Nymzreviews.com official thread

Did someone say Canada :eyes: I’m in AB though



Goober if we don’t meet this week



Always been curious. TGX always liked those. But I feel they are too much of a gamble, cant explain it.

Fit is super important. When I tried it I fet it lacked treble extension and bass was anemic? But others have tried double flange and apparently it’s the second coming of Christ so :man_shrugging:

You should be fine though since you can shove the Z1R in np :+1:


I feel I should consider them…

if we all stop spending money on new sets and pool it together to buy an island… nah who am I kidding we don’t have the self control for that

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Luckily I’m able to get a perfect seal and fit with them so bass seems powerful to my ears but AGAIN I don’t appear to be that picky.


If only there were one White Whale to search for, we could maybe get there.

Ahahah. I don’t have control, but when I get something on my head, it’s done.

Quit alchool just because.
Become a reviewer just because.
Be the best at work just because.

I could sell all my iems tomorrow and block my feelings about it. For me is the ride, not the collection.

With that said, did I also mention no control? I need a symphonium. Now.


GS has had so many different tunings in thier top end stuff and so I can see the hesitation and the price new is up there . Wish you were closer I would begrudgingly send them to you for a listen.

Reach out to GS for a demo set?
Worth a shot as I would love for your opinion.

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Won’t hurt to ask I guess!

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Found it on taobao:

297 usd. Its called the Band5 Pro over there.

There is also a more expensive model.

Although the graph for that one looks quite bad.

This company also has a TWS. At 140 usd

Apparently tuned both acoustically and electronically.

Seems to be a company that has a lot of knowledge.


The manufacturers would go bankrupt from the slowdown in turnover rate. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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The ceiling on the price looks like $300 for sure. The closer they can get it down towards $200, the better as an unknown company

Usually when stuff goes international its a bit more expensive or if lucky, the same.

Lower priced has never happened afaik and would be strange af.

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Hisense brings their prices down for their tvs, from the Chinese prices to the US prices, but that is because they sell as a premium brand in China and a budget-mid tier brand in the US. That’s the kind of move I’m thinking of. If they sell P5 internationally on a lower price tier, to get notoriety and market share of some kind, that would be kinda smart

It is weird then :stuck_out_tongue:

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Band 8 got a strange tuning who knows might be a gem and forget the graph but IDK

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They breaking the mold then. :fire:

…and the difference in price and number of drivers is big! It seems to me that TOTL sound is not achieved for this price. I dоn`t know! :hear_with_hearing_aid: :money_mouth_face: