Nymzreviews.com official thread

My main takeaway is that the Midnight has excellent tonality. All the other aspects - treble extension, resolution, and other “technicalities” - have been improved since Yume, but it doesn’t mean the Midnight’s technicalities will beat highly-resolving IEMs in the <200 USD bracket.

My question is: How does a hybrid sound so natural that he is recommending the set for orchestral and acoustical music over single DD??


Well some hibrids just do it well enough, coming close to DDs.

Hint: Check this thread’s name :rofl:


Haha you’re in dangerous territory by saying the Timeless is superior to all of these single DDs :stuck_out_tongue: YMMV, but the general consensus is that DD sound is rather different to planar sound. I am getting the S12 in the coming weeks and will compare against the Oxygen, but I highly doubt S12 will be outright superior.


I see your point - I had to really listen to discern differences between my Oxygen and Aladdin. But since I detected the differences, I don’t think I can go back haha.

I’m intrigued hahahaha, let us know your thoughts: planar IEM vs single DD IEM death match.

Timmy’s video, I didn’t take it as he’s shilling, but he was already the biggest fanboy of the original Yume back then on YT, so judgment might be slightly biased already :sunglasses:

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Then you’re a timbrehead, and only DDs will be good enough for you. That’s also a good thing seeing you don’t need to spend as much as other set with 129831032 drivers.

Timbre and Coherency is something a single DD will never be beaten. It’s too natural for us.

Speaking of single DDs, time to grab some photos of my new set :rofl:


Haha timbrehead is a funny term. I should clarify that I don’t necessarily prefer the Oxygen over the Aladdin - I just have an eclectic taste in music, and I need to swap between the two for maximum enjoyment :raised_hands: Jazz, orchestra, film scores → Oxygen. Vocals, pop, general listening → Aladdin. Let’s see where the S12 will fit in!

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Niiceee. I have a minor suggestion: could you add info on ANC for the TWS sets on your list? You have (TWS), and maybe you could do (TWS + ANC).

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I will do a long review of TWS this weekend, don’t worry :pray:

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Sony EX800ST? Curious about the fit - looks really weird lol. More like a Transformer than an IEM :joy:

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Shuoer S12 + XINHS 4 core Graphene (grey hardware) :drooling_face:


The timeless is outright superior in subjective terms… according to my personal preferences. It delivers more detail and air than any IEM I have ever heared and that just happens to be exactly what I am looking for. It is not perfect though.

Looking forward to your impressions!


I see, thanks for the additional info! Congrats! I hope I find a niche for planar IEMs in my library :smiley:

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Sony EX800ST

The journey for the last piece of the puzzle as started: a Single DD. I’m honestly using all my forces to avoid spending 500€ on MiM Dark Magician :rofl:

I will need more testing until I give first impressions, but I can say this with certainty right now:

  • Needs PEQ, no way around that;
  • Fit is horrible - you gotta tip roll a lot;
  • Cable is terrible - and it also afects the fit since the hooks are useless;
  • Bassheads can vent block if they wish to;
  • Bass texture and stage width are great for this price range;
  • Holy hell 16mm driver;
  • If this ends in my endgame collection I’m not sure I can rec it, not only due to fit and isolation, but also because stock is mediocre.

Sony CD900ST (closed back)

Since I wanted to grab EX800ST, I said why not and bought a studio closed back for the first time, since they were praised to me.

Comfort is fine, but I can’t say I loved it at first listen, but I didn’t also hated it. I liked the tuning but felt a little veiled. Since this is a desktop set, PEQ is no problem, so I tried EQing it and it all got way better, since the “veil” lifted off. They may end up staying, but time will tell. Also did a quick test with MT-602 and they sound good, but I need more A/Bing with solid state.

PEQ settings (Pre-amp -4db):

Low Shelf @ 80hz +5db Q:1
Peak @ 2000hz +3db Q:2
High Shelf @ 7000hz +7 Q:1

I will have to disclose that the stage is very intimate, so stageheads will wanna avoid it. PEQ helps it to feel less intimate.


idk if people know this but gizaudio is also the editor for crinacle so i’d maybe stay away from their reviews just out of conflict of interest (at least for crinacle sets)


Is that confirmed anywhere?
Crin always shouts out patron supporters at the end of his vids, and he always says “Timmy.” Are they the same Timmy?

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i’m like 99.9% sure either timmy from giz or crinacle said in a video but i can’t remember which i’ve watched a decent amount of both


I don’t agree completely to single DD sources being most natural to us (for artificial sound reproduction I mean). That would be true for DD sources of sound in general, but not single per se.

When we grow up and our senses and auditory nerves connection are being developed we normally don’t use headphones, but speakers where you have several drivers in each (woofers, tweeters etc). That is my understanding at least (which would indicate UM 3DT should be perfect and it is not and single DD large headphones are closest to “natural”, so that may be just my BS) :slight_smile:


Timmy is a meme. He’s an affiliate link farm a’la Zeos.


I think we need to clarify why “single” and “DD” are both important for “natural” tonality (natural as in closer to real-life tonality). Single driver is important because having multiple means you need to have cross-over within the frequency range, and you can get coherency issues if this is not done well. Personally my ears aren’t trained enough yet to hear this, because I can’t identify when BA kicks in on my Aladdin (1DD + 3BA).

DD is important because different driver technologies have characteristic sounds. I agree that some people may prefer or even believe that planar sound sig is more natural to them. The argument I’ve read for DD having the “overall” preferred tonality is that we’re very used to this driver tech in our daily lives and thus associate it as “good reproduction.”

Anyone else wanna chime in?