Nymzreviews.com official thread

I’m thinking between the HODO100 stack or the EL30 II stack.

HODO looks cooler, but Topping has more clout :thinking:

personally I didn’t have any issues with the weight once I started using stubby tips (couple pairs are included) normal tips ymmv

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Will you really need the extra power if thé topping stack, though?
For me, the ho100 delivers plenty of quality power. I have felt in the “enough for not worrying about it anymore” category.
The ho100 has a 4.4 (unbalanced) output, which can be convenient.
I looked at the topping, too, but I already had a mitigated experience with my dx3pro, and topping has a back record of many failing conception designs ( dx3pro v1 could blow up and bring the headphone with it; l30 v1 did that too) so I was wary about them.

At the end of the day dx3pro and ho100 sound so different with my headphones that I can’t say if it comes from the sound Sig or from the scaling capabilities of the 2 phones. One thing is for sure though: I can’t wait to get back to it and get a big listening session!!


Found a pair of ej07m on r/avexchange for cheap. If I had the money to spare for these I would pick them up but alas.


Some BA/hybrid sets around that price that are worth checking out in addition to the Midnight and Tea:

Audiosense AQ4 - a very good warm hybrid - better BA implementation than the OH10. Audiosense are BA Experts at this point after the DT & T series.

ISN H40 - a bit like the OG Tea an acquired taste but with impressive bass.

Hope that helps with the search chap - how it helps the wallet I take no responsibility.


The Tea love is strong in this one and I am all for it. :joy:



(sending cookies while attending to a festival. Kraftwerk right now)


Sennheiser HD560S


HD560s is the first pair of hps I enjoy stock format. Great rec by HBB and Crin. There’s also another pair incoming but got delayed…

My brain is still fried due to concerts last night. Chemical brothers closed the main stage with a surreal audiovisual act.

Going back in tonight to watch Arctic Monkeys and Bonobo. Damn, I miss being 20 - my body feels like 80 atm.

Have a nice weekend boys and gals :call_me_hand:


I have a question for you guys in the forum that have DIY capabilities. I can’t let THE tea go without attempting something. The fact that the DD reconnects for a few seconds sometimes makes me think the DD is fine but the connection is not (bad welding).

I though about putting it 10 minutes in the oven at 170°c in the how the welding “remolds” itself.

Someone told me it would burn the entire iem. As an alternative solution to use a Dremel and cut it open to re-weld the DD (some conductive glue should do it, he said).

So what do you think about it? Should I try the oven? Should I cut it open? Should I do something else?

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Depending on the exact acrylic resin type Tea uses it may have different heat resistance, but 170°C is definitely very close if not above this limit. I would not do it.
Also you could permanently demagnetise or reduce magnetic field of the dynamic driver magnet, so also not advisable

Cutting open is your best bet in my opinion


Thank you for the educated answer.

You shall assist a surgical open heart operation in the coming weeks, then… I reckon there’s

  • 50% of chances I damage the unit while trying to open it
  • 40% I can’t reclose it after operation
  • 30% I can’t operate because everything is way too smal in there
  • 30% I damage something while operating on it
  • 5% I can repair it so it sounds marvelous again

If you are a little in math, you may ask yourself why the total of chances is above 100%. That’s because the odds aren’t mutually exclusive. So I can damage the shell while trying to open it AND damage the interior while operating AND can’t reclose the shell (because of damage done on the shell).

Of course I’ll take photos for those who have enough guts to stare such a spectacle.


:grin: Good Luck! :crossed_fingers:t2::four_leaf_clover:


DEFINITELY DO NOT bake it in the oven lol.
As @pylaczynski said, depending on the resin, that 170°C temp can actually melt it. In fact, most of the resin over here melt at 50°C…

Also, even if you do that, there is no guarantee that the solder will actually be affected.

Dremel, remove the backplate, resolder to driver (and if u want, u might be able to switch out the mmcx for 2pin while u are at it).


You could afterwards UV acrylic glue to close it back. They are quite common and cures in direct sunlight or if you have some women around they may even have UV lamp for nails to fasten the process :slight_smile:
Good luck anyway, that would be hard as you expect, but you have nothing to loose


I really do think you did send to over to my buddy who does this regularly… Here’s his YouTube channel:


Anyone heard the AKG n5005?

Hifiman Edition XS


fuck me, you are on a roll…
HD560s vs XS for your taste in one word?