Nymzreviews.com official thread

That matching is TOTL by Final standards.


I won KEK


Lucky af.


Bro how does this even happen :joy::


Measuring error??

@nymz I was listening to the Zero and thought: “if this had better tech, more forward vocals, and less upper-mids it’d be perfect”, and then I see this:

AND the 07 is 30% off again… but I need money for gas & food :melting_face: Someday… someday… :smiling_face_with_tear:


Shuoer EJ07 - must go on weekend ): | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org :thinking:


:eyes::eyes::eyes: I’ll message if they ship to Canada

Thanks for the link homie :pray:


Let us know how that ended up :stuck_out_tongue:

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For $500 less, KAI is a fine upgrade on Zero.

As an aside, Zero is a perfectly good $20 IEM, but it is not really a match for good sets over $50. I guess I’m wondering why, as a generality, the hype train focuses a lot on the ultra-budget or endgame levels when the sweet spot is $50-200 for…ohhhhh

Ultra-budget gets you into the hobby
Mid-fi and endgame keep you in the hobby

DUH! :man_facepalming:

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Not sure that I agree, but as always, everything needs context such as preferences, libraries, listening volume, etc.

Yeah, I’m thinking less of the person, and more the way the business model is set up. I was thinking of the conversation of why the IEM market is so unrelenting, and it feels like a never-ending chase.

Part of it is we crave variety and even when we love something, we’re predisposed to want to try something new/different. The other part is that it’s in the business’ favor to encourage us to not stop on our journeys, so they can sell us more stuff. Even you’ve lamented/jokes “maybe I should’ve just stopped when I found my Teas”.

The price/upgrade tiers are perfect for that “climbing the ladder” effect. Ultra-budget sets are fine, and if you stopped there you’d have perfectly serviceable sound. But there’s always just enough of a catch (tuning, tech, crappy cable/tips/accessories etc.), that just a little bit more will be worth it. And I could say that for every rung of the ladder.

It’s really brilliant because it’s so hard to get off the highway, unless real life stuff makes you get off.


I got rubed the wrong way with “budget” sets.

When I heard the Teas I instantly thought “Wow, if I get this for 300$, I can only imagine what I’ll get for 600$”.

If I had started today with 7hz Zero I’d think “wow, if this is it for 20$, I will orchas at 300$ and aliens at 600$”

I went from FH3 to FD5 to Teas (first three iems). Clear step up. I thought it would keep going like that.

Guess it all comes down to how addictive are you to something :man_shrugging: I’m the kind of person who does a day research on buy anything in life, ends up buying the most expensive and then regrets. That’s me right there.


I’m glad I clarified it better then. I definitely wasn’t trying to insult your path. I’m pretty similar to you, I’ve just done my best to not spend past that $180 level yet. But it gets mighty tempting, let me tell you!


Oh I didn’t feel insulted at all. I wish I never got past 50$ and my first dongle (which was actually a btr5 but let’s ignore that)!

Nowadays you can get insane quality with a simple dongle and a 20-50$ set :slight_smile: Oh and once you get to 100$, with offers like Olina, Etymotic, Dioko/S12 on sale, Titan S, etc etc etc, you are settled.


Hey guys,

Would like some advice to buy a set to compliment my Shuoer S12.
I love S12 for metal/rock/progressive side of my library but I’m missing something more relaxed, immersive, holographic for jazz and vocals.
Would love to buy a Tea 2, but as I use headphones for 80% of time I can’t justify to buy a $350 set to don’t use it often. Also I live in Brazil and dollar prices are insane at the moment and would be very expensive. A budget set around $100-$150 would be nice.

Any recs? Would be Olina a good option or are there something better at this price range?

Olina. If you find it too bright stock, add another dampener on top of the already inserted one. Save your bucks for more HPs :smiley:


Someone is converting. :smirk:

(but yeah, true, iem value is so insane that is really is better to save money for hps, where value wise, they suck.)

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Nooooo, he just said that he uses HPs 80% of the time. I should have said save money for buds :smiley:


oh, im blind lol.



I thought it was going to be the answer :rofl:

Obrigado @nymz!