Nymzreviews.com official thread

This one I think…


Good to see you back here, brother <3

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Seems like Xenns store on Taobao has it only for 1699 Yuan, that is around 236 USD. Unfortunately they don’t ship outside China though :smiling_face_with_tear:

Yes, it’s that one. 95+ rating, buyers protection from Ali… I think it’s worth the gamble.


Just bought them, we’ll see how it goes. 233 USD. Great price if it is true.



oh yes. oh yes.

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I will report back :wink:

Godspeed, brave Captain

How’d that site for that soundtrack work out for you @nymz ?

If you want to order from taobao, you need a proxy like CSSBuy. (I use it.)

Use the shipping calculator to check the cost though, could end up more expensive.

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You wanna know what set I would use for that track, right?

Sorry, my focus is all over the place


I’ll give u my generic take, regardless of the set.

Most of these records are old so you can’t overcook the treble on it, or they will sound like 1980. Example: Oracle2 would be a no go, despite fiting the needs below.

The thing I’d look first would be bass impact (slam), speed and mid-range separation, to compensate for the age of the records. The mid-range should also be north of neutral, especially the vocals.

Resolving power, dynamics stage won’t be your main focus, so I’d go for tuning over anything + what I just mentioned. Planars could fit the bill. Warmer sets most likely, but not too warm or it will blend over.

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No need for sorries man I totally get it and thank you :wink:
I was curious for your whole take on the soundtrack but whatever time you have to delve into it is great (I would recommend listening to it on your downtime it’s too damned good😉). I own a Z12 but I’ve been thinking about modding it to give it a bit more mid-bass and/or warmth and put down the shout. I’m curious though if you might recommend the Mahina as a great choice since I lean more towards musical/rocking-out/dance-around-while-singing vibe than a clinical one?

Mahina, yes. EJ07m could be an option, despite less mid-bass :slight_smile:

Sorry, it’s not really my type of tracks :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ahhh and now I see… As usual I’m late to the game Tea-Cult membership acquired off ebay barely used £125 a real bargain


Cool thanks dude! I also remember you saying that the Mahina brings male and female vocals relatively close together which I prefer so things are more well rounded.


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:cookie: :cookie: :cookie:

Welcome to the dark side :cupcake:


XBA-N3 is a great match for those tracks btw. :wink:

Call to arms - Need your recs

Looking for new albums (tracks are fine, but prefer whole albums) that match the following genres:

  • Jazz (the more funky, the more likey. Vocal jazz is also very welcome, especially female)
  • Classical (Piano and Violins mostly wanted, but I’m not too picky unless flutes)
  • Great female vocal tracks
  • Funky beats/ambient also welcome

I need new music and time is short, I’m also about to test a lot of new sources including 2 daps, so need an excuse to get some flacy flacs.

For the love of my dog, please spam my inbox and not my thread.

Love you all :heart:


I’d say check out the “Chronos” album by Koan Sound. It’s glitch hop so there’s definitely some funk there. I really enjoy it. Hope you do too. :grinning:

Edit: I also rec listening in reverse order. There are only 4 tracks but the first starts higher energy than the fourth. I like ending on the higher energy track so it feels more like the other three songs are building towards that one.

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I don’t understand how to inbox lol :sweat_smile: