Nymzreviews.com official thread

Hope you enjoy it! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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Thanks for the trust and glad you enjoying! Itā€™s a special set, at least to my ears and some others, where midrange is gold.

Michael was the reason I went RSV instead of something else at the time. He can sometimes be too passionate about his favourite sets, but he has great ears and devotes a lot of time into the hobby and music, so my hats are always off. Shortbus :love_you_gesture:


For those who will buy planar IEMs on 11.11. - all use the same driver. Therefore, in order not to regret - buy TINHIFI P1 MAX! :nerd_face: :upside_down_face:

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my p1 max is about to land and Iā€™m excited as its my first planar iem :panda_face: :v: (i have a planar headphones for over 3 years now and i love them )


They donā€™t all use the same driver. I believe there are three drivers being used atm

And using the same driver doesnā€™t mean sounding the same or having the same capabilities.

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Exactly. There are 3 drivers, but most planar IEMs use one.

If one Mercedes of the same model is made in Germany and another in China, then there may be a slight difference in the cars. The same is the case with IEMs. Think logically, not emotionally! :wink:

But driver of a IEM is more like a engine, maybe engine + drivetrain of a car, not a complete one. Implementation, physical tuning, shape (->depth of insertion/fit) matters. Just like weight, mass distribution, aerodynamics of two cars using same enfine


Yes. And in my opinion, the form factor, FR and the source matter. Some planar IEMs require more power.

FR always matter, no matter if itā€™s the same driver. One can be tuned V shaped, other neutral.

@nymz if you still have both IEMs, could you please measure the nozzle sizes (width) of Tea 2 and Audio Lokahi?

Thanks for the advice about 11.11 - so glad the sales havenā€™t already endedā€¦ waitā€¦ whatā€¦ :crazy_face: :roll_eyes::black_joker:

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Sorry, Lokahi was sold 3 days later I got itā€¦ last year :confused:


Pity. Can you measure the Tea 2?

Oh my what the postman brought today to kick off the week in style.

Thanks again @nymz !

Edit. Just had a quick listen to DPā€™s Giorgio by Moroder and the soundscape these were able draw was just pure auditory heaven.


One of my favourites. TouchƩ.

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Oh my is that ā€œTHEā€ 07 box I see :eyes:




All electronic music in my library seem to suit the EJ07 really well. Aphex Twin, Chicane, Chemical Brothers, The Prodigy, Dieselboy, Crystal Method, Basement Jaxx, Daft Punk, Moloko, Deadmau5, Justice, Dan le Sac, Gorillaz, RMB and Faithless all sound great.

Other genres are more hit or miss, and it seems to vary from record to record depending on the production. Most of my library is in 16bit flac, but you can certainly notice the tracks right away that are of lower quality.

Iā€™m not an audiophile by any means, but this is a definite upgrade from the OG Tea in pretty much all aspects.

ā€¦doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t miss my Teas


I havenā€™t listened to the EJ 07 but I imagine electronic music will sound amazing, especially Faithless, Prodigy, etc. Itā€™s just part of my music library and I think Iā€™ll buy them one day. Iā€™m amazed at the people who sell them and donā€™t keep them for musical bliss :zap: :fire: