Night Oblivion - discussions

Finally got my H570 tips from AliExpress and am trying them on. So far I like what I’m hearing. Drum hits are a bit snappier than the double flanged KBear tips I was using, although soundstage became just slightly narrower. I do like that these seem to grip my ears well and aren’t prone to falling out unlike some other tips. Haven’t noticed any uncomfortable pressure buildup either so I’d say they work well for longer sessions.


Except the W1 and Xelaastex I have tried the rest, but decided the H570 is the best. I have bought two more pairs of them.

I have an observation here - Since the Butastur has switches, a small switch operating tool would have been appreciated. I know, we all have sim ejector tools, but it is nice to have it in the box itself rather than fishing it out of somewhere else.


By the way @AmericanSpirit_JP where does the total sales number stand now?

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Should be over 50 by now.


Yea I thought that small toothpick would’ve included. Those are not expensive stuff.

Anyway, good to hear you’ve found H570 is the best match. It is designed with it so, they do have best synergy :smile:

Though I’ve noticed NiceHCK MoonGod x Pentaconn Coreir combo does great one too. Not as natural as H570, but it has very nice coloration to have some fun​:crescent_moon::eagle:

What surprised me is the outstanding balance it has achieved between precision and organic timbre. It has not sacrificed the timbre to achieve extreme precision and knife-edged details. And yet it has not overdone the organic timbre to the point of sounding unnaturally thick, smothering the details. Tuning finesse at its peak!

On top of that - the outstanding comfort was simply unprecedented. I remember other full BA iems, most recently the See Audio Neko, creating a very uncomfortable vacuum sealing. Not Butastur. It is as comfortable as a well vented DD iem. I just cannot say enough of it!


Same to Tony, you’ve pulled words out of my mouth👍

Very accurate analysis!

Yea, exactly. This is a philosophy of subtraction.

There are many IEMs much more detailed or organic than Butastur, but there are none that has exact right balance.

Many IEMs are good at “addition” of good taste, but the true virtue of the sound is actually the opposite. It needs to be subtracted from.

I’m very happy to see many different reviewers like you, HBB, Akros, with different preferences all found something in common in Butastur. Great minds thinks alike.

The minimalistic Wabi-Sabi spirit instrumental neutral, is achieved and proven.


@AmericanSpirit_JP I really hope you are not stopping here. The sacrifice you made by foregoing your commission has birthed something that will be a benchmark for many years I believe. I am hoping many more such incredible creations in other configurations will come. I am really ready for a single DD or multi DD.


thank you!

Will be keep working.


Oh by the way, if anybody wants to know, just compared it with Andromeda.

Fosi Audio DS1, single end.

Andromeda left to dust.



My good friend Jordan released his video… That’s my personal Butastur unit in his video btw


Never got a chance to click a photo, until now. Too engrossed in listening.


Has he tried with H570 ear tip?

The “forward” expression he mentioned is what people would generally perceive with “ok, pair it what ever cheap ones” type stock tip. I’d want to emphasize, please just forget about the stock ear tip that come with it, it’s 5cents random tips.

Not meant to be used on Butastur. We could ship Butastur without ear tips, but at least something.

The one and only compromise we had to make is H570 ear tips we couldn’t pair. The sourcing company never responded and we can’t rely on random Aliexpress shop for some commercial production IEM.

I like his comparison with many IEMs, most of them are my personal reference IEMs too that I play around on daily basis😄

Love how he describes Anole VX’s bass switch, and that’s exactly what I feel “a disaster “ . I respectfully disagree with his assessment with detail retrieval of Butastur vs Anole VX and he commented 70-80% of VX though.

VX is artificially increasing 7-9khz to make sound image vivid, that provides a fake “detail”. It is overly emphasized and thus too colored, which I don’t consider it “detail” of an actual sound expression is.

The true detail retrieval shall stands on how natural it can project the sound and its chromatic scale. Of which Butastur is at least on par with VX.

For bass the mighty qdc failed to make unvented bass BA to work properly with that bass switch.

As an owner of VX, I know it’s weakness and always wanted to cure those. Butastur is my answer to qdc, “hey this is how it supposed to be”
Based on my qdc love from qdc
/DUNU / SeAudio’s IEMs as well.


Although I haven’t heard either, I always take iems with spicy enhanced treble that are “detailed” with a big grain of salt. Butastur is somehow regarded to be smooth and detailed, and thats when you know you have got a great iem on your hands.


Hi @AmericanSpirit_JP ,

I’m interested in purchasing the Night Oblivion. However, I came across the Forget Night Audio W10 on Taobao (see attached image) which has similar specifications. Is this a clone or a version specifically sold in China? The W10 is in stock, so there’s no wait time. If they are the same, I’ll go ahead and buy it. Thank you.

That logo seems to be the same on the carrying case…is it a copy?

Even the specs, design - everything is same! The cable too!

They are two different IEMs.

Different drivers / crossovers / and hardware configs.

Night Oblivion was dealing with chinese domestic market with Jinny’s own tuning. W10 is one of them and that where I noticed the existence of Night Oblivion.

W10 is unbelievably bright tuned and it’s unvented as well. I didn’t find W10 particularly interesting but I know that’s what Chinese domestic market wanted. The cost of drivers are down graded to sell for Chinese domestic market too.

If you want a thin sounding bright IEM with pressure build up, with typical BA timbre, you can try W10 though, it has technical chop, and that’s why I felt Night Oblivion is capable to make something.

It took a long path to get to build Butastur, and here we are.


That logo is WY(night oblivion’s chinese old name).

Not a sleek design, so we redesign a new brand logo. Some accessories are based on WY logos though.

W10 has 90:10 Micro/Macro ratio, to put it this way, all I could hear was all cymbals and metallic details with no bass.

I knew that was Chinese domestic market fetish, but that 90:10 would never ever going to work on international market.

So we worked to make 10BA that actually work to do 60:40 ~ 55-45 Micro/Macro, and tried to minimize that BA timbre, with more organic timbre yet with highest timbral accuracy as well as chromatic scaling / pitch accurate technicalities, the one you are enjoying today.


Thank you for the clarification.

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Ok it’s seem strange here. they even have something the same as BRAS System.