Nymzreviews.com official thread

Yes that’s why I’m now trying some others

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Thanks. In that case, I might be able to try B2‘s

I just needed a bit more bass from the aladdin otherwise it would have been my endgame. Aladdins are wonderful. Hope you enjoy them


We got my him boiz. My friend is now officially a cookie lover :cookie:


What‘s that cookie reference if I may ask? :slight_smile:


Queue Star Wars Music

Long, long time ago
On a far away galaxy
The Tea Cult has emerged.

Its leader, the CEO
Start gaving cookies as medals
So they could give identify themselves
As lovers of the Dark Side
And fight against the Republic

Meanwhile in the Treble Islands

It’s from a movie, I swear.


hehe :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: so… how would you compare the S12‘s and the Tea 2‘s? Is it worth the upgrade in your unbiased opinion? :nerd_face:

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Quoting nymz Xenns Mangird Tea 2 – The cult sucessor – nymz reviews :

"Shuoer’s planar immediately comes out as a different beast to the Tea2 set. Despite the tuning differences, Tea2 instantly shows more clarity.

Bass is more impactful on the Tea2, with better rumble and texture and decay. S12 bass is still faster, despite Tea2’s being already fast (maybe too fast though).

Mids are a bloodbath in Tea2’s favor as expected, given that S12 is a mild V-Shape to my ears which pushes back details and information. For those that don’t like forward mids, they are way less fatiguing.

Treble has more elevation and extension on S12, but comes out as more fatiguing and hotter than the Teas. Cymbals’ decay feels too fast and crisp, but very detailed nonetheless.

S12 stage is much smaller in every axis, missing that 3D factor and superior imaging.

It’s still very surprising how good S12 sounds for its price, that when it’s on sale, it’s almost a third of the price of the Tea Mk2, so there’s that in Shuoer’s favor. That sweet planar timbre that some love, including me."

Fan fact just sent my friend this too, and he might grab the Tea 2s :sunglasses:


Thanks a lot. I might grab them too. Are they only available through Linsoul? They will be away for a week…

I also read a review stating that the stock cable which comes attached to the Tea2‘s would be very hard to remove. Can anyone confirm this? I tend to buy separate cables usually to be used with my IEM‘s. Thanks!

Might be true, I tried removing my stock cable but it seems hard so I gave up as I do not want to damage my pin, also I have no complains with the cable so I didn’t bother.

I see, thanks. Problem is if the stock cable gets damaged, we have to get it off still…

@VIVIDICI_111 already answered, I guess :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, Linsoul exclusive. (also on aliexpress under DD Audio)

It’s tight from factory, yes. Just like many other. Just be careful. It’s made to not get loose easily, but doesn’t mean you can remove it. First thing I did after my review was to change the cable to one I prefered aestheticly, but not mandatory. Stock cable is pretty sweet.

Sorry for the late response, have been away but I’m now back and full steam.


Sorry, most of the stuff you own/are looking for are not sets that I’ve experienced. Let me know if you still need help, I’ve been only over-looking these forums for the past weeks, but I’m now ready to help you if you still need.

Welcome to the Mangird Tea club, hope you enjoy that set. :cookie:

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Thanks man, I think I might join the “Tea Club” :slight_smile: Regarding the stock cable, is it the cable that is tight, or is it the port on the IEM’s which is tight (i.e. will new cables be difficult to insert, or just the stock one difficult to remove)? Thank a lot!

Since I’ve been too busy, I’ll share my very initial thoughts about gear I’ve just got and will review shortly:

  • Tripowin Cencibel and Rhombus - In short, I don’t like them. Their tunning is wonky, too treble based and the driver is too pilowy in the lower end. Adding this not-so-palatable tuning with a mediocre techs for the price bracket, makes them not competitive at this point in time. I also found on a very quick listen that I might prefer the cheaper version (single DD), but the build and shell of the Rhombus is great and I hope it gets reused in the future;

  • Kinera Celest Gumiho - Boxed stage (low width and height, regular depth) with okayish tuning. Bass light but doesn’t offend me, but it’s not on the same level as the usual suspects. The sub-50$ is too competitive these days and I’m not dying for love on first listen. Resolving power is of course great for its price, but comes out as incoherent since the BA takes over on the mid-range, to my ears;

  • TinHifi T2 DLC - My graph is different than any other out there, so I’ll inquire about it;

  • Thieaudio Oracle MkII - Original lovers will bring out the pitchforks, as it’s not the same set anymore, but first impressions are great. The bass driver was improved, as it feels more tactile, but the tuning also turned into a U-shape. The extension is definitely there and where most IEMs fall short, the Oracle Mk2 is a hair too boosted. It never gets sibiliant for me and it has great female vocals, so there’s that. Looking very solid so far;

  • TGXEAR Tantalus and Alpha - Amazing pieces of art. Brief takes confirms that I might prefer the Serratus due to tuning and centre imaging, but the three have their place. The Alpha is more neutral (flat) than Serratus and the Tantalus is the warmer of the bunch. Alpha’s timbre is the best I’ve heard and Tantalus bass is the best I’ve heard for a warm bud, so there’s enough choice for anyone. Expect a brand overview with details between the three sets so you can pick your poison;

  • TRN EMX - Solid but most DIY buds will stomp it at its price. For 40$, you might as well get a Rikubud, unless you want a bigger shell + detacheable cable. Balanced tuning from memory;

  • Fiio FF3 - Very solid warm tuning. Sounds better and more timbre correct with bass foams. Probably the best stage I’ve heard on branded buds + great accessories. Most likely a rec and good grade, for those that don’t want to spend over 100$ on a bud or deal with builders.

Reviews timeline: Oracle Mk2, Olina SE, TGXEAR Tantalus + Alpha.

Between of after these, there will also be a review for the DUNU Zen Pro, a BT amp shootout (featuring Q5k, ES100 and Go Blu), overear reviews (Edition XS, Argon Mk3, HD560s). Rest will follow suit.

There will be also be hot news during the week, not review related, but community related. Stay tuned!

Have a great week!


Come one, come all! To the Flathead Sanctuary!

The Flathead Sanctuary is a community-driven neutral zone where all things earbud related can be openly and freely discussed sans censorship. No hidden agendas. No cults. No banned manufacturer names. No in-your-face advertising. A place where everyone’s opinions, thoughts, and experiences are shared through civil discourse. A sanctuary where all earbud types, ranging from branded to custom-made to do-it-yourself, are most welcome.

“Why did this project arise? Is it really needed?”

Earbuds have been with us for decades now, but times change. Over the last few months, the flathead lover community has multiplied, but it has also scattered. New tools like Discord have taken on forum discussions, but with that came the scattering, with crews residing on every server but never all together.

Given all that, most people also left the forums due to accommodation issues and the lack of transparency that most websites encourage nowadays. The combination of all of this, the idea for the “Flathead Sanctuary” was born in the depths of the Discords, and now it sees the light of the day.

The point is not to crosstalk or substitute any platform, but to unite earbud fans without borders, under a strict set of rules.

“So, what are the rules, and how will you enforce them?”

1 strike = warning! 2 strikes = jail! 3 strikes = out!

“Who’s running the show?"

The project was developed by three earbud lovers and audio-related buddies: Ian91, @nymz and @WoodyLuvr . I’m sure you can find our credentials somewhere.

“Ok, but who said you should be in charge?”

No one. It’s the Internet and freedom of speech doing their thing. You don’t have to join or stay. That’s the point: being happy and free.

“Fine, fine. You convinced me. Where can I join this madness?”

“I’m having trouble joining and I’m not sharp with technology. Can you help me out?”

Of course, drop a PM on any platform and we will aid you as soon as possible.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Kai’s on the back-burner then eh? :grin:

I’ll do KAI in one sitting vs Mele and Olina SE :slight_smile:

You didn’t see Olina SE mentioned as well, didn’t you (first impressions)? :stuck_out_tongue:

Kai should be out right after Olina, as I will do them at the same time, but forgot to add it :cookie:


My assessment of the KAI is that technically it isn’t as good Mele, but it is enjoyable to listen to, and I am not sure why.

The Olina SE is really amazing. I think the OG double filter might have a touch more bass, so I am happy to have both in my collection, but the SE is a keeper.

I am getting the QKZ x HBB in a couple weeks, and am curious to try it out. The CRA was the last thing with sub-bass in that neighborhood, and I gave those and an Apple dongle to one of my sons a couple months ago.

I am not going to lie that HBB Maka also looks interesting. I think the OG Tea is the only IEM I have bought that didn’t have Chris’s branding on it since the Olina shipped in Feb.