Night Oblivion - discussions

I know this is pretty late but catching up with this thread now and Seinfeld just knows what’s up😂


Hey, amazing project AS. It’s tempting, for sure. Can’t wait for the reviews.

Have you seen the new Zhulinniao Rythme Eartips on Ali? Similar to H570 in that it’s latex, but you get 3 pairs.

For the price of those brass tips, I think a better bet would be Lizer, which is also quite different from conventional eartip design.


That’s interesting. I came here to get more info on the Butastur, but I never expected to get a real answer to my deleted post from last night about the forum’s review system and lack of negative reviews.

Thanks for replying to that post, @ToneDeafMonk , and now I understand why there aren’t any negative reviews on the site… they simply get deleted by the mods.


"You take the blue pill… the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe”

You chose well and welcome to HFGF :+1:


and if you want to get blackpilled then go to ASR.


Apparently they mostly hype Truthear Zero and Zero:red. I think they’re good, but not that great.


i don’t care about the products they review or hype, its a based place to read and learn about anything audio related in general.


Oh interesting any links of H570-like ear tips?

For Coreier, yes I was the first one introduced them to head-fi before they handcuffed me and deleted Night Oblivion dedicated thread and “all” Butastur & Night Oblivion related posts I made :sweat_smile:

One of their sponsor must have threatened, and asked them “shut that little brat up, it’s
Disturbing our TOTL sales”

Now all replies I made had been screened and “all of them” are censored. No single comments, whether thats night oblivion/ Butastur related or not are allowed to get pass to public on that platform. Only thing I can change is my signature.

You see how bad that detention center is? Then I get blackmailing PM from them “if you want to speak, pay us money” Nasty nuggets :face_vomiting:


It’s quite good, especially the HEXA.

I have all Truthear personal collections from Zero / Hexa, then recent HOLA / SHIO, and repacked Zero: Red. HEXA is a proper analytical A-grade IEM, and it was first one to break B-grade from sub$100 to my impression.

Nowadays we got tons of high performing IEMs so there is no specific reason to hype HEXA. As it sits pretty neatly as a benchmark IEM there for $75 mark to beat on analytical realm.

Red? Hmm it’s well tuned as most of Crin’s work, but it’s just well tuned 2DD with LCP. I don’t see Red can be as technical as A-grade IEMs. Great entry level or maybe the only thing one would need. For LCP, I’d rather recommend Dunu Titan S for the similar tuning with better technicality


Exactly . Smart people can “stress test” on the statements and will salvage whatever useful outputs from the original inputs

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Here. Only store that carries it on Ali, with just 7 sales so far.

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I’m the 8th unit sold to them😄

It appears close to Feaulle’s H370, not H570 but anyway I will report back.

I have H370 but it’s no where near H570’s performance.

FYI H570

lol I saw it go up, and knew it was you. Yeah, it’s not the same, but I learned about it from the link below, which he says it reminds him of H570. It’s difficult to find it on Ali unless you put Zhulinniao in the search. They’re on Taobao as well.

Yeah, looking at that guide, it was bad.

“Yup, in my encyclopedia of eartips this one is pretty bad.”

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let’s make it Streisand effect


Oh hey Jazzy welcome to Hifiguides!

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Head-Fi’s heavy handed treatment of you really pisses me off. If they had half a brain, this hobby drama never would have happened. My activity there has since nose-dived; I look mainly at the deal thread if something comes up, but I have abandoned the discovery thread altogether.


I bought NP, SR8, H570 out of your recommendations and now I have really hard time because I am saving for Ascention and would have to sell something to buy Butasur as well.


try Tanchjim T-APB T300 as well - these are not cheap but underrated and really make a positive difference

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So as I’ve done enough walk throughs of the story and the sound, this maybe the last thing I may share what convinced me that Jinny Tan of Night Oblivion is trust worthy.

He cares about this product’s every aspect, like the allergy concerns as I highly suggested we should make the shells like Moondrop’s Variations , and we actually made prototypes, tested with family member with sensitive skins, and concluded in the summer time or highly humid regions, this finish may cause an allergic reactions.

He cares about all aspect not only the sound performances. And Jinny is the guy who cares and actually having his hands-on for his masterpieces.

As someone working daily on manufacturing, the automobile, I can easily tell his craftsmanship is trustable and thus devoting my time to push Butastur project, even without financial compensation is worth my efforts.

Here is the end of my introduction of how passionate we are, and I’m very certain rest of the history book will be filled by our community😄


Yea, H570 & T-APB is my daily go-to.

T-APB has internal vent system that releases canal pressure :smile: I use it for TWS that generally gets more ear time during my office days.

It came with my Tanchjim Kara, loved it and ordered it separately

I know Tanchjim has tech experts as they sometime release Finite Element Analysis charts and this T-APB actually means AirPressureBalance, they know what they are doing.