Nymzreviews.com official thread

Do it! I might get the pro tomorrow, but as of now I’m doing a 4-way tribid battle :stuck_out_tongue:


What is that bad boy?

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There are plenty. Long story short:

One day, 4 reviewers (me, hbb, gizaudio and hobby talk) plus a couple of afficionados were in a discord and mr. Hobby Talk shows his multiple way amp that he uses in studio stuff, like it was normal. Useless to say we were all shocked and ordered within minutes.

I got a cheap 4way, a behringer ha400 on amazon just to test it out, and 24h later i got it. It works more than fine, but the other 2 reviewers bought better ones, 8 way. If you watch last @hawaiibadboy vids and pics, you can see his rack popping off. It’s a 8way beast.

For me 4 way is good so far, but might upgrade in the future. Volume match as always and you good to go.


This is getting bookmarked for just in case…

It’s like everyone was blind and 1 person could see kind of moment lol.

It saves me so much time. I just need to use the DB meter on each set and gogo A/B/C/D.


Yo! What endgame set would you rec for my friend who loves the tuning on the Olina but also wants the forward Vocals from the Tea? Mans went from Chu–>Olina/Tea–>Endgame in less than 3 weeks :joy:

Define budget :rofl: Olina stock?

:joy: Uhhh I’d say under $2000, but he’s got the cash so budget shouldn’t be much of an issue; and Modded Olina. What would you rec for under $1K, and another under $2K? He says he really vibed with the Tea, but would like more bass and treble so I was thinking maybe EJ07M/Monarch MK2/Clair/Oracle etc but there’s so many choices idk anymore…

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So, double filtered Olina with better vocals and better techs, is that it?

Yessir. His library is mostly jpop if that helps.

It makes sense, U shapes play that greatly.

2k is obviously u12t and he should aim for that. Vocals are closer to neutral but its so good he won’t complain.

After doing some tests, i have to throw in Oracle2, it’s a beast. RSV also fits the bill. Monarch2 might fit as well but I havent demoed.

Just tell him U12T :joy: you’ve heard it, u know what’s up.

Oh and drop the Serratus bomb alongside :joy:


He wants REALLY forward vocals and rumbly sub-bass, so U12T might not fit the bill even though it’s a beast in its own regards. Currently debating between the Oracle2 and 07M right now. Which one to you has more sub-bass and forward vocals?

I also loaned him my rikubuds to try, and unfortunately his ears also do not fit earbuds like mine :smiling_face_with_tear: He also wants good isolation so there’s that.

Drop me a sample track of his fav kpop song

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I’ll msg him then I’ll get back to ya :+1: Thanks bro

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No problem. If he wants he can also PM here or in discord and i can help with it

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Wonder if the eylsian diva would be a good fit

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That HA400 has saved me lots of times - a great little piece and super sturdy perfect for sharing music / patent expired so you can pick up Chinese copy versions even cheaper, playing Behringer - the masters of the patent copy - at their own game.

But for testing I ended up using a 4 way splitter from eSynic as it has passive circuitry so no noise bleed like the Behringer, it’s a little cheaper, frees up a socket and as I generally test alone I don’t need the extra amplification just a passive switch.


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But I cant volume match with that :frowning:

The magic trick is not to split the sound, is to pre-fire volume matching and just change between sets and songs


I literally have no use for a device like this as I’m not a reviewer and never will be, but I want one for some reason.


I have been looking for a passive 4 with individual volume outs for ages but sadly the options are limited to the excellent but over priced Simon Systems CB-4.

Have been curious to try one of these - but hard to find in Europe.

Have this on order to try but impedence and you know shit component concerns…

May DIY it - just need to remember to turn the amp down before I remove it and blow up my ears