Night Oblivion - discussions

There is a little nob on the female side and you have to align the rail guide according to that.

Probably you will need a good light source to figure the rail guide though, it’s very tiny.

The stock cable actually is very very high grade one, 6N single crystal OCC. It can be retailed around $150.

It will provide a balanced tonality, for further endeavors into wide sound stages, I’d use NiceHCK MoonGod, or more impactful one PW Audio Ignis.


I was pretty impressed with the stock cable!


I mean the 4.4 tip, not ear tips.
I haven’t tried those as they are too small. I need a full 14mm, so only use Azla and the stock AUR tips, which I LOVE. (anyone have any of the biggest size they are willing to part with, let me know).
I couldn’t figure out how the 4.4 plug attaches to the cable. I could get it to line up correctly but couldn’t figure out how it stays put…

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I have the Xenns Top and the implementation of the BAs and the DD is flawless. Can’t comment on other Xenns models


Hi @AmericanSpirit_JP, I have seen in your twitter account some photos of your reviews with comments in a doc style like some other reviewers do, is it accessible by any chance?

I can take a picture later, there is a small notch that you need to align.

It’s old though.

Are you referring these?


Yes that’s it, I thought that it could have your most recent reviews/impressions, it seems I was wrong :sweat_smile:
Thanks anyway :+1:

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:rofl: I m dying

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Is Kbear Hazy a good match for Night Obivilion?

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Yes, I line up the notches in the plug and it slips all the way in, got that. Is there a way to lock it in place?

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Just posted my Night Oblivion Butastur review on dead fi. Easy recommendation.
Night Oblivion Butastur - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion -


Works Great but honestly stock cable is a upgraded of Hazy. There is no great meaning to switch to Hazy unless it’s a color scheme preference

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Ah great.

I found that it’s sometime a bit loose too.

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@AmericanSpirit_JP Butastur and I have returned from our honeymoon and things have settled to normal life. We worked it out on night three that for us the UD position is the best for enjoyment. Originally we were enjoying UU but things got a little to rough and I couldn’t make it the whole night.

Now Butastur is coming on the heals of some fine IEMs. The closest in my collection that I’d compare it to is the Neon Pro which is also the outlier and least used IEM in my roundup. That begs the question what could Butastur bring or do better that would make NP and I sign divorce papers. Something had to be done differently and not be redundant to my other IEMs. Ones that I consider great all arounders for my library but bring highlights/enjoyment to specific genres.

NP in bass config currently semi filled that gap for Grunge, Metal, Thrash and Hardcore Punk. I mentioned semi because it wasn’t quite right and was always a little congested on male vocals with just hair to much bite on guitars. It always left me craving an IEM that would allow me to enjoy these genres more and for longer listening sessions.

You sir have done it. NP and are splitting. Butastur is killer to my preference for these genres. Brings in the speed still for the double kicks and plays really well on busy track maintaining great separation/imaging and staging. The big key for me is it brings just the right touch of slightly forward vocals and they aren’t congested like I found on NP. Guitars still have their bite but I find them better for louder volumes and longer listening sessions. It also does very well at breathing new life into a lot of these older not so well master albums I enjoy where NP didn’t. Cheers to a killer set that is a really good all arounder and top notch in my book for Thrash, Hardcore Punk, Grunge and Metal.


Guess what?

Pentaconn Coreir ear tip, the one of most biggest hit of Ear tips in JDM (Japan Domestic Market) just landed to USA!

I ordered from MTM Audio at crazy $50 per 2 pairs (and it was two same size set🤷‍♂️)


I will update to see, why this ear tip is so buzzed.

Sound Impression of Pentaconn Coreir with Butastur:

Long story short: It’s great omg. Worth it.

Details: from the build, a softears UC + brass acoustic resonator chamber , you may expect a very metallic resonance, at least I imagined that.

Nope, actually the timbre is very organic😳

-very wide sound stage formulation into side ways, like the images below

-very “direct” sound image projection, the resolution, and timbral impact increases. Strangely not fatiguing.

-sub bass gets a boost, I bet this helps to those love “more bass” from Butastur.

-mid is probably very impressive point to mention, perceived imaging get benefit of better projection, more holographic presentation

-treble :heart_eyes: wow, you’ve gotta try it. Very entertaining! I like how natural H570 cast Butastur, but also love Coreir’s artistic presentation

-after trying some tracks, I noticed his ear tip boost 6khz area pretty significantly, making Butastur to sound a bit sibilant for some harsh female vocals, this may worth to keep in mind.

-Coreir ear tip is not a universal one size fit all, it more of U-shape booster, if it matches it does a :magic_wand:

Update 2:

Butastur :crescent_moon: x NiceHCK MoonGod :full_moon: x Pentaconn Coreir = EDM and more dynamic sounding. Very good synergy.


Great to hear you found Butastur’s sweet-spot in the genres that specifically need a solid energy in order to get the “Spirit” out them.

I’m very happy to see that you pointed out the macro dynamism perspective of Butastur, as it appears many have highlighted the micro excellence of it.

I’ve cared and tailored Butastur for both Micro and Macro, and glad you found Butastur fits to a great spot​:crescent_moon::eagle:

I’m drummer myself and participated many band activities including many of hard rock and metal, grunge field.

So, playing those music at its best, was my another goal besides handling acoustic genres.


Bummer on the bamboo tips not being a cheaper alternative. I think I’ll get these and and an H570. I just got the Dunu S&S and liked them more than any other (only thing I disliked really was it lacked physicality in the low-end but I think that’s because Dunu should have added like 0.5 to the dimension…) The brass tips btw are on Ali now and you can get just a pair. Interesting how there have been a few that have expressed a wide soundstage, but tweakingtips wasn’t as impressed in that department.

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As always, tips are highly personal so YMMW.

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Yea…bamboo tips were very obsolete they tried to fit a niche segment I feel.

Maybe ER4 or W80 type of long nozzle ones may benefit, but I’m not using these two anymore.

H570 and Coreir is worth to try. But Coreir is so expensive…2 pairs for $50 from MTM audio.

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