notes have the right amount of body, not thin.

  4. From the graph, I was afraid it would not be very dynamic - I could not be any further from the truth! Both Macro and microdynamics are outstanding!

Using them with the H570 tips as intended.

@AmericanSpirit_JP you have created something outstanding! This will get a full review on Headphonesty :wink: Stay tuned!



I had a strong belief that Butastur is capable of impressing the famous DD-head, and I’m glad to see that is proving​:+1::+1:

Looking forward for your review!


Out of interest buddy what switch settings are you using?

UD. I don’t need any more treble, but I surely can do with a bit more bass.


Oooo you’ll need a DD then :speak_no_evil: :smile:


Yeah… But I’m not sure if a hybrid can have such a cohesive tonality.

@AmericanSpirit_JP can it be possible?


Probably think ATM + DD speakers but it would take a lot of work/time to tune and time = :dollar: so I guess it would come down setting a price point and seeing if it’s achievable :man_shrugging:…where there’s a will there’s a way :musical_note:

Sony wants a word with you. :smirk:


WOW! Americanspirit, you did not disappoint. These little beauties are fantastic (and so small!).
I started with 15 hours of white noise. I’ve been testing cable matches on my L&P P6Pro. Listening with switch 1 up, 2 down. I tested 11 cables I have here. Mostly $50ish XINHS models and his TOTL silver&gold, the stock from the SR8, the Penon Vocal, the BlackSoul, the ISN Solar. First let me say, NONE of them sounded bad, congratulations to you! For you guys that refuse to spend $$$ on cables, I recommend that purple set made from the Furakawa (sp?) copper that can be had for $12. Sounded really excellent, full, detailed and actually in my top 4. Next would be the BlackSoul almost neck and neck with the purple. The best were the Vocal and the Solar. Detailed yet “chewy”,round and full, fabulous separation and timbre, no holes anywhere in the sound. The Solar won out by a fair bit but I’m not spending another $400 right now. I have the Vocal and even though it looks blingy, it truly sounds AMAZING with this set.

And now I feel so happy having 3 of the best sets around, IMHO. This, the SR8 and the Neon Pro. Truly American spirit, I’d take your set over my Trailii, the Multiverse Mentor I recently had in house, the Fir XE6. You have accomplished your goal of killer sound for “the rest of us” .

I won’t get into describing , reviewing these but I will say they are amazingly good and I was worried about the bass but it too is amazing. Thanks so much for doing this. :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:


IER-Z1R? Didn’t impress me at all. To the point I don’t even remember its sound at all.

However, M9 surely impressed me.

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Didn’t get a proper fit fact.

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Haven’t heard them sadly.

I think I got a proper fit. Was properly powered as well. The midrange was just too distant to nake me feel engaged at all.


I have an extensive female vocal library and it’s never once been compromised by the graphed 3k mid dip…nope not once, add in one of the best bass responses ever…impact, texture, decay…oh and that super tweeter that makes most EST’s sound just wrong…Sony fan boy :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

PS sorry @AmericanSpirit_JP off topic :person_facepalming::grimacing:


To my impression Sound Rhyme and Unique Melogy is good at handling DD to BA transition crossover design. But UM IEMs are way too overpriced so I don’t consider it as a good option.

Not moondrop, not Thieaudio, not Xenns, not KZ / TRN family.

Recent hybrid one I found pretty cohesive are SR5, SR7, and Tanchjim Kara.

But Kara sacrificed technical chop for its timbre though.

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Hope to hear more of cable roll impressions myself😄

I couldn’t even figure out how to attach the stock cable tips :grimacing: :man_shrugging:

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Have you tried with H570 tips?

Tony just received H580 and he mentioned he found H570 handles bass very impressively👍

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