Nymzreviews.com official thread

Ill give more.

Expensive and @Timmy-Gizaudio


It has to be the VX.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking, too.

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Right - the @Timmy-Gizaudio hint gave it away for me. I think thatā€™s the set Timmy talks about the most



Olina (not se) gave me something strange that only Mangird Tea has given me so far. I think it was that its sound affected my prtf.
Can you tell me more iems that have that ability?

Mmmmmmā€¦, Tttttttttā€¦ :grinning:
Twilight :crazy_face:

Admittedly this is a bit random - I was going through your links as you said it would give a hint to your latest little tease you gave us about that new set you graphed and I saw this post. I was completely absent on this site from June till early this month/late last month so I completely missed this.
I want to say thank you, man. Youā€™re not the only reviewer and influencer on this site however, I just want to say that I appreciate you a ton. Youā€™ve been nothing but an absolute gentleman to me since I joined this site in 2022 and thereā€™s no doubt in my mind that youā€™ve helped me tremendously since then. We clicked off the bat, with the help of our shared interest in the robots and thatā€™s definitely something that stays with me.
Whenever I meet another Robot brothern, they always stay special to me.

Thank you, brother. The next chapter in your life is going to be an amazing one and I for one am grateful to be somewhat a part of it.

What can I say? Iā€™m an emotional guy when it comes to my buddies lol

Anyways. Random, I know, but I really felt the need to write a little something since I missed the opportunity 2 months ago.

//^\ :infinity:


nymz is a person with a good heart and an open mind :four_leaf_clover:


Agreed - his passion for the hobby is contagious :metal:


And discerning ears!!


Warning: wall of text

Sorry for the delay in response and thanks for the kind words man, means a lot. This is a strange road/adventure to me but as always, the Cult is part of my internet persona and that had to be shared out there.

You know I like you, or else you wouldnt have my custom DP set on your drawer :stuck_out_tongue:

I read your words yesterday but I was busy helping my GF with IRL and I needed a 2 day break to be honest. Only heard a couple of musics in the last 72h and man, that didnā€™t feel so bad.

Thanks to everyone in fact. Itā€™s been a journey and a half. I started reviewing this january/February more constantly, and look where we are.

This woud never exist without my close buddies that I call friends and everyone that is or was part of the adventure. When I reflect back, and after brands advise, I should have gone head-fi and boost myself, but I wouldnt trade it for the world. I was always open about how I dislike these forums limitations, but I never left.

Tea cult, nymzā€™s reviews, nymzreviews.com, who cares about the name, as long as people are happy to be here. I started for the community and will be for the community that I will end it one day. Iā€™ve reached peak on many personal levels and if it wasnt for the warm messages i get every other day, i would just make an account called Not_nymz_XD and troll every post. But hereā€™s a promise to scatter all my gear across this community when that day comes.

(This is where the boring part starts)

As most of you noticed, I have been less active in these forums for a while now, using that time to deal with more background stuff. I cant specify much, and shouldnt even mention some of those, but I like transparency.

On the good news that can be shared, itā€™s worth mention that Iā€™m gonna get some interesting stuff soon (oh the backlog growing, but Iā€™ll touch that in a second) and also that Iā€™m now supported by HifiGo aswell (link is already on my website in case you shop there). A public thank you to them and to @Timmy-Gizaudio for helping me.

Now, regarding backlogs, content and feedbackā€¦

I smoothly grabbed some feedback on my content to some people whose inputs I think are valid for various reasons. From biased friends to family to people that never agree with me.

Thereā€™s two schools of thoughts with polar opposite opinions. One thinks that my longer reviews are the best, the other thinks my reviews are too long and have too much fat.

I tend to agree with the second and this was a subject already debated here a couple of times before. Call it inexperience, call it the need to prove myself, call it whatever you like, but thereā€™s no deny my reviews started too long and too fat, and now it was hard to break the loop without someone feeling cheated.

Just think about it. A brand sends an iem and out of nowhere gets a slim trimmed review instead of a long one. Would feel I didnā€™t care. I would feel that one their shoes, at least.

But I cant keep up. Im already rejecting samples and anyone that tried to write long impressions on audio gear know how hard and extensive it can get. An experienced person will know how good an iem is on first tracks, worst case scenario will give you a full picture after one full hour. But it takes days of writting, trimming and formating to get a review out there. Youtube would solve that problem but I ainā€™t there yet.

This is the part that kills the vibe and passion for me.

I will officially start to shrink the not so relevant reviews to a more palatable size. The more relevants will be trimmed as well, just not so much. Price bracket will also be a factor.

(This is the important part)

One school of thought or the other, both give me the same feedback as well: that I am too nice even when I dislike something. Is this true?

This has haunted me for a week now. In fact, I got a huge writterā€™s block on my last review thanks to this.

Instead of doing more reviews ive been reading my past reviews and Iā€™m thorn about this. Maybe I am, maybe Iā€™m not. Iā€™m much more ruthless if im just sharing my thoughts here on discord, but seems i go softer on reviews. And now that Iā€™ve seen it, I cannot unsee it.

Do you agree?

Related to this comes my Tierlist again. As mentioned everywhere, itā€™s still a work in progress but what most people donā€™t know is that Iā€™m working on some re-ranks. This was always made to be used as a guideline for myself but lately it grew out of control, with people using it as reference, so that is also hauting my mind, as I know there are incoherencies. Hell, just by hearing more TOTL stuff lately, that differences will always show submerge.

Iā€™ve asked and got some gear back, made countless A/Bs and made new notes, so I can trimm the edges. Soon I will skirmish every comments and ranks (some already done) and re-rank a lot of stuff, but mainly everything needs to be scattered across the field more. It needs to turn more into an objective ranking list while the personal bias column still ditactates what I like and dislike more.

Palates change, preferences do change as well. Memory is tricky. Time for a face-lift, probably with the same structure.

Sorry for the wall of text, has been a long past weeks and my brain locked in these topics.


As always, follow your heart and do what feels right; weā€™re all along for the ride with you! Your (and many others hereā€™s) honesty is part of what sets this place apart and makes it a true community, rather than just a hype train.

And if you ever need to take a break from it all, just do it! Youā€™ve gotta do whatā€™s right for you first and foremost. The hobby (and all of us) all need it from time to time, and will still be here when you decide the time is right to come back!


i must say i do appreciate your long reviews. yes, sometimes they are too long but when it comes to a set im really interested of buying im finding myself reading all the review and listen to your tracks , even several times. just to get the best picture of the set i can before i invest my money (and i do trust your taste and critiques a lot from reading a lot of your reviews , we have similar taste ) (also i daily check your ranking list and like a little child im getting excited everytime i see you added/changed somerthing)

so overall i think it might be better to shorten your reviews (specially if it saves a lot of time ) and just add a small paragraph of summery with all the important points like a sentence about the bass, mids, vocals, treble, techs .
so if i read that paragraph and was like ā€œoh, that seem like something i could likeā€ i could approach and read your full review.

also, you can always re-review sets and change your opinion if you think you were too nice or too harsh. we are all human and we are allowed to change our opinions, just listen to your heart (and ears lol ) .

you are the best nymz and we all support you so keep doing what you love and we will keep love you :heart:


If Iā€™ve done anything to earn having an opinion, Iā€™d like to share my thoughts with you:

I donā€™t think thereā€™s ā€œgoing too easyā€ or ā€œgoing too hardā€ in reviews, if your are inclined either way. Constructive criticism goes a long way to improving things in the hobby, but thereā€™s also something to be said to ā€œsomeone might like this, even if I donā€™tā€. 95% of IEMs are completely listenable (only 2.5% are dogshit or S-class sublimeā€¦Iā€™m taking statistics, Iā€™m being literal here). What we subjectively think matters and when youā€™ve heard the best you canā€™t look at lesser stuff the same, but most things are fine.

The service reviewers and influencers provide is helping people avoid the garbage, sift through the fine, and find the sets that will make us feel something. Thereā€™s no wrong way for you to do that, if your intentions are truly to help people find the best way to play back their music.

Just keep doing you, however you need that to be. Whether 10 people respond to that, or 10,000, youā€™ve made your mark. Thatā€™s what matters.


One thing to keep in mind that while it is great to grow/learn via feedback, if you change your structure too much, it might lose that ā€œnymz-flavorā€ that people love you for and might just become more generic.


Keep doing you man! I love seeing how you have grown as a reviewer and how you consistently ask yourself and others how you can improve. I love everything you have been putting out and I definitely appreciate the work you are doing. In my own personal journey I have written a bunch of comparisons on sets I have owned to determine what I like and donā€™t like and just putting that stuff together for my own personal viewing is tough! I canā€™t imagine the work that goes into the crazy detailed reviews you put out.

If I can any feedback it would be while I love love love your long reviews, more reviews > long reviews for me so if cutting helps you get through your backlog cut away! I think it makes sense for sets that particularly strike you and are closer to endgame that those end up being longer than more budget sets but whatever you do Iā€™m gonna support it.

As for being to hard or not. I think you are doing a bang up job. I will say that itā€™s okay to be negative about things in a set. We all know that as a reviewer these are your opinions so you shouldnt feel like you need to pull punches. Especially if you are clear about it (which you usually, are). The one thing I hate about most reviews on head-fi is that everything from certain prolific people on there are 4.5 - 5 stars and amazing. I appreciate the objectiveness of the reviewers here and I count you and hbb as the top for me (no offense to anyone else!)

EDIT: this was supposed to be in response to @nymz post. Sorry!


yea i figured it out bro :laughing:

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Listen, man - Iā€™m gonna keep it a stack with you (and hopefully pretty short, my author skills are far from entertaining, compared to a lot of people so I wonā€™t torture you with a long, drawn out passage here) - your personality, way of maneuvering throughout a thought/sentence, random pauses, rhetorical questions, use of language and over all feel of your reviews are what make your reviews a Nymz review.

Youā€™ve been killing it as far as Iā€™m concerned. Your longer write ups are some of, if not my favorite on the web. Keep doing your thing, brother. Seriously. The backlog can be kept as a backlog - weā€™ll wait patiently and look forward to the next - and as far as you considering your bias within your reviews ā€¦ I mean, yeah, man - i listen to @hawaiibadboy all the time because I think his and i opinions line up. I respect someone like resolve or precog but I donā€™t listen to their reviews for advice as much because I know our opinions donā€™t line up. Itā€™s all good brother, youā€™re not being too nice, you like what you like.

Alright, Iā€™m done - itā€™s too long :smile:
Just keep doing your thing, brother. I appreciate all youā€™ve done for me, the DP pair is currently packed away in storage due to my move but once I get settle in, they will have a permanent spot on my desk. I take them out every now and again just to look at them, no joke :joy:

//^\ :infinity:


I think that up-to-date tier list solves everything in regards to being ā€œtoo softā€ or ā€œtoo harshā€. There are people in this hobby for which a mean score is 4,5/5.

And while I agree with the statement that definitely most of the stuff around is at least listenable and may be enjoyable with good music on I also feel like giving too much of a praise and high score for any good part within a piece of gear (even not fitting your taste as it may fit others) ā€œdilutesā€ the weight of a good score of a really great stuff and in the end it is hard to differentiate what is so-so and what is the real shit!
Obviously the real shit only in a subjective way - with knowing a reviewerā€™s taste.

That is my 2 cents, but not matter what - you are really doing great job as it is now! The amount of posts in this thread that started not so long ago is just a real life monument of what vibe you spread around. And when I have any impressions on audio it is really the first place I think of sharing with - to you all and all the great people around :slight_smile:


I think not every review needs to be the same in terms of length. For me it makes completely sense that more expensive sets or really really outstanding cheaper sets get longer reviews.
There is a lot of if not too much stuff out there, keep your full on passion for the gems that set your and the communityĀ“s heart on fire :star_struck: :fire: