Nymzreviews.com official thread

Yes, for sure. This is due to the seal giving iems and edge and also with how brands like to tune stuff, it is definitely possible to have sub-bass rivaling or even more than most iems with a hp. (I did it after all.)

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Yes, we have mezes 99, but they rumble your ear much more evidently than any basshead IEM I knowā€¦ :wink:

Maybe try the Koss KEB90 :wink:

Yes. Spanish!! There are few reviewers from this country. You can count them on one hand. It may seem idiotic, but southern Latinos tend to have different preferences than Central American Latinos. Spaniards tend to be closer to the preferences of the USA and the rest of Europe, although the problem is that there are so many reviewers from these Anglo-Saxon countries that itā€™s crazy.

I was able to see the Mahina review. It looks spectacular but its price here makes it more of an A+ option or basically an end game for me. The biggest problem with the Mahina is its price. 750ā‚¬ here.
Iā€™ve seen the Ej07m at around 500ā‚¬. When looking at iems of these prices it seems we tend to forget and underestimate the price differences. An Olina that is 70% of the Ej07m costs 1/5 of its value.

Quick question. Does anyone know any nice cables like this one? (airship stock)

Itā€™s thin and 1 core split into 2x 1core.

Offering cookies as a reward.

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Thats the type Moondrop SSRĀ“s stock cable uses.

Or, its these that I use for my buds.

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Alright found some.


FH5 Cable, I love it
Should be in your hands soon :sunglasses::ok_hand:t2:

Not the same (i have both on my desk) but I could live with that one. Problem is I need everything 4.4mm for A/Bs :frowning:

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Thatā€™s different, IIRC. But Iā€™m a sucker to try new cables (usability, not sound lol)


I ordered an Openheart cable last week on AliExpress. I havenā€™t received it yet and Iā€™m not getting my hopes up just yet but it does look similar.
I was trying to find a cable similar to Timeless for the P1 Plus.

Also this

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I that one. Not as thin.

The Airship cable is so nice :sob:

Thanks Guys and Girls, I do think there needs to be a new way to measure and graph these iems, unless my custom iems are just an exception, I know I did not get from Shuoer or HBB what they were advertising.
Enough of that.
Nymz I am not gonna flip them, I have one more last gasp thing to try. Other than missing some bass from the Kinda Lavas, the treble is harsh. But I think that is a little of my sensitivity and some my Fiio M11 Plus Ltd. is harsh. So I ordered the Oriolus BA300S, the new one with the C type charge plug.
Tubes, TOOOOBBBBSSSSS, I have tubes in nearly every amplifier I have in the home theater, I hope tubes will be the answer to smoothing out almost unlistenable treble.
Here is hoping, God Bless,


Oh that sure will help. Im a tube fan, especially as pre amps. Im looking to add a good one to my setups in the long runā€¦ Especially for headphones :wink:

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August 2022 multiple IEM impressions

Sweaty August means a great time for some hot takes and to clean out my to-do list, as my personal assistant is still MIA. Due to logistics and time-saving problems, I will condense all my thoughts on some of the IEMs I have on my table in a single post and give my impressions on it. None of the above units are owned by me and will go back to their respective owners as soon as possible. Letā€™s keep the ball rolling, shall we?

Final Audio A4000 impressions

Disclaimer: This unit was sent to me by @Szymon to be graphed and for a quick spin. No incentives of any kind were given and the review you are about to read are my own thoughts and opinions. Thanks once again to @Szymon for the opportunity and support.

Driver Setup: 1DD
Price: Around $150
Comfort, fit and isolation: Good comfort and fit, average isolation.
Source used: Topping E30 + L30 stack
Tips used: Spinfit CP145
Test playlist with some of the songs used: Tidal

Oh Final Audio, we meet again. Iā€™ve been blessed once again that their infamous QC has yet to strike me, so guess that makes me a lucky snowflakeā€¦ or cursed because I get to hear another one?

Typical Final Audio house tuning means spiciness in the treble region and that probably already comes written on the bible itself. To be clear, it is way better than I expected it to be with all that sauce in the treble because itā€™s compensated by a bass shelf glide that corrects itself at 1k hz - just lower the volume and pray for the headaches not to come.

Speaking of bass, despite its elevation, it clearly lacks microdynamics. When listening to Trentemoller - Chameleon the rumble was soft, out of texture and the mid-bass only sounded leading the slam instead of me actually feeling it.

Into the actual mid-range, the piano on Yiruma - River Flows In You the lower notes had way more weight than the upper ones in the fundamentals given all the compensation turned into note-weightā€¦ but not everywhere.
Hania Rani - Glass confirmed my suspicion - despite replaying the stroke sounds and details well enough, - when the lower notes of her piano felt too thick and the rest felt too thin.
To make triple sure, Agnes Obel - Curse sealed the deal: Her vocals and cello sound too thick, while the viola and her piano upper notes sound a bit faded to the background.

As for treble, cymbal strikes are way out of their place and way too energetic, and for that I just couldnā€™t stand it for long without the fear of incoming headaches. Fleetwood Mac - Dreams intro cymbal was way too grainy and elevated, while Iggy Pop - Lust For Life confirmed its overall tuning imbalance and harshness.

As for technicalities, the imaging chops are actually good for the price point and the perceived detail level is also average due to its treble elevation, although I feel itā€™s just because of that. Macro dynamics, timbre and layering are a pass.

Verdict: I donā€™t like the A4000 but I understand why trebleheads might, but the overall lack of balance throws me off. If I had to guess in a blind run, Iā€™d say it was a hybrid IEM and not a single DD, due to how off bass and lower mid-range sound compared to the upper mid-range and treble.

In a year where budget options make some more expensive sets obsolete, itā€™s tough to be different and especially in this price range, where offers like the Olina, Etymotic, Hana 2021, Kato etc exist - and donā€™t get me started versus planars.

I cannot recommend the Final Audio A4000.

Value ranking: 2/5. Personal rank: C-.

SeakReal Airship impressions

Disclaimer: This unit was sent to me by @SenyorC to be graphed and for a quick spin. No incentives of any kind were given and the review you are about to read are my own thoughts and opinions. Thanks once again to @SenyorC for the opportunity and support.

Driver Setup: 1DD
Price: $180
Comfort, fit and isolation: Below average / bad.
Source used: Topping E30 + L30 stack
Tips used: BVGP A07
Test playlist with some of the songs used: Tidal

This is gonna be a quick one, and the graph will tell you why: Airship is a bass boosted Olina, reminiscent of the Hana 20221 vs Oxygen situation, with a different shell and the same driver (read: most likely an olina with a different bass port dampening).

If you wanna know more about one or the other, just read my extensive Olina review and youā€™ll most likely get the idea. Keep in mind however that by increasing the bass the sound gets warmer and more V-shaped, instead of the semi-harman found on the original. One that finds Olina too bassy will not like the Airship and one that finds Olina too peaky wonā€™t like it either. One that finds Olina perfect with a slight bass boost, will love the Airship, at least tuning wise.

Now, what I really wanted to know is how it fared vs the real deal: the dual stock filter mod. I have to say I do prefer the Olina for a couple of reasons: better mid-range position since itā€™s less V-shaped, less energy on cymbals and violins due to the 5k peak tame and the shell - oh the shell.

While Olina is one of the best shells Iā€™ve tried, not just on build quality but also as comfort and fit, the Airshipā€™s are on the other end of the spectrum - hard to get a good fit, not as comfortable and not as isolating. I do have to mention that if you have small ears the Airship will fit you better than the Olina.

Verdict: Given what youā€™ve read above, I have not much else to add. If I gave my highest recommendation to the Olina (reviews are always stock), I have no way to not give the same result to the SeekReal Airship, especially if you are in for more bass and looking at sound quality alone. If we factor the fit and price, Olina blows it out of the water by costing less 80$ with a better shell, and turning into a moddable monster with inside-the-box items. Nonetheless, credit where itā€™s due but with lower rankings due to tuning.

Value ranking: 3.5/5. Personal rank: B.

Moondrop SSR impressions

Disclaimer: This unit was sent to me by @Szymon to be graphed and for a quick spin. No incentives of any kind were given and the review you are about to read are my own thoughts and opinions. Thanks once again to @Szymon for the opportunity and support.

Driver Setup: 1DD
Price: 50$
Comfort, fit and isolation: Good fit, average isolation and comfort.
Source used: Topping E30 + L30 stack
Tips used: Final E
Test playlist with some of the songs used: Tidal

Given the price tag, I canā€™t really fault SSRā€™s bass dynamics, just wishing it had more sub-bass elevation to hit me right during Hans Zimmer - Why So Serious?, as the roll-off is really audible. The mid-bass tho is a whole different story as I truly enjoyed it on kick drums and bass guitars during Ghost-note - Shrill Tones. The bass microdynamics are surprisingly good for its price.

This type of chunky bass curve increases the note weight, but Iā€™m never one to complain about that as I prefer anything thicker than thinner. The real noteworthy section of the mid-range starts right on the pinna rise, giving shouty vibes all over when replaying Adele - Daydreamer, even at lower volumes.

As for the treble, the cymbal strikes and timbre are way off, but since itā€™s a plateau and not a mountain fest, it was not as fatiguing as I expected at lower volumes.

Technicalities are SSRā€™s strong point in my opinion, given its price, showing a great sense of definition thanks to its perceived detail level and separation.

Verdict: As expected, I donā€™t like the SSR but I donā€™t hate it. Going straight from Final Audio A4000 into this made me think I prefer SSR for sure. The bass actually got me by surprise and the technical side of it canā€™t really be dismissed. Again, it isnā€™t for me but it might be for you. From now on, Iā€™d say this can be my default recommendation for treble or shoutheads under 50$.

Value ranking: 4.5/5. Personal rank: C.

DUNU ZEN impressions

Disclaimer: This unit was sent to me by @Rikudou_Goku for a quick spin and to be used on my Zen Pro review. No incentives of any kind were given and the review you are about to read are my own thoughts and opinions. Thanks once again to @Rikudou_Goku for the opportunity and support.

Driver Setup: 1DD (ECLIPSE)
Price: 700$
Comfort, fit and isolation: Good fit and comfort, below average isolation.
Source used: Topping E30 + L30 stack
Tips used: Final E
Test playlist with some of the songs used: Tidal

I asked Riku to send me his unit to A/B vs the Zen Pro on its review and, letā€™s be honest, anyone who heard about Zenā€™s bass impact has at least a hint of curiosity about it.

So letā€™s start right with the bass. During Hans Zimmer - Why So Serious?, a slight hint of sub-bass roll-off made it lessy rumbly than expected, and I canā€™t really say Iā€™m impressed by it. Now, the mid-bass is a whole different fairytale where the dynamics are god tier. From the bass line of Ghost-note - Shrill Tones to the articulation of the during Gesaffelstein - OPR, the ECLIPSE driver shows its claws and can give me an idea how the canvas for the Zen Pro was built. The impact (slam) during the replays is one of the best ever and probably just surpassed by Z1R for my tastes.

The mid-range is just clear enough for me to have nothing to point at other than saying itā€™s on the warmer/thicker side with and somewhat recessed, (Hania Rani - Glass), until we reach the upper mid-range and treble area.

Iā€™m not a fan of the usual high pinna gain (Adele - Daydreamer) followed by a hint of energy around 4.5k and then dipped into oblivion other than a nasty peak around the 8k hz area (itā€™s somewhat real). Other than that peak, the treble is pretty much dead and lacks air, giving a sense of no space (John Williams - Harryā€™s Wondrous World).

Other than great dynamics, the technicalities are sub-par, let alone for the price, especially on the imaging chops section. With that in mind and the lack of treble, separation and detail take a huge drop down in the charts.

Compared to Zen Pro, itā€™s a bloodbath, especially on instrumental music which is my favorite genre use case of the Pro and will be covered more in depth on its review.

Value ranking: 2/5. Personal rank: C+.

Thanks for reading!


Hmm, guess HRTF really has a lot to do with how we perceive note weight and such. Personally I have never experienced any issues with note weight on the A4000, everything sounded roughly correct, except the lowest parts of. the bass region, which below 100Hz there is way more than I would prefer. I also donā€™t think the tech is fake, as when I EQā€™d the treble down (wanted to test technicalities vs Blessing 2 and EQed the A4000 to be as close as possible to that set) I definitely still found it more technical than the Blessing.

Interesting that in comparisons, you mentioned the Hana 2021 - on the other hand, that set to me was actually headache inducing, with completely off timbre, and really unpleasant to listen to, while I never had such issues with the A4000.

As for the SSR, Iā€™m glad you at least enjoyed that one. Itā€™s definitely my favourite set under $100, and I did try a lot!

As for the other stuff, the Airship seems kinda cool. Might check it out.

BTW: If you could, can you graph the A4000 one more time before sending it back? I have personally never noticed the imbalance in either the bass or the pinna, and Iā€™ve spent hundreds of hours listening to that set.

Thatā€™s not how couplers work, but Iā€™ll indulge you. This is measured with the CP145 that came with the set.


Interesting, thanks for the graph, guess Iā€™ll listen for it and send it to Final for fixing if I do notice it.

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Did you get your fully functioning Kaiā€™s yet? :sunglasses:

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