Night Oblivion - discussions

Yes… you can tell that’s an excuse they used to detain me.

While you see bunch of other member of trade communicating freely.

They basically throw me into Guantanamo Prison and conducting bail ransom. Very smart people are running once glorious and international audiophiles community, now doomed and changed to small circle of money-tied quid pro quo platforms (which everyone knows and you can see Head-Gear reviews only hits 500views , a failed platform)


Happy me - just received a mail from Penon: Butastur has been shipped…



@AmericanSpirit_JP any news about when the second batch will be ready?

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They appear to be selling on Ali express from Penon store I was hovering today…

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It will be the third batch to be shipped on 8/14👍
Expecting around 10 units.


Great :smiley:
Once again, congratulations for the success on your project

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Thanks mate, it’s rather the support of our Audiophile community.

I won’t disclose but many notable reviewers are also supporting this project, they ordered Butastur by their personal budget.

I’m very confident that majority of the community is sane, not chasing after $10k USD trophy earphones.

Earphones should be affordable despite whatever degree of god almighty patent or sound it produces. Not for showing off how much money you can dump into a hobby that we see on many other areas of our life.

As someone love wired earphones, as far as I’m sound, I’d like to devote myself as an anti-thesis for the trophy-earphones.

I’m not going to deny trophy earphones, as we all do show off at certain degree in other part of our life and that’s healthy mental.

What I’m trying is to set a benchmark there for those expensive earphones to mind, sound quality is not a toy for the 0.1% of the rich people.

Finest sound shall not fully dictated by one’s financial capability.

As a former producer of Japanese online games, I have witnessed the rise and fall of online games, once it become a small circle of the “pay-to-win”, the community dies quickly.

That’s the nature of the human society.

Once “pay-to-win” dominates the market, like we started to see in recent years, wired earphones community will die sooner or later.

We need a new inflow, and that’s only attainable by easing / lowering the bars.


We know, and that’s why the community is supporting your project.
To set the benchmark for what’s can be achieved in a determined price bracket it’s very important. Keeps the market alive by pushing it forward.

Thrilled to be part of this and to help to validate your concept.


Never did I expect I would do this, but I finally did. Despite being a pure DD head, I have finally placed an order for the Butastur!

@AmericanSpirit_JP have a question: What is the pronunciation? But-ass-tour / But-ass-tar / Beau-tas-tour / Beau-tas-tar ?


I pronounce Bu-Tas-Stur…


Stirring exclusively blended, perfected, enlightened, elevated and harmonious sounds through the nozzle directly to your auditory cortex.


Wow! Ace Bee!! It will be a history that well known DD head to order an full BA​:+1::+1:

Looking forward for your impressions! (Please try with H570 ear tips)

For pronunciation: How to pronounce Butastur |

Bjwu-tuh-ster is what I converted in to Japanese spelling. But it also could be Bjwu-tuh-stool.

For latin, boo-tuh-stool.

Either way as Butastur is a migrating hawk, you may call it with your native way​:smile::+1:


I found a site website from Monaco that speaks about the bird. I guess the location of the place helped getting translations.

English : Grasshopper Buzzard, Buzzard-Eagle, Buzzard-Hawk
Italian : Poiana delle cavalette
German : Heuschreckenteesa
Spanish : Azor, Busardo langostero
French : Busautour des sauterelles, buse de la savane
Original name : Butastur rufipennis Sundevall

This bird seems to be met mainly in Africa. It doesn’t go/live on the European continent.


Love that German one



Azor Hawk?
In Portugal it’s Açor, and gave the name to the Açores islands


Polish: myszołap - eng. mousecatcher.


In Bengali, we call it ‘Baaj’ :sunglasses: which also means ‘Thunder’!

Anyway, it seems boo-tas-toor is the pronunciation. Will be calling it that. :slightly_smiling_face:


[AmericanSpirit_JP] have you considered selling IEMs only without a cable ? for most of us purchase of 600 USD deserves decent cable that we already own so buying with cable is only for resale or collection


I remember Fir Audio doing something like that on (just the earphones) and drastically reducing the price of the set they offered yet.

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