Nymzreviews.com official thread

Question is just one: do you need the dap?

If you need a dap, you can wait for my hiby r5 saber to arrive (1w @ 16ohms). If not, it opens a whole new world.

Edit: my answer is the same as Godria btw.

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No I actually donĀ“t really need a DAP. I would be nice but the price is to high and I prefer to invest on IEMs, but I was looking to an upgrade from the BTR5 and at around US$400 the XDuoo 05 BAL looks like one of the best options available.

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Then yes, go for XD-05 Bal imo. I will also have the new Toping NX7 in the same package as R5, so you might wanna check that as well. Iā€™m very happy with XD-05 bal and you can even get it cheaper on sale :slight_smile:


Yes, it doesā€¦

Ohh I forgot to mentionā€¦ It sounds really great via Bluetooth, and much better than BTR5.
( to my ears)

Youā€™re welcome :blush:



The Final VR3000 arrived today. All first impressionsā€¦

Some thoughts - non sound related:

  • first things first: the package has definitely been opened beforeā€¦ I have no issue with refurbished/recycled products, but I would like to know before I buy. Did I miss something and was this advertised as previously opened merchandise or is that seller straight up an asshole? Also explains why @PopinTeddy is missing his pouchā€¦
  • I have the feeling the final e tips are smaller than usual tips. Usually I always choose M size (Blessing 2 S size), but final E M size is more like S size for any other IEM. Final E L size is more like M size. Is this just me or is this a matter of fact?
  • I donā€™t get whatā€™s up with these hooks. There are fine, but why are they optional? Seems like a cost cutting measure to me
  • I didnā€™t get to wear them for long, but they seem comfortable. They may be very good for sleeping while wearing them as they donā€™t stick out much and are rather small and flat
  • the build otherwise seems ok for the roughly 25 Euro I paid, but not for the msrp of 80 or so. I like the case in appereance and shape, but the biggest offender is the non replaceable cable, which is similiar to a cable you would get with any 10 USD IEM. And wellā€¦ you canā€™t replace it. So itā€™s bound to die (or you have to do some soldering).

Other thoughts - sound related:

  • my problem is, that I come from the 7hz timeless and basically everything that I love about it, is missing here
  • on the other hand, on first listen I do not hate it as much as the FD3 or KZ ZEX for example
  • for a 20 USD IEM I could get happy with it actually. I guess depending on the song I would prefer the sound signature to the Blessing 2, but probably donā€™t like it better than the Aria (sold both of Moondrops, so canā€™t compare directly)
  • It has some treble, but no extension (again: coming from 7hz). It has a nice amount of bass, but the bass is kinda wonky. The mids sound held back. Overall I love it more than very dark sets or sets with a shitload of midbass, but itā€™s still not good. From my POV I could describe it as a non-warm, but still laid back IEM.
  • where it falls flat imho is technicalities. Just not as resolving as the Blessing 2, Aria or even CCA C12.
  • I tried EQing it to my preference curve, which was a disasterā€¦ seems that 6mm dynamic driver doesnā€™t take EQ all that well
  • part of the reason why I got this IEM was, because it was marketed as having an extremly wide stageā€¦ maybe it is just my ears, but I think at this point to me ā€œstageā€ is a meme. If I really pay attention I may hear a small differences between IEMs, but to me stage is 98% the song and 2% the IEM. Just choose your ā€œsmallest stage IEMā€ and listen to this song and tell me itā€™s lacking stage:
    Aiobahn, YUC'e - Hansel to Gretel no Mori - YouTube

So tl;dr:
Depending on preference, this may be a great IEM at 20-30 USD, but not at MSRP. For my preference there are better IEMs even at the 30 USD price range though.



Never use hooks unless fishing

No sub but agree

Iā€™d give the Mids the win when it comes to their overall sound sig


It doesnā€™t imho.

But saying all that @Zigg08 saidā€¦ā€œI received mine and for gaming itā€™s really good , voice sound very good (voice chat) , and u hear footsteps clearly and preciseā€ā€¦itā€™s a gaming set so itā€™s fulfilled itā€™s goals :man_shrugging:


I will test it this evening with some rounds of Valorant. I think it is probably good to game, but againā€¦ I doubt it is better than something like the CCA C12 (which I use up until now), which is less than half MSRP. Iā€™d say the VR3000 is slightly more comfortable though.

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Same, for the original price itā€™s going for, itā€™ll be a no for me.
No wonder the Japanese market is saying that this set is too expensive. However, Iā€™d happily take it all day long for the daily driver and my personal sub $150 king

I cannot compute.

Same, for the original price itā€™s going for, itā€™ll be a no for me

my personal sub $150 king

How do these two go together? MSRP is something like 80$ (<150$) or is it? Or are you saying you wouldnā€™t usually buy one of the sub 150$ IEMs?

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Yup. I meant that if they priced it at $80 and given the lack of reviews out there, it would never have come across my mind to purchase this set. However, now that Iā€™ve got it for a mere Ā£18, for the IEMs Iā€™ve tried and owned under $150, Iā€™d choose this over anything Iā€™ve heard in this range. (that said, Iā€™m not familiar with KZ/CCA signature but it doesnā€™t seem to fit my taste). 'Tis a personal choice :call_me_hand:

What Iā€™ve tried and owned under $150: KZ ZEX, T2, T4, BL-05s, Mele, VR3000

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Thanks for clarifying

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Thanks for your review too, Iā€™m also using folkā€™s feedback to recalibrate and understand where my ears/preferences sit in this hobby. Thereā€™s the Tea & Mele cults that I can reference, but not many folks like the BL-05s like I do which was my fav sub $150 before VR3000.


I tried listening to Queen: LIve at Wembley Stadium, and got nice holographic sound presentation. Has anyone else tried live recordings? Orchestral pieces also sound nice. Maybe the wide soundstage is more evident in these specific settings? Iā€™m enjoying them, at least. Need to A/B more but so far Iā€™m pleased!

Also, found this review from Audio46: Final Audio VR 3000 Gaming Earphones - Unboxing + Review - YouTube. Interesting backstory to its development! The comments are also insightful - somewhat polarised impressionsā€¦

Edit: Apparently this is good for ASMR, in case people are into thatā€¦

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Cool interested to hear your thoughts as itā€™s pitched as a VR and gaming set and not audiophileā€¦horses for courses as they say :+1:


I justed checked the micā€¦ letā€™s say I was surprisedā€¦

Microphone A:

Microphone B:

Which sounds better?

  • Microphone A
  • Microphone B

0 voters

I will reveal the results later this eveningā€¦

Microphone A is CCA C12 and microphone B is VR3000

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Iā€™m still wondering whether powering this set with a different source would make a difference. On the iFi Zen Dac V2 these are just phenomenal for me, crisp and clear, but if I hook it to the MT-602, it becomes a bit muddy and V-shaped.

Took these out for shopping today with my BTR3K, and again I found it lacking in some areas compared to the other IEMs I bring outdoors. Itā€™s still smooth, but just lack characteristic. I was tempted to head over to the iFi Zen Dac thread to ask whether sound coming from the zen dac is colored or not.

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Seems so, I also always use L size on them.

I think the perceiving of stage and pshycoaccoustics change from ear to ear. With that said, I canā€™t agree with you. I heard IEMs that have stage for days (ej07, mest, etc). Although, on the more budget level, only dq6 stands out. And thereā€™s always the problem with depthā€¦

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Short review of vr3000 after 30~ hours of use
I genuinely donā€™t care about the sound quality theyā€™re easily the comfiest iems iā€™ve owned, i have SUPER picky ears and because of it i had to try every eartip on the market and have to try 15+ tips/tip sizes until i get something acceptable with every iem purchase before i can even start listening to them. Small final e on the left medium on the right that came with them and boom Iā€™ve worn them for 8 hours in a day with the only noticeable problem being a small hot-spot that went away unexplainably and hadnā€™t come back since. These could be using toilet paper as a driver and id still use them for how comfy they are


Check out this impression! Maybe they do need amping to shine.