Nymzreviews.com official thread

Based off personal experience, depending on the quality you want the video to be YouTube can be more time consuming than written reviews. Shameless plug incoming…

I just finished my ORACLE MK2 review and it took only around 2 hours to record and complete, but the quality, well, let’s just say it’s NOT the best :joy: The audio isn’t even, the formatting got messed up because I zoomed in on my phone, it’s just me talking to the camera with next to zero editing, and I literally winged the whole thing without any script (not trying to brag but just pointing out the fact that the content could be MUCH better if structured). If I were to re-do this and up the effort it would probably take at least half a day to a day or more depending on how many retakes I need to do.

For me, I’m not a professional reviewer or anything by any means. I just do it for fun, so I don’t mind too much that the quality isn’t top notch since it’s just me taking to my fellow audiophiles. However, if I were to do this part time professionally, I would definitely rethink my approach and up the quality for sure, and as a result it’s going to take much longer than 2 hours. So, depending on what you want, how much time you have, and how much time you’re willing to commit, a shorter, written-format may work better for you vs YouTube. Just my two-cents!


Shameless plug or not, subbed :metal:


I should say this - I feel as though if you know your way around a camera and editing software, it may take a little bit less time to really put something together. I’d be interested in hearing how long it takes someone like @Timmy-Gizaudio to make a video, for example. I know he edits for Crin, so he knows he way around making animations, intros, outros ect ect. At first it may take a while, but after a while, it gets easier and easier. If you ever have any questions on editing and cameras and what not, I know a thing or two, you can always ask me


Thanks for the offer bro, if I ever need help I’ll dm you :sunglasses: I did take some design classes before so I know my way around adobe stuff and did photography here and there, but I just didn’t have any editing software/hardware near me today so I just filmed it on my phone haha (also limited time). Cool to know that a lot of people here are also into film/photography stuff!


Anytime, my man. I’ve been getting used to using iMovie mobile for some home videos of my son and what not - for something mobile and on the go, it’s such a cool program - and it’s free! I use DaVinci resolve on my computer, it’s also free but it’s basically a professional editing software. Such good stuff. Hit me up anytime!


If only considering filming, editing, and thumbnail (excluding planning/ preparing the info the video)

Filming: 30mins to 60mins
Editing: 2 Hours to 4 Hours (depends on how many effects, pictures, how fancy I want to make it, etc)
Thumbnail: 10-20mins

Roughly total estimate 3-4 hours per video


Love your reviews, your honestly. Would I would love to see not just you in your reviews but any review but in this industry in general bieng more transparent of the ugly, the bad and the he just plain shiity sounding poorly built stuff out to here.

More importantly the ability to review without fear of reprisal or worries of getting cut off from review units.

Now that would be refreshing would it not!

My $0.02


See that makes sense. For a guy like you who does this on a daily basis, you can become more efficient with the entire process from import to export.

The one that thing I could never ever learn were small animations on overlays and text boxes and what not. They’re so tiny and pretty much minuscule, but to me they separate the amateurs from the pros.

Love your videos btw, man :metal:

DUNU SA6 Ultra release time

Countdown is up :slight_smile:

Release date: 2022-10-24 23:00:00 EST

May the odds be with you :rofl:


Still no price! Ugh. Not a fan of this type of release.


it’s supposed to be $500 according to zeos


I’ll throw my wild guess of 599.

But this is just a guess.

You know.

I know nothing. I swear.

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Price indicates around US$ 1000,00


It’s a placeholder, as far as I know. They should have priced it 9999$ or not list it, I guess…

That’s why there’s a timer - you can’t buy it yet.

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I’ve read all of these answer and I’ve been digesting it. Thanks for every precious input.

Hell, I’ve got some nice ideas ideas from them. Especially by watching @VIVIDICI_111’s video. More on this later.

This touched my tralala in a good way, but I wanna clarify something first that might have got lost in translation. I do no want to change my style unless to improve it. In fact, I wanna double on that personal touch.

I want to be half human, half robot - as I feel I’m just a robot atm. I wanna get back to spam these forums, not worrying about how optics look on a set I don’t like or that I love. I want to have a more personal touch with every single of you and improve myself.

To do an analogy on my current situation, I’m not getting more food than I can eat, I’m just spending too much time seasoning it and looking for a fork.

I don’t intend to lose the music linked, the (soon to be) cool pics or my charisma. I need to inovate and writting 6000 words on a review ain’t helping with that. My website is half done, my written guides are still just bones and skin and it has no signs of getting better.

As I said, I’m officially doing shorter reviews from now on.

Again, thanks for all the love, warms my heart. I’ll discuss ideas down below.


I like it. In fact - I love it. That’s how it should be. Honestly though, I have to admit, you have one of the most personal styles of written reviews on the web, man. I can’t see your reviews feeling robotic at all.

Regardless - I appreciate your willingness to improve upon something that is already great - I’ll be looking forward to the Nymz x (insert name here) collab :sunglasses:

  1. What would you like to see?

Everytime you open a review, what would you like to see that someone already does or hasn’t been done yet? I have a few ideas, but still need to sleep on them.

A short resume at the top in a must, probably more than the pros and cons or added below.

  1. Community voice

What is mine is yours. Just like your wallet is mine.

No but serisouly. Why not give a platform to the people on this thread? We see dozens of short reviews on these forums per week, but no real spotlight on them.

What if I can give it to them? Like a section on my website. Like @VIVIDICI_111 's video shown there.

@SoundEater could do a metal guide for people to follow or whatever. @pylaczynski could have a source podcast :disguised_face:

Tik-tok for audiophiles hfgf :rofl:

  1. A more personal touch

I’d like to be closer to some of you here, but forums doesn’t help with that. Discord server? I know a lot of you are like “oh no, one more platform”, but could be worth it. And I could share my impressions by the time I’m listening to a set.


You told me that half a year ago, I’d laugh on you.


Nymz x MiM audio ----> Excellent, versatile DD
Nymz x Audio Hekili ----> Advanced bass cannon
Nymz x THIEAUDIO ----> An excellent tribrid
Nymz x KZ -----> Budget bomb


I have faith :sunglasses:

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