Nymzreviews.com official thread

By the shape of it, it does seem like they’re trying to compete with Sony Z1R for the “who can be more uncomfy” throne :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Timbre is a weird aspect of sound reproducing gear that is hard to properly appreciate I feel like.

Let’s get something out of the way first: most transducers out there are dynamic drivers. Be it speakers, headphones, TWS, some dirty buds, in your car, your name it. And because we hear DDs the most and almost all the time when sound is reproduced somewhere, from the moment we are born and can hear, we get used to their characteristics and timbre.

With that, we naturally develop a Bias towards them sounding Natural, since we are used to them.

Now other driver types have other characteristics: BAs have a very fast attack and decay, DDs a wide dynamic range, ESTs a crystal clear treble response, Planars being very resolving, and so on.

I don’t like to say that any driver type is superior to another; they are simply different to me.

That‘s also why I do not like Terms like „BA Bass“ for example, since it tries to discredit BAs from the get go by comparing them to DD Bass and how it usually lacks „Rumble“ and „Body“.

I could take it the other way as well: BA Bass got a speed and decay DDs could only dream of. They are more resolving in the micro-details and can layer Bass much better.

I consider them to simply be a different flavor from each other. And I like Variety in my Rotation. :v:


May just be the same as with the Timeless: looks like it would fit horribly, actually fits well :sweat_smile:


Congrats sir! I’m glad you got the Dark Magician and are loving it. :slight_smile: I spent a great part of today with it and it was glorious. :slight_smile:

Welcome to the Dark Magician’s guild. :slight_smile:


Have you consideres Oriolus Isabellae in looking for 1DD holu grail?

It may have a little bit recessed midrange for Tea lovers, but generally receives a lot of praise

Mids wont be recessed. If you normalize the graph:

Mids/vocals presence are done around and right after pinna 2.5-5k, give it or take.

Isa is closer to O2


Ok, thank for clarification. I still don’t “feel” reading frequency response charts in how it sounds in the end

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This could be true BUT to me when we talk about timbre it should be about how something sounds compared to in real life without amplification or speakers. Live orchestra, piano, violin, vocals etc… That must be the reference. Not your brain burn in from listening on your phone speaker :laughing:

I judge timbre on my transducers using Telemann’s Nouveaux Paris Quartets because I saw this played live back in October 2021 and the harpsichord can easily sound plasticky (CRN stock) or metallic (ZSN Pro X, DQ6) but sounds correct on Oxygen.


This deserves to fit in this thread :smirk: :joy:


Michael Bruce agrees: MiM Dark Magician *RECOMMENDED* - YouTube. @nymz oh boy, I hope you’re happy with your 1DD :joy:


Im talking to him in pm.

He was my last hope :joy:


I tested a friend’s Isabellae some weeks ago and… Man, I loved that thing!
Sadly is out of my budget.

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I love michael’s set, even tho it’s not my style, it looks amazing :fire:


Everything is sold. I’m now also selling Sony EX800ST in literally mint condition. If someone is interested, PM me and I can give a discount. headfi link

IEM is really good with EQ, but the reason I’m selling is that I don’t have the greatest fit and to fund new (and expensive) journeys :upside_down_face:


Michael Bruce’s ranking table just updated now…


Er yikes…

Unfortunately as I reached out to Ethanmusic7 to show him Michael Bruce’s ranking he’s let me know that it is currently out of stock (there are 2 slightly flawed sets on hand).

He tells me more sets will be available after Chinese New Year and you can preorder through him. (Find him via discord in the Linsoul server, pm him. No guarantees… but I’ve heard some people have some luck but if you name drop me you might get a better price… Again NO GUARANTEES!)

Sorry guys.


Well, kinda sucks that the Dark Magician is not easily available.

What does it matter if it‘s good if I cannot get one if I want to? :sweat_smile:

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Exactly. Try waking up everyday with @Tfaduh sending you pics and impressions…

Im real mad.


@nymz regarding excellent single DDs, you might want to try the Moondrop Kato :v:


Thanks, I might take a look later. Im getting expensive stuff right now so the more budget stuff will be left out for a near future.

Why DM is out of stock??