Nymzreviews.com official thread

I’d say that if you love tea og, theres at least 95% chance you gonna love ej


Unfortunately I’m not in the gta area :confused: No worries, I totally understand! Thanks for the offer :pray:

Yes, I agree. Nymz if you agree with his tastes it’s very consistent. Try something like the Olina and the Aria, not too expensive and if you like the first one and the second one no more, go for the expensive one you want to buy.

Tomorrow Ikko Oh10 vs Olina.


Oh I have both of those. Wasn’t a fan of the Aria, but modded Olina is a beast. My rec at :100:


I definitely agree with most of what you say about those sets.

I have only “tried” the Dusk with EQ on my B2, so keep that in mind, but I do think that what Crin did here is the better tuning choice for this driver configuration. Let me explain.

The bass DD on the Blessing 2 is baaaaad. Like, really bad for the price. Super slow, lacks detail and tends to muddy up the sound a lot even without much of a bass boost. The BAs in this set, specifically the midrange ones, are great. Really great. But the DD runs the show in the stock configuration. And since that isn’t so great, it brings the whole IEM down.

Crin’s tuning basically separates the DD from the rest of the frequencies, giving a sort of subwoofery effect, where the bass is *a lot" but it doesn’t influence the midrange and treble as much.

Sadly, his tuning also sacrifices male vocal body and bass guitars, both of which are my favoutire “instruments” in music, so I still have to pick stock B2 for my taste, even though I acknowledge the Dusk is better.

The way I would fix the B2 (besides swapping the DD and giving it more treble extension, both of which would require hardware changes lol) is rolling off the bass starting at 80Hz and attenuating 6k slightly. This would still reduce the presence of that awful DD in the mix without killing bass guitars, and the attenuation at 6k would make the treble smoother and make it seem like there’s more treble extension, because there wouldn’t be as much contrast.

To bring it back, great review man! Sorry for nerding out so much about the tuning, I’m just really passionate about that hahaha


Note to future nymz:

Never manage your life around a single phone. Once you have to wipe if for some reason, you get the smack.

RIP my life for the past 2 years on that phone. Photos, data, apps, etc.

I’ll just silently go smash something and then cry on a corner. Also RIP IEM photos.


That’s why having some data save systems (mainly cloud but not necessarily) is vital for any device that use important data for you.

my passwords and messages are synchronized by Google (I think), and I copy my photos regularly on my home pc and on my NAS, so I’m quite covered here.

For the rest on my phone, I can lose it without drama.


That sucks.

I learned the hard way, back when my oldest son was about two, I had a hard drive failure and lost all photos, leaving me with basically no photos of him as a baby.

Since then, multiple backups of anything important. I don’t use cloud backups but do keep triple copies, one on NAS and then two offline hard drives, one at home and the other off site.

Thieaudio Oracle Frequency Response Graph


Ok I need to look into this for sure. See if I can setup any NAS somehow


My wife gets annoyed about my obsession with backups. Our laptops get backups to my home server and that gets an encrypted offsite backup to CrashPlan for $10 a month. Also, running unRAID on the server which isn’t exactly true RAID but, it does offer some level of fault protection. Phones are backed up with iCloud and photos to the server and Google.

Photos and our important documents like resumes and work stuff are then backed up with rsync to a friends server. Who also backs up stuff to my server. We’d be devastated if we ever lost all our photos. We have digital photos going back at least two decades and godly amounts of scanned film.

My monthly budget for backups is $25. Then you have to add the cost of the server built/maintenance. The real hidden truth is I just use the backups as a means to justify it to help fuel the server for another hobby. Which is running a fully automated Plex Server.


F***ing love the Kai :sunglasses:
Speaking of which whenever are they going to get their own thread?


The Blessing 2 sounded best with Quedelix and Crins eq. They to me deserve a B . The Dusk is better in some ways but not lots. I sold my Blessing 2 so maybe that says it all.

I feel the pain bro.

That’s one of the reasons why I keep to Apple stuff, paying $5 per month for 200GB of iCloud is soo OP. You could always use Google on bad phones probably.

Maybe you could ask for mega5p while you’re at it :smirk:

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A nas is not a real saving solution: a hard drive in a different location is way more on point for that than any nas in your house.

A NAS has advantages though:

  • sync options
  • “local cloud”
  • media capabilities (all my flac are on the NAS and I access them via a network mount - UAPP can do that)
  • many other things depending of your level of geekiness

But thinking a nas is a saving solution is partly wrong: it won’t save your data if your house goes into flames…


There are two types of people:

  1. Those who do back-ups for everything
  2. Those who will start doing this

Yeah, I want a NAS so I can have an excuse to finally move my flacs there :grin:

I need one of you geeks to help me out with it.

Quote of the Day…


I’ve used Plex for so long I should pay 5 times their lifetime pass… But I didn’t paid any pass for now…

The app have been fully adopted by the family thanks to the firetv.

The saving/storage of photos is only a by-product of the NAS for me. But I definitely should look more into it.

My saving solutions are:

  • Dropbox (synced with the pc) for papers and documents
  • nas for photos and personal videos
  • a portable harddrive for photos, videos and music : if I ever lose the movies and TV shows, I think it will be simpler to download them again.

The photos, video and music are copied from a storage to another by hand when I think about it (once/year…)

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So you tell me that I can access all my files remotely from phone? Via DLNA?
I only use DAP at home, so maybe I would be missing dedicated DAC processing power of Sony using phone instead, but there are dongles still! What should I look for in NAS to make sure it would work wirelessly? Any drawbacks (low nitrate etc)?
I recall even 100$ Shanling Q1 had DLNA…