Night Oblivion - discussions

Just a friendly reminder please keep things civil and on topic, any more off topic or personal attacks will result in the post being removed followed by the poster seconds later.

Thank you the MOD team.


Thank you for all the effort placed, I am really considering the butastur my only gripe is the design( not really a blocking factor for me). Its not bad by any means just different tastes i suppose.

Therefore i wanted to ask you any idea when the second revision might surface? Has Jinny mentioned any timeline. Then i could decide on whether to wait for it as my next iem :blush:.
Thank you


Yea my post calling out HBB on his behavior got deleted. I didnt say anything profane or bad, kind of suspicious as to why someone flagged it.


No one deserves to be defined by their past, as long as they change for the better. Repetitive poor behavior is concerning.


Sure did and this’s why…

Because (a) it was off topic and (b) calling HBB racist is really stupid and inflammatory, I’ve been on this forum from pretty much day one and I’ve never seen him post or reviewed any posts by him that were flagged as racist plus he’s a white American living in Japan with a Japanese partner that doesn’t sound like a racist to me.

Anymore shit stirring and you’re gone, ain’t got the time or the patience for it so take that as a final warning.



Are there any comparisons between supernova and butastur?
idk which to buy

Quite a few, actually.


I’ll elaborate a bit further.

Why Supernova > Butastur?

  • Supernova has a better coherence, which translates into a much better vocal performance and genre consistency/adaptability.
  • Better workmanship with the Abalone shell (personal taste), or any custom build you can ask them upon order
  • Excellent, natural timbre, almost DD-like
  • Balanced tuning, very versatile

Why Butastur > Supernova?

  • Butastur has better technicalities than Supernova, especially resolution and layering
  • Much more comfortable than Supernova, especially with the bigger vent and smaller size
  • Adjustable tuning with switches (arguable, but I do change switch from time-to-time)
  • Cheaper, less waiting time to get

Overall, I still pick Supernova over Butastur if you ask me. But you’ll find me using Butastur more due to the comfort.


I wasn’t saying he “is”, not right now this instant. I was saying he has been, but also he has continued to behave poorly repitively as well. People can change for the better and thats what we should be incentivizing. Also having family of different ethnicity is not an excuse for not being racist. Thats not how it works.
Perhaps I shouldn’t have specified and just left it with repetitive poor behavior. Sorry if I was too harsh, really just want people to reflect. Genuinely.

I would choose supernova, but I can wear butastur and actually fit it into my ears. I’ve also managed to improve the timbre with EQ, so its not as thin.

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If anyone else wants to join moots2701 in being suspended then carry on trying my patience with off topic posts…Again this thread is for NIGHT OBLIVION - DISCUSSIONS let’s please keep it to just that.

Thank you.


hi,how compared mest ii vs bgvp phantom in resolution,imaging,separation instruments,soundstage ,sound tone,bass,mids and highs?

MEST 2 is better in every way. I did sell it though since it didn’t have any ear pressure relief.

so, you soold mest ii and keep phantom? mest ii BC driver dont has any performance you not feel it? phantom”s BCD works better?

I sold the Phantom then later sold the MEST 2. Butastur is better than both comfort-wise, and I’m not sure if this is the right place to continue this discussion.


A post was merged into an existing topic: :large_orange_diamond: BGVP Phantom (Flagship Model)

i don’t know how 1.5k masking and sharp treble are compatible but if you say so…:slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face::slightly_smiling_face::upside_down_face:

There are none.
It’s his personal interpretation, and he often refers to it in his videos. It’s the same as when he asks other people “at what volume are you listening?”, as if you always had to listen loud to be able to interpret iem characteristics correctly: that’s his way to listen, that’s how he gets to hear. …and he’s clearly not an authority on the subject.

One of the most detailed NOB reviews. Worth a read!