No Serious Business - IEM Edition

@Rikudou_Goku Conclusions on my 10min testing of the Mesh modded Blon-03 vs Mele.

Blon has better (upper) treble and Stage/Imaging. Sounds more V to my ears tho.

I prefer Mele’s bass presentation. Mids are a twist. I usually prefer Mele, unless I’m listening to a track that abuses presentation with stage (Agnes Obel - Curse).

9/10 I’ll pick Mele. People that need more treble or Air might prefer blon moded.

No way in hell I’ll rec Blon over Mele due to confort, fit, easiness, isolation, cable, and LOOKS. (fuck beans)

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Could you please post the store link for the KZ-DQ6…

I want to see the selections they have

I mean the delivery time seems fast for your DQ6 :thinking:

lol, the 03 is actually pretty good for me now with comfort and fit after I tip-rolled to the moon and back.

(settled on the Radius Deep Mount.)

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@Rikudou_Goku That’s for me. Knowing your preferences, you might prefer Blon for that Drop the bass :rofl:

Needs more testing tho. I’ll pick any over FH3, GK10, MH755, Tanya

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Yes Also doing RDM vs CP100. If I put RDM it will get even closer ofc.

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weird flex but ok

What? We were showing our BL-03 mesh mods so I showed the two of mine with and without.

No flex silly!

All of them are beautiful tho.

Where’s your thick skin???

I’m going to say something stupid…

something stupid

get lbbs lol.

Can you try it with a regular 2 pin cable?


Pretty sure there is vent that is blocked with a cable like that on it…

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Seriously??? OMG!!!

Troll! There is no vent there.

LOOOOOOOL thank god you just starting on this hobby, right?

@nymz & @Godria


Let the bets begin. My bet:

“Wow this are amazing. very close to Teas. Worse than monarch or variations. Shitty cable.”

Its from master Slater

(also the creator of the mesh mod btw)


That’s really great news…

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Bro if you love EJ07m i’ll be over the moon.

It’s all metal! Solid metal.

@Resolution… Also with the cable or just the EJ07M?

I can’t give hearts for you :disappointed: