Nymzreviews.com official thread

I’m in for the ThieAudio collab - sign me up for The early bird special :face_exhaling:


Hey, I’m in. I’d be down for more of a community based thread with overall summaries for sets that we all love and maybe we could all gain trust between one another so tours could be in place?

Maybe some of us could pitch in to buy a set to fund that said tour? Idk - just trying to think of things to maybe bring us closer together - more like a family or a community, rather than a bunch of strangers coming together once and a while on the site.

Call me crazy, I know I am :smiling_face_with_tear:


I’ll call you crazy, only cause of the Trans-Atlantic tours will be terrible on someone’s postage costs (LOL). But, seriously if we could all be on the honor system like that I would be down

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For IEMs, the shipping shouldn’t be too crazy, even cross the Atlantic. @nymz sent me over a set and the shipping was not that expensive, unless he was just too nice of a man to ask for the full amount … :thinking::thinking::thinking:

Wait a minute

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I think 1 and 2 can go hand-in-hand. One thing that sticks out to me on here or head-fi is how overwhelming the echo chamber/hype train can get. Not because some sets will rise to be the cream of the crop, but it’s just hard to find gems or diamonds in the rough when everybody is only on the same sets.

One thing that stood out to me when I’ve looked at all the $20ish sets is that where the 7Hz Zero is the “default” recommendation, it’s not really the best for every taste. But the nuance gets lost when if someone asks for a rec 4 people say Zero instantly.

I’d love to have a space to earn people’s trust to look for diamonds in the rough that might not be Zero or Olina or the like (provided I can continue to get to try different sets and such, details and such). Kinda how you made a whole cult out of a set…

Just saying, but not saying…


One thing that I miss in so many reviews is more information about which musical genres are good with that set and which ones are not.

I like your reviews because you describe in a detailed way how a set play some test tracks. This can give me hint if it’s something that I’m searching for or not.
But this is because I have almost 2 years in the hobby and have tested some different IEMs during the road. And even with this little experience, I’m still a noob and sometimes I make bad decisions. :rofl:
I can imagine how difficult is to someone starting in the hobby or with less experience than me.

Maybe having a hint about genres can make someone decision easier. Nothing detailed because I know that would be insane, just a little hint.


7hz Zero.

I think we can get something running around here. I like this idea.

Price isn’t a problem. My customs are. But maybe we can work something out. Mi casa es tu casa

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Mangird/Xenns has yet to do a colab… just saying.

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Mangird Beer

Oh I’m feeling frisky tonight, i should get some sets on my table


Haha, my take on sources would be the worst thing in audio hobby period. I cannot hear shit, everybody knows that, I cannot rationalize need of any source more expensive than qudelix 5k at the moment.

But to be honest if you need any help in the web/community building just let me know, I would see if I have the required skills to help, but just know that the will is with me.

And discord is kind of a shock for me (according to my 2000s colleagues I am kind of a bummer) how nice it is to use for general care-free communicatuon- I am all in


Can you build CSS styles for my shitty website? :rofl:

I disagree. I don’t like people who agree with me lol. I’d call my mom if I wanted that. Ok not my mom actually, better to be my dad.

That’s why I love my dog. We are never in sync :smiley:

Working on it!


Insta buy :joy::joy:


Down for discord server, and down for community voice! IEM guides for different music genres (like the metal guide you mentioned) could be really helpful me feel :thinking:

Yo if you can do it, I aint complaining :joy:

Ahah, guess I luckly goy the price right!!

Congratz to all who got it.

I didn’t realize the SA6 Ultra would be $599. But I think I’m right when I said it will be $850 because DUNU has been researching the market and they have actually lowered the price. Congratulations to those who will buy it, I will skip this time. :upside_down_face:
In my opinion, the strong points will be the soundstage, the vocals and the treble. The weak ones might be the BA timbre and the little mid-bass. They continued the trend towards emphasizing the sub-bass, which is not a bad thing, but we still need to go back to the mid-bass of the good old days and find the balance between the two. Maybe someone will do it in collaboration with someone else!? :four_leaf_clover:
Maybe…, we can only wait and hope - hope dies last if we don’t turn a deaf ear by then :metal: .


No, that I cannot do for you :frowning:

You misunderstood me - I don’t think I am wrong with me not being able to differentiate sources, because this is my experience and I expect could be experience of signinficant number of people (or maybe was my experience, as Sennheiser HD6xx right now sound like shit out of SE of ZX300A even though loud enough…)).
I just don’t think this is what people are expecting and subconsciously wanting to read when searching for reviews of sources

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Agreed. I actually EQ down a set with non-rolled-off sub-bass. I’m ok with cranked subwoofer speakers and, heck, even the Monarch (OG) but there’s something about the high sub-bass in most IEMs that gives my ears fatigue. Perhaps the occlusion effect? :man_shrugging:


Looks like you’re using Wordpress so your best bet is to just find a nice paid theme you like the look of. There’s toooons of them. It’s usually a pain in the ass to integrate after you’ve already got a site working well though so be warned.

Also, have you considered videos? Especially short-form videos of your reviews? It still blows my mind how much short-form videos get in terms of impressions on places like Instagram, Tiktok, YouTube Shorts!

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