Night Oblivion - discussions

I got an email confirming this. I ordered on Aug 8th.


Got my shipped email too!!!


Another one here :clap:t2::clap:t2:


Did you get the bamboo tips yet?

Yea got H370+ and Bamboo tips

You see it’s actually on Turbo.

The synergy with turbo is not that great, in fact I think Bamboo tips are only good for IEM with extremely long nozzles. The shape of the flange is made for long nozzles.

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After a few days listening to Butastur, I do have some impressions, some positive, some negative, but overall still overwhelmingly positive. Currently, I loaned my unit to a reviewer friend (look out for a video from him soon, he likes it too!).

Brief sound impression:

  • Quite an effortless bass presentation, sounding pretty natural with very minor BA bass timbre.
  • Forward-sounding mids with excellent details and vocal reproduction.
  • Well-extended treble, even more vivid with the treble switch on.
  • Overall balanced tuning that is hard to find fault. Reminiscent of Softear RSV in my opinion.

The positives:

  • Excellent technicalities beyond the price point, especially in layering and resolution. I have listened to several multi-kilobucks IEMs before and came to a conclusion that after a certain price point, technicalities are generally equally high, only some preferential differences beyond that point. Initially I put the $1k Thieaudio Monarch Mk2 as that “technicalities sweet spot”, but with Butastur, I had to revise my personal benchmark.
  • Amazing comfort due to the size and the pressure relief system. I think it’s one of the most comfortable IEM to wear for a long time personally.
  • Actually functioning and significant use of the tuning switches. To be perfectly honest, I’m not a fan of complicated tuning switches. A single switch for bass lift like SA6 is something I’d normally tolerate. Butastur’s switches are something that I’d actually use from time to time. I like the 1-0 for gaming and 1-1 config for movies, and for the rest of general use, 0-0.
  • Pleasant tuning in all configurations and good coherence. For a 10BA unit, it certainly is very coherent with a smidge of BA timbre if you nitpick.

Some negatives:

  • I think to achieve the high level of technicalities, I find that the sound presentation might sound overly forward. In a display analogy, it’s like cranking the saturation and contrast higher to extract as much details as possible. I think given the limitation of the shell size and likely internal construction, it’s a tradeoff I can accept.
  • The pressure relief system does make it less isolating, from outside in and inside out. Not really ideal listening in a crowded environment. That said, I might use this more since I usually travel on foot, so it’s safer on the road.

Even with the minor negative points above, I do think that we have a winning formula here with Butastur. I’ve compared it with Thieaudio Monarch Mk2, Softears RSV, Moondrop Variations, 7th Acoustics Supernova, and I even borrowed my friend’s Anole VX… Butastur certainly competes with them. While it hasn’t dethroned the 7A Supernova as my personal favourite (I still prefer the timbre on Supernova, even tho it loses out on technicalities), it came really close.

So, well done @AmericanSpirit_JP ! It’s an excellently executed project and I do hope Butastur will work its way to more people’s collection.



Very precise analysis, great input!

One thing I shall add —as a private owner of most of IEMs you listed — is that, RSV is more of vocal-spot on type of tuning which is not the sound design of Butastur (instrumental neutral with timbral accuracy in focus). But the note weight is indeed fairly close with RSV ( 55 Micro : 45 Macro ) and Butastur 0-0 Spirit Mode(60 Micro : 40 Macro)


I would respectfully disagree with your assessment on Monarch Mk2/3 technicalities. I personally don’t consider them middling and would put it in a top class. I understand there are preferences and biases involved, but that’s just my stance on it.

That said, even within my personal preferences, I do acknowledge Monarch is still not the absolute best (I would put U18t and Annihilator 2023 above it, and many more), so I can understand your position depending on what is the yardstick you choose to compare it with. I just think that Monarch Mk2/3 are competing really closely with those top technical performers (again, based on my experience).

P.S. Monarch Mk2/3’s technicalities are quite cable/tip dependent in my experience. I think the stock setup is quite non-optimal.

Also, this is probably off-topic, so I won’t continue further in this thread.

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Interesting :face_with_monocle:


Order placed today!
I think I’ll order DTE900 too, @AmericanSpirit_JP are you listening DTE900 with stock cable?
Not sure if get a nicehck Spacecloud or SpaceAuAg got it😅


As an old comrade of Softears RSV, hope you find audio nirvana with Butastur :+1:

For DTE900 technically I’m still not listening, just few sessions during the burning process.

I probably would roll some cable later on DTE500, while I find Turbo’s cable is just perfect as-is.


Didn’t notice HBB made a video of Butastur🤟

I’m fairly surprised Butastur hit very high to the top5 favorite listing as Butastur is more of Micro details over macro dynamism 60:40 of which I know isn’t the case for Chris’s preference, from various collaborations IEMs I can see it’s laying somwhere around 40:60 or 45:55 for Micro vs Macro.

Great to hear even with that Butastur hits to the top 5👍

Description of commodities: PLASTIC EARPHONE FOR FOR MUSIC
Total Payable on Delivery: 3447

Mehh…plastic earphone :smirk:



Very truthful.


TBH I found RSV too colored/warm and I missed highs and air in general.
I much prefer twilight from Softears that still have a touch of warmth but it has better detail retrival and notes breathe a lot more, DD bass is much better also but few BA bass works in my ear, one is Fitear TG334 (blue) and another one is Aroma Ace that in preferred over Trailli.
I hope Butastur will be fine😉
Anyway today I bought DTE900 also😛


Mine came into today. But I also got a Monarch MK 3 so yeah. First taste is good.


As Akros mentioned he found perfect synergy of Butastur with RU7, he is right.

I used RU6 in development phase too. He is such a detective :face_holding_back_tears:

Anyway, Aliexpress summer sale pushed RU7 from $299 to $229 with US40 code.

No reason to deny that discount so I went for it.

I know this store very well.

It’s huogang or huo niu, and Yi Fan 4.4, all same person. I bought SR5 from this guy.


Received the Buzzard today. Man, I am extremely pleased!

  1. The Bass, while I still can pick up the slight BA tonality, is mind-blowingly similar to an extremely well-tuned DD! Goodness me were I flabbergasted! I used these tracks and I was simply smiling like stupid!

  1. Midrange is similarly outstanding! Vocals sound really really natural, Leonard Cohen, James Blunt, Neil Diamond, Sarah Bareilles, Yao Si Ting, Christina Aguilera - beautifully natural all of them! But yeah I could detect slight accentuated upper mid edges that add a slight digital touch to the otherwise analogue timbre. Frankly, this is the most organic BA mids I have ever heard - gets very close to DD. The instrument notes are really tactile.

  2. The treble is very well extended and energetic - ethereal is the right word. I love it. Not splashy, extremely detailed, and skillfully sculpted.

  3. Stage is well-proportioned, clean, and three dimensional. Pin point imaging. Holographic presentation but not super vast - because the notes have the right amount of body, not thin.

  4. From the graph, I was afraid it would not be very dynamic - I could not be any further from the truth! Both Macro and microdynamics are outstanding!

Using them with the H570 tips as intended.

@AmericanSpirit_JP you have created something outstanding! This will get a full review on Headphonesty :wink: Stay tuned!



I had a strong belief that Butastur is capable of impressing the famous DD-head, and I’m glad to see that is proving​:+1::+1:

Looking forward for your review!


Out of interest buddy what switch settings are you using?