Night Oblivion - discussions

Hi @AmericanSpirit_JP

Congratulations for your project.

Pretty sure I’m jumping in down the line!


Butastur is developed with H570 ear tips, unfortunately due to unstable procurement route that H570’s sellers are offering, it was not included as the stock ear tip, however H570 has some very unique features (believe me I have 200+ ear tips and reached to this ear tip as an ultimate modern IEM solution) .

The unique features of H570 is “retain bass impact while releasing excessive and unnaturally congested bass gains” & “opening up spaces while retain clarify”

When combined BRAS technology and H570, the sound is set to very neutral.

For Butastur FR is just a small slice of the sound profile’s one dimension.


Green with envy for all who could swing it. Disappointed for myself, watching from the sidelines.

Joyful for @AmericanSpirit_JP and you lucky “bastages”, you few you lucky few, you band of Butastur brothers.

I’ll get me hands on a set down the road, you puny humans, HULK SMASH :laughing:


If Penon is still saying in stock are you able to confirm if they’re actually available as part of this first batch?

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I’m not familiar with their platform, let me relay your question to Mr.Kong


Hi and congratulations again for this project. You speak about H570 esrtips, do you use Coreir Brass and compare? Could be so good than H570? Thanks and best wishes.

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Very complete and scientific information, I am genuinely impressed. If I hadn’t bought a DUNU SA6 MK2 recently, I would have grabbed one of your IEMs, but… you never know :slightly_smiling_face: .

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Pulling a Zeos and ranking your own iem. Bold move!

I’m in if I can get one.

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From his SA6 tuning, I’m pretty shure we share very similar preferences, thanks mate!


Alright order placed! Your confidence in this release, the praise you speak of it and the fact that you are a part of the community and contribute tremendously to it is why I decided to order. I’ll be graphing it and throwing it up on my database to be compared the likes of NP, Aurora, Glamdring and many other quality sets. Let’s hope your confidence and praise is the same sound entering the ears of @GooberBM @Sonofholhorse @cal_lando @rattlingblanketwoman @domq422 and myself when it goes and tour. I’m not treading lightly when someone praises their own release so high and compares it to what you have. My hopes are in your favor and I look forward to strong winds and safe seas to help push sales your way.


To all:

One thing we couldn’t materialize is to accompany Butastur with H570 ear tips due to the unstable sourcing (it’s only sold from very random sellers and they remove the listing quite often)

You can find links for H570 from these

Since Butastur is developed with H570, it is highly suggested to pair with this ear tip if you don’t have these yet,

As many of you may remember, I’ve been using this ear tip as one ultimate ear tip for modern IEMs, and Butastur will be perfected with this.

It is generally not recommendable business planning to pair a third party post-sales products but there are no other substitutes available.


Testing Macro Dynamism mode especially for bass performance: Here are some base test tracks (Left youtube music link to universal access, you may find better quality ones on other platform)


Vocal Range Test Tracks

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@AmericanSpirit_JP I’m IN


Looking forward to hear impressions :smile::ok_hand:

I’m done enough walk throughs and narratives.

Remaining journals will be filled with your words📝

Just one last note, Butastur supposed to use H570 ear tips as the stock one, but it didn’t happen.

Here, you can find the aliexpress links


Well, I ordered it! I just hope I got one in stock as it didn’t say back ordered.


Same here. @AmericanSpirit_JP was going to reach out to the Penon rep about this. Not sure if an answer has been received yet.


How is the 1-1 graph? Or is that not a good tuning?

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Basically combined 1-0 and 0-1, it’s high Gain mode.

I barely use it but it shall fit to energetic sounding profile lover.


Unfortunately Pentaconn( Japan Dick’s) Coreier Brass is still hard to obtain, so I have not tested.

From my understanding it will boost micro details so yea it shall be a fun booster kit.

The fundamental tuning is done with H570, especially for bass region and sound staging.

As Coreier is basically Softears UC +
Brass acoustic tubing, the sound profile will be 180 degree different that I’d say. Good sound alternating kit but not original.