I have them in my ears as we speak and I have to admit - you can somewhat forget about the aesthetics if the sound vibes with you strongly enough! But the lightning is a touch … tacky, I can’t not admit that
DQ6S was great tbh, QKZ is even better overall
The lightning motif reminds me of special effects from 80s music videos. Maybe that’s what they were going for…
I dig it. Bring the THUNDAH!
That still seems odd to me. Owning both Tea and Tea2 is nice, and I am such Xenns fanboy, I have to assume if I jump up a bracket, it will probably be the for the UP.
I have been pondering getting a better source, and the Topping G5 keeps popping up as a top candidate for me. It seems like the NX7 with a USB-C DAC, it also has BT input. At $300 it seems like a pretty good deal. Has anyone here given it a try?
I do, I returned mine for repairs because of this hole
It just came off all of a sudden, I only use it around my work and home desks so its trivial why this came off. Also when I move the cable I lose my connection, tried the same cable on my 5k and tried to move my cable and didn’t lose my sound so it has something to do with my unit.
I like the sound quality honestly it’s so clean and my Serratus is feels wider and has more details vs my Quadelix 5k.
Although I feel like the bluetooth is below average compared to 5k, I lose my signal after walking 8 feet away from it or sometimes signal goes on and off. Quadelix I can walk 20-30 ft away without losing my sound.
I have a good BF story. 4 years ago, for BF i got two new things: a washer and dryer set and…a baby. My daughter is born on Black Friday 2018.
Such a Bad timing: you’ll never be able to buy her gifts during sales
Nah, you just tell her she was born really late in the evening and that it’s a family tradition to wait until the minute you were born to celebrate birthdays. Then he’ll have all day to do some last minute BF shopping!
oh yea, this is my outside set and they are perfect for it.
because of all the outside noise i can play them with more power without noticing which doing great to vocals. and the “too much midbass” is not to much when you need this isolation.
probably gonna write a few words about the tea’s 2 in a few days since i had some things to say.
overall they are kind of similar in vocal tonality which is good .
It’ll be fun to see how long she buys that with child-like innocence. Godspeed to you that it lasts
Thanks for the info, and sorry about the case opening up on you.
Yo @nymz this is what’s happening at higher volumes (1:32+):
I’ve tried multiple cables, sources and adapters now and it’s the same result. I think there may be something wrong with the drivers? Or maybe the connector I don’t wanna have to ship this back to ya, so if anyone knows how to fix this please let me know
Ty. I’ll give that a shot once I get home
Are RSV’s nozzles protected with grills? Sometimes distortion is coming from foreign bodies (hairs etc) resonating
I want to remind you to clean your earwax regularly .
Huum that’s very strange indeed, never experienced that. Guess it’s the driver, if you ruled out every physical factor
No grills, it doesn’t have any hairs or anything, and yes @SoundEater , my ears are pretty clean
@nymz I’ll keep you updated if anything gets better. If not, back to you it goes I guess
Very unfortunate since I’m in love with the tuning so far