Nymzreviews.com official thread

This, 100%; I never feel bad letting gear go so long as it’s going to a good home, or to someone who wouldn’t normally have the opportunity to try or have the gear.


I can see that for sure.

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monke together stronk



I am trying to study the 3D effect in iems through frequency response.
I had discovered a method from a forum that basically was (Average peak from 2khz to 4khz) - (minimum peak around 10khz). The values usually range from 10 to 20 at most.
At first sight it could be interesting and accurate but as I start to compare I see inconsistencies and I would like to ask some questions…

-According to this method the Olina has more 3D than the Ej07m. Is it true?
-The Zero has an impressive 3D. Not as good as the Olina but for 30€ it is spectacular.
-The Autumn from Bqeyz has more 3D than the Olina. It doesn’t have the 2 khz peak at 4 kHz as high as the Olina but overall the difference seems bigger giving almost 20 db. More than much more expensive iems.
-The aria according to the graph is an Olina with extra bass and similar 3D.
-The Dioko sounds almost 2D.
-The Mest mk2 sounds - 1D.
-The S12 sounds 1D.

I have seen many more. But I only comment some of them. In all this. do the so called “air” frequencies from 10khz to 20khz have no function?

Amazon UK are doing the senheiser ie300 for £124 is it a decent dd? I’m on a dd kick after my 2 Acoustune purchases this week.

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Reports haven’t been favourable in any way regards the ie300.

Olina, Kato, O2, incoming Olina SE, airship, etymotic, fdx1

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Most of those affirmations are untrue and that theory doesn’t work.

I don’t wanna go to deep because I’m no expert or engineer, but I will indulge you.

Intangibles like stereoimaging are smoke and mirrors, called psychoaccoustics, triggering your brain into get a sense of staging.

Now, there’s two things that come in play: the actual stage the transducer is capable of replaying (soundstage) and your perception of it (percepetion of soundstage).

Given A and B samples and them having the exactly same stage (imagine same iem with eq on and off) will be capable of outputting the same stage, but you might perceive it differently due to how ears work and HRTF. No person percepts the same stage on iems the same as its pal, unless the unit is the same and the ears are exactly the same. That’s where tunings help, especially on pinna gain region, but that theory is flawed, especially since measurements above 8k are a meme.

Now, the ability to stage is mostly related to physics and accoustics, like dampening, the shell size, the material, the coating, the driver, the tuning, etc etc etc.

Most IEM staging is a meme. 90%+ of iems cant stereoimaging properly when compared to 2 way channels. There’s some good ones, but that comes with a price.


I already assumed that the theory of the head-fi forum was wrong. Because it was right for some of them but not for many others…
I guessed it too but it saddens me that not all the same iems (same model) don’t sound the same. They should have the same sound.
Now I don’t think we all hear the same, apart from the treble issue.
Regarding the latter, which iems have the ability to give you that 3D?

From the top of my head:

King: EJ OG

Wow 3D: EJ07m and KL, teas (especially 2), Olina moded, mests,

Great 3D: rsv, DM, z1r, olina stock, mahina

Some: blessing 2 and dusk, dioko, lokahi, 7hz Zero, mele, n3, o2, u12t

Terrible stage to my ears: timeless, autumn, lea, mh755, tanya, e1000

Does cross into my mind out without thinking much about it


@nymz Very helpful, as usual. Thanks.

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I think one other technical feature is inseparable from soundstage - imaging.

For example Mest OG has quite wide soundstage (I would not call it wow 3D though for my case, as it is mostly in my head experience), but it’s imaging is kind of odd.
For example with Olina I could easily point finger into the placement of quasi source of sound as a single point in space. With Mest it feels more like the sources occupies some volume in the soundstage, sometimes they “move” sometimes it feels like the source of same sound is coming from 2 places at the same time. It is not perfect for gaming because of that reason.
The only explanation for that I could imagine is because of the fact that it uses several drivers at the same time to replay the same range of frequencies.

Another fun example is famous HD6xx 3 blob imaging affecting perceived soundstage. I don’t know how much is it my confirmation bias (I expected that) and how much is it real case, but with Sennheisers the stage is quite large in sense of width, but there are only 3 areas where the sound comes from left/centre/right. And there are gaps in between of those areas making the immersion much lesser than expected. Also quite weird experience.


TRN ST5 Frequency Response Graph

This is… not bad?


Good to know, cause I’m getting my hands in it soon :grin:

If you find time, I would appreciate the OH10 vs FHE comparison…

Sadly the Openheart cable is close but not quite like Timeless cable.
The material is a bit sticky and it’s not as supple. Oh well it’s serviceable.

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Screen Shot 2022-08-30 at 5.34.48 PM

Why must you do this lord


Just a coupler resonance peak?


I hope so too…


It is. But the treble is really well extended. I didn’t research much on it… In fact I don’t even remember asking for the unit but hey, thanks past nymz. I noticed a BA treble and then the graph and resolving power made sense: “Duh, it’s a hibrid, Ricardo.”


Wait, what?

This is a 50$ iem

Unless you mean tonality, planars win as all rounders due to mids. But ive only spent 20mins in brain death mode with it. I’m in the middle of cooking something and that’s why I’m laying low / not posting my reviews.