Nymzreviews.com official thread

Comparisons of Mon MK2 with DUNU Ultra have begun! I’m honestly having fun. We’ll see who wins. I think the favorite is… , yes it is :wink:

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Ha I’m here for it *grabs a bag of popcorn and a glass of whiskey :melting_face:

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I’ve poured myself a glass of wine and veal fillet, I’m listening to Gojira, I’m reading here and having fun :grinning:
The saga along ULTRA will be big :nerd_face:

I’m more curious about SA6U vs Oracle2…

… I hope I know the answer by next week :disguised_face:


Yap, that’s my concern as well.

If I had to do it all again, not sure id follow the same route, but here we are.

Yes, that youtube question is the most asked question i get. I’m not ready for it (yet).

Also I do not like my voice, my projection skills or my spoken english monologues, but I need to sleep on it.

You can put a Daft Punk helmet, get a voice changer and you’re set to go. No more excuses :rofl:


Oof - the boys look epic in this shot :face_exhaling:

Where are they comparing?? :thinking:

Ahahah, wouldnt that be awsome :slight_smile:

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Ok why Nymz on your website do all your video titles sound like weed stains …or maybe it’s just me.

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Hahaha! Quite an imagination, funny take.

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What? lol

I wouldn’t even know anything about that even if I wanted :man_shrugging:

This is my kind of drug:

Are these weed stains too? Do I need to change it? lol



Maestro, purple haze , green monster LOL

The Meastro is fantastic BTW. highly recommend it with some Yellow or Pink Floyd.

Quite proud of your titles LOL


I bet that everyone noticed this before, but for those who are not aware, let me show you why SA6 Ultra looks very good on paper, for my tastes, and using the newly updated Crin’s measurements…

@ZeosPantera gets the :cookie:. Can’t wait!


Baby VX for $600 USD…oh my word

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@Timmy-Gizaudio keeps mentioning that.

I will compare it to VX and RSV. Using @ZeosPantera’s words, I’m ready to be a crying b*tch.


Just bought mine wooo. If it somehow ends up sounding like a better Tea… heavy breathing :eyes::eyes:


lezzz goooo

Let’s find out together


Ahhhh see?! My assumption of you getting them wasn’t so crazy after all - you are a bank :sunglasses:


Well @Tfaduh kinda helped/pushed me. Will be great to compare it with VX.

And @igor0203 is the one to blame for my next money splash.

Oh lord. I need help. And I’ll be selling crown jewels in a bit.