Nymzreviews.com official thread

HBB’s graph has Aful in between the Oracles in sub-bass, so I got excited and didn’t read your graphs right

Might have unit variance. Ive seen lower graphs as well. Can only speak from my unit.

Are you in the EU?

I’m in Boston MA, like @domq422


Represent! :sunglasses:


Damn, another one. I could send u both later, too bad.

We need to all move somewhere :upside_down_face:

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We gotta convince your gf that raising a kid in the US is the move :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

Move to Vancouver Canada , I need more people arround me to share sets with.


The man. The Myth. The LEGEND. Always too gracious. However, it is pretty cool that @GooberBM and I live basically a stones throw away from one another.

All we actually have to do is get the meet and listen session together lol


This is compeling. Home of the three great mountains: Serratus, Tantalus and Alpha.


I feel like either somewhere in Japan or Singapore could allocate a small village for all audiophiles to live and thrive in - imagine the monthly meet ups? We’d all save so much money!


Only reason why I still put planars on my ears every week. This why I do this shit. Half of my collection is on a loan right this moment… And I still have too much stuff.

We all know how this ends. The more people I met that I could trade sets with, the more money I spent. True story. Thanks @igor0203 .


Facts! It would take me 5 sets to match the price of the Monarch, so doing a listening session with @domq422 feels like such an uneven tradeoff lol

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well that’s cause you’re just plain awesome, dude. I promise as soon as I hit on a lotto ticket, the first guy I’m cleaning out with offers is you :sweat_smile:

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How do you feel about the Mona2? Should I buy it?

Put it on my daughter’s account. But I’ll take a STORM first :upside_down_face: Can’t help it.


Dom has it. Whenever we meet up I’ll get ears on it to see what jumping up in class is really all about!

Don’t. There’s no turn back. You’ve been warned.

I wish I knew that before.


I am back and forth with the EJ07M and the GS Audio SE12 and gotta say for everything I listen too , From Aerosmith, Metallica to Jimmy Smith and The Crystal Method the SE12 is far superior in every way.

Vocals are slightly more pronounced, have better resolution and clarity and bass is deeper and faster.

Rabbit hole on pause.

The difference is also so much more pronounced on the desk with the SE12 over the EJ’S than on the DAP
Can’t get enough of theese .


That is a valid question. I can’t consciously recommend a $1000 set to someone with my ears in the state that they are in. However, I love them. They have a special sauce to me. Vocals are absolute magic. Genuinely. Fit is just Chef’s Kiss.

Goober and I will be meeting up in 2 days and he’ll be trying them out. I’ll relay that responsibly to him :sweat_smile:

And I’ll be happy to fund the little one’s college fund!

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He lives so close and he has a set I would never hope to buy.

It’s like Brad Pitt at the end of Seven. I gotta know what’s in the box