Nymzreviews.com official thread

thats great to hear. how’s soundstage to you? i’ve heard planar drivers may sound loud with low power but soundstage will be narrow. do you have other iems to compare ? i was considering to buy hana 2021 or kato. but S12 got a lot of hype recently …

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Soundstage is above-average for an IEM, but not to the level of something like the EJ07 or MEST. Imaging within the soundstage is fantastic, though. They’re making for great all-rounders so far, unfortunately I don’t have a lot at-or-under the pricepoint to compare with at the moment.


Those are some BIG BOIS to compare to lol, but it just shows how well S12 covers its ground :kissing_heart: :ok_hand:


Ifi iCAN micro with 4W of raw power at 16Ohms (10V of voltage delivered at 600Ohms) for 150$ available.
Damn, I think it is worth taking for usage with CX31993 aliexpress 8$ dongle DAC even if I don’t have any power hungry headphones to use it with at the moment (you never know when Sundara or HE1000 would go into my desk) what do you guys think?


Just to follow up: When you say the soundstage is above average, does it have decent width and height? This was one of the few downsides of the Timeless - it’s soundstage was (apparently) very wide but flat.

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Width and depth, yes. I don’t always have a great time judging height in imaging or soundstage, but it’s certainly not congested. On the appropriate tracks, you can even get a little bit behind you , in my experience.
For the metric of height specifically, I would likely defer to someone with a better sense of it lol.


Don’t worry, all you said is what I’m hearing as well. S12 has nice stage, especially for the price. Height is average and imaging is good.

It clearly has shuoers pedigree.


That is good to hear, can’t wait to see / read more about the S12

Planar speed is pretty hard to beat. 80% of Tea sound stage at 45% of the Tea price seems like a fair deal.

Why does it have to kill Timeless? I am hoping to own both. But it is a good question, where is the best place to buy these?

Are you going here ?

I tend to like having a few good IEMs so I can change things up based on my mood and what I am listening to. I currently keep three IEMs handy at my desk ( Timeless, Mele, T3+ ).

I am really curious to see more FR charts, just to see how it will hold up for my library.
The only charts so far have been these, big thanks to @thoohill


@nymz ok, screw the S12. I wanna get the EJ07m in Black.


You’d be hard pressed to go wrong with either one, but definitely get the EJ if you want the EJ.


If only getting one, EJ07/m is definitely


It doesn’t. But in reality, for me, it probably will or won’t. I am not a collection listener. Example: I love the mele. But I own the oxygen. So, I basically don’t pick the mele ever.

If the s12 works as well or better than the timeless, than for me the timeless will probably sit on a shelf. And if it doesn’t, the s12 will sit on a shelf.

Even my zen doesn’t get much head time because oxygen, timeless and my hp-2 tend to supersede it these days.


would be great if you guys compare these to other iems in its price range … i see only timeless comparisons :grin:
i’d like to see comparison to hana 2021 … kato … or maybe even oxygen and B2 …!

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@nymz I’m sorry bud, looks like your wallet will take another hit soon :joy:. KING UNDER $200 SeeAudio x Crinacle Midnight - YouTube

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It’s not even the same category.

I think you’ll love it :wink: Do eeeet!

Sorry, I’ve never heard any of those :slight_smile:

Oh sweet Timmy. Expected, as he already loved OG Yume. I’ll check the video :slight_smile:


First rule of fightclub: We don’t talk about it.


Today was the day. Congratz to future happy customers :fire:


I find that video very inconsistent lol, massive praise (aka shill) at the start, halfway when talking about technicalities you’ll notice he starts shying away from saying it’s the best, that other IEMs can outperform it quite easily :see_no_evil:

Don’t forget he’s also running a KZ CRN giveaway in that vid :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Maybe it’s because the timeless is already superior to all of those, so it’s not really interesting to compare the S12 to them. Of those you mentioned, I only owned the B2, which I found pretty boring. Once I got the timeless, I sold the B2. Disclaimer: Tastes differ.