Nymzreviews.com official thread


Point taken :upside_down_face:

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That does not sound good :upside_down_face: we’re all glad you didn’t quit…


How did you get $100 off? Thats an insane price for the Mangird Tea 2


Looks like one of the $100 for $50 coupon codes.


You sir, officially get your cookie - I’m jealous. But damn! That price is absolutely insane, good sir - that $50 for $100 Linsoul card came in hella clutch! Happy listening :love_you_gesture:


as the ones before me said, it was linsoul coupon code , paid 50$ got 100$.
had to wake myself in the middle of the night to try to get one but i got it :slight_smile:


Totally worth it bro. Welcome to 3D land

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That is an awesome deal. I was pretty happy just getting the 20% off.

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And let the IEM buying begin now :money_mouth_face: :grinning:

Anyone come across this case for sale ? Link if so please.

Never mind they actually sell it for $20 sweet deal


After humming and ha-ing all week, I finally pulled the trigger on a pair of Tea 2s to replace the OG Teas that died a few weeks ago. Not as good as a deal as @SpiderTool but managed to get it for around $200 USD after all the coupons on Aliexpress. Still happy to grab it for almost $149 USD off retail (+/- $200 CAD!!).

Praying that 1) I don’t get scammed and 2) the Tea 2 is able to fill the void that the OG Tea has left.


200$ is lower than i paid (230$) so that’s insane man, enjoy :love_you_gesture: :cookie:

Haha. I thought you got it for $184?! (unless you factored in the $50 spent for the coupon)

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yes i factored the coupon xD


Let me know your thoughts! Would love to know your comparison between two Teas :slight_smile:


I just got mine, and the differences are sublte. I think the Tea2 has a wider soundstage, with better imaging. I also think it seems like a little more detail.

The mid bass seems turned down vs the OG, but I think that is because the sub bass and treble are a bit stronger. The side effect is the MK2 isn’t as warm, but still sounds warm with great mids.

Again they are more alike than not, but the MK2 seems a bit more technical or resolving.


Yo @nymz what dac/amp did you use for your Serratus? You think the Motu M2 can drive it?

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For me Tea2 had better quality bass and more versatile/innofensive treble. To the point that i found it too dark and a bit boring.

Tea OG was more interesting sounding but the dip in the upper mids around 5k (can’t remember now) was accentuating some other region that made it tough to listen to especially on electronic music with energetic treble.


Singxer SA-1 / Topping L70

I srsly have no idea but probably? Just wait for it and try it :slight_smile:

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Motu can push 4Vrms, so volume wise you should have no problems - more than 15dB of headroom. Then for some (;)) there is a difference between driving and “driving”, so you need to try yourself