Nymzreviews.com official thread

HZSOUND Heart Mirror Pro - Frequency Response Graph

This is a great exercise for people that wanna train how to read a graph.

Please find the major problems, keeping in mind 8k is a coupler artifact and not a peak. Above 8k, nothing can be trusted.

Are you saying one, the other, or both have problems? Cause the frame of reference matters

Itā€™s interesting that your Olina SE graphs pretty similar to OG but in HBB squig itā€™s a bit differentā€¦!
when can we expect an impression (or maybe review)
Also what does ā€œS2ā€ means?

Iā€™m no expert, but the dip at 3K and the rise at 5k may cause some spicy nature in those upper mids.
Did I earn a cookie? :smiling_face_with_tear:

Sample 2. Sample one is my old Olina that is now double filtered.

I ran it by hbb, he gave green light.

Yes, full review after i wrap up oracle 2.

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HM pro, sorry

Thatā€™s OG, i mesnt the pro.

Idk that pro graph looks pretty damn good to me! Channel balance is pretty great too

Im personally over that tuning. The giant effing crater in the treble, with the dip in the presence region kills the clarity. Everything sounds okay but muffled by a film, and there isnā€™t even energy in the upper-mids to offset it

Honestly, to me, the graph looks pretty decent discounting the fact that it varies greatly from the OG, which has its own cult following due to its bright tuning.

It may be a darker set with far less sparkle and energy for female vocals because of the lift in the bass + the way the gain region starts its rise later? Genuinely, enlighten me lol

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IMO, you nailed it

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Dude, total shot in the dark, Iā€™m invested lol

I hope that means it sounds like female vocals are closer in line to male ones? I prefer it when they are basically neck in neck.

Yoooo @nymz, Iā€™m curious to know if the Mahina puts male and female vocals close in line with each other. Possibly similar to the Kai perhaps?

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Usually it means female vocals lack that extra bit of spice and clarity. They almost sound muffled. But hey, if thatā€™s what you prefer, they may be the set for you. I definitely prefer energy up top around the gain region.


Im just not seeing that from the graph. The HM Pro mirrors the Olina pretty well with a slight increase in bass and smoother upper mids and I would say the Olina has no issue with female vocals

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I feel that - Iā€™ve never heard both. I guess dark is the wrong term to use - less bright Iā€™ll go with. The HM pro has more bass and less upper mids but again Iā€™m not an expert AT all. Just playing around with @nymz a bit lol

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Bruh is that a 7db+ bass-shelf vs OG AND 10K dip? Well ima just say this: itā€™s not gonna sound anything like the OG thatā€™s for sure :joy: Unless they got some magical drivers, gooodbye clarity!


There are three fundamental problems, that when mixed together, give you a scrambled rotten eggs for breakfast.

  1. The bass elevation glides well, but is way too elevated for such a later correction (around 500hz). Bass guitars, kick drums, male vocals, whatever, will just blend into the song and turn into mud. The excess of mid-bass also affects the clarity of the set, especially when allied with problem no. 3, giving no sense of separation and layering in the mid-range;

  2. The warm mid bloat is followed by a 8db rise. Now, on some sets this could be fine, but due to the bass shelf, this turns into a problem. Combining smoothed/blured mid-range with prominent attacks of this region causes a sensation of disconection, like incoherence would.

  3. Now the problem no 2) would not be a problem if it had the treble to back it up. But it doesnā€™t. What you get is a blurred attack, a peaky first harmonics and a too fast roll off decay, without air or detail, that clashes with number 1. Instead of a balanced attack and note decay, you get wave, if that makes sense.
    This also means no sense of detail and double downing on clarity/air. All of this mix turns into a sound medley.

Now, Iā€™m being harsh but just to prove a point. You guys only had half of the information. @cal_lando mentioned the Olina but he didnā€™t know if the driver was good enough for that, despite the db difference on bass/upper mids - and spoiler alert, itā€™s not.

Itā€™s not rocket science, as many of you got it right, but itā€™s fun to take a step back and look at the big picture, from time to time. Saves money sometimes :slight_smile: